A Warrior walks the Path Less Traveled

As one who SEEs, the path less traveled is one from within. You have come far on this Doowan’s Path. Much further than the masses. The next step is not one for the faint of heart. The information that lies behind this door requires Unbending Intent to decern and utilize wisely. Thus we have created these steps on Doowans.com in such a way that those who seek, must progress naturally and with intention in order to receive the next step. Much like life, one will have to work for that which is valuable. We simply do this to see who is at the door knocking. 

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for taking these steps. At this point, the Chiefs have received your Warrior’s Act (question submissions) and are in the process of reviewing. Look out for a smoke signal (email) to follow once your Appointment with Power is confirmed. 

We will be with you soon.