The Pope’s Decree, The Apostolic Letter proof that the Paradigm has change.

The Pope's Decree

The Pope’s Decree, The Apostolic Letter gives the power back to the people.

The Pope’s Decree is Good News. I am sure you have heard the phrase, “I Am just doing my job“. No longer can the Authorities hide behind this phrase. Since when did,” I Am just doing my job”, allow one to forget their Spiritual and Moral obligation to the whole of humanity?  Since when did, “I Am just going my job”, allow one to harm another?  Since when did, “I Am just going my job”, allow one to Steal personal property, and jail people who haven’t harmed another?

Well not any more!

The Pope’s Decree, the Apostolic Letter is proof the paradigm has change. Pope FRANCISUS Apostolic Letter has taken away their immunity, Where just doing their job no longer has immunity from the law.

Cloned Sheep Dolly

Please forgive me! I did a baaaad thing. I was just doing my job!


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