A Visitors Perspective outside the human consciousness perspective.
This contact happened in the middle of the night around 3:33 Am. Don’t shoot the messenger as I only typed what it said to me. This is A Visitors Perspective, the truth is, I have to agree. Alas, I can not take credit for this writing. BTW they prefer to be called Visitors. We are not alone!
A Visitors Perspective
We are confused by the arrogance of the human species. We are here shaking our heads and wondering why humanity considers itself special, over and above another species in creation. So much of what humans do, to each other and their world, has the rest of creation shaking their heads in disbelief as well.
Are you more Special?
Cosmic fact, because one human is born here and the other is born there doesn’t make one or the other more special. Because one human is born with white skin doesn’t make them more special than one human born with dark skin. Humanity needs to understand that the bodies they use are just vessels for the human consciousness. The pigmentation of their skin has nothing to do with the consciousness contained within. The body is simply a vessel to experience human four-dimensional, (length, width, depth/height and time), consciousness. We offer you this example. If one would go into your desert, any desert, and pick up one grain of sand from all the other grains of sand. Is that one grain of sand more special than all the others in that vast desert? Or is one drop of sea water more special than all the other drops of water in the sea?
A Visitors Perspective on Religion
The point of view that one’s religion is the only true religion is very dogmatic and narrow-minded. One religion is not more special than another. When in truth one would do well in studying all religions to find the common thread that holds humanity together, Not apart. Religion was shared with humanity to bring into their awareness the concept of creation. The fact that this universe is created. Is proof of the creator. As to who, what, and why, even we have mysteries we have still to discover. However we can offer you this. The creator does not exist in the form of matter.
A Visitors Perspective on Science
And the idea that your science has that this reality is all there is. Is just plain wrong in the sense of only five senses. Humanity must realize that it is of spirit/consciousness and not its flesh and blood vessel. Your Science states it has weighed the human soul, and found it to weigh 21 grams which many still believe today. We ask you this, does light have weight? From your tiny speck in the universe, how can humanity be so certain that their science gives them the full perspective of all that exists.
On-top of all this your weather has gone awry. Yet your science still has no explanations and most of the events aren’t even reported to the average man. Or does he even seem to be concerned.
Why is it that one explanation of reality has more credibility over another when in fact your science can prove nothing of its beliefs. Why is it that Darwinism gets guaranteed preference in the school systems and others theories of the creation of consciousness gets ridiculed and or suppressed? Earth is a school and all theories should be given equal consideration. When one takes into consideration that science has offered zero proof of any of its theories. This fact, should be taken into consideration when one is attempting to define reality.
Remember this, a theory is just a theory until it’s proven. Believing in a theory doesn’t make it fact. It only narrows ones perspective of the bigger picture. We can offer you this. Science can only ask the questions. Consciousness can only answer them. Science has yet to prove Consciousness exists, yet here you are.

Have you read Lizard Medicine?
A Visitors Perspective on War
In your personal experience. Do you know of anyone sane, who wanted a war? Know of anybody that has an interest in war that is not self serving? Yet humanity has been in a constant state war. War on terror, war on drugs, war on women, war on poverty. Why is that humanity must war? War is a blood sacrifice. The shedding of innocent blood so that others may live in luxury. War is horrific and must be avoided at all cost. The belief that the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few or one, is of course correct. When in reality it is only a few that actually benefit from war. Consider this, when was the last time you personally benefited from war? Who’s behind them? Do you have any idea how many wars have been fought on your planet? How many innocent lives have been lost to satisfy the needs of the few? We can offer you this. If humanity must war. Start a war against war and call that peace.
A Visitors Perspective on Economics
The present Economic system is destined for failure. It was from the start. Consider this, the more successful it is in its own definition. The more it must produce, consume and then through away. This results in the quickening of the destruction of the planet. The present Economic system insist that every year that 20% of humanity consume 80% of what is produced. As that 20% grows in proportion it takes more from the earth, to sell it fast and then produce more. All the while the other 80% gets by on only 20% of what’s produced. We can offer this, Money in your current system has no real value. There is an implied value but there is nothing of value backing your money system. It’s not back by gold or silver which in reality have no value in them selves. But an implied value given to them by past Visitors. They found value in it because it helped save their planet.
Realize this planet is not yours to consume and then through it away. This planet Earth is a living being and will do what it must to save itself. If Humanity wishes to continue its existence here it must start to heal the earth and give back that which it has taken. Humanity must learn to share with its mother earth and each other. He who dies with the most toys doesn’t win. In fact all of Humanity will lose. Stop this madness. Or Mother Earth will cleanse herself of this disease call Economics and Humanity along with it.
We Visitors have come to realize that taking from one for the benefit of another is a dead-end. Taking from this Earth being and giving nothing in return will only lead to your destruction. She can and has provided everything Humanity needs. But she has reached a point at which she can longer continue to give more and more. She is now concerned for her own continuum. Mother Earth being is crying out for help and we are all coming to her aid. We love her more than you know and will do everything in our power to save her. We will not allow humanity to destroy this wonderful being. Humanity must change.
We can offer you this. Learn to share what you create and stop taking from those around you. Humanity has the power to create as well as the power to destroy. It time for humanity to learn the power of creation. Thus, curtailing its destructive nature. As destruction only leads to destruction.
Creation always create. Through compassion for all life will life be sustained. Through the sharing of life gifts will all life become a gift. We offer this example of creation. One plants a seed, than waters that seed and the earth goes to work. A plant is created from that tiny seed. It’s not just the earth that allowed that seed to grow into life. All of creation shares in its existence, ie Sun, Earth, Water, and you. From that plant, as it is cared for, its fruit is created. It brings forth its fruit that in turn carries its seed. This plant is a living being as you are a living being. In our eyes there is no difference.
All life has fruit and all fruit has its seed. In turn that plant shares its fruit with humanity so that humanity may experience reality. Life than becomes a sharing. The plant loves to grow fruit, and all of creation loves to bestow life. Its been said to humanity to be fruitful and multiply. The point here is the fruitful part. If one doesn’t bear fruit one can not create the seed. Without the seed one can not multiply. It appears humanity has missed the point of this teaching as well.
A Visitors Perspective on Conventional Wisdom
Even though the systems humanity has in place and the conventional wisdom you pass on from generation to generation states this is the only way of doing things in this reality. The wisdom says that this is the way of the world, all the while this wisdom is dismantling your planet and killing all life that exists upon it. Ask any of your leaders how to solve this environmental situation and they will tell you, humanity needs more growth to raise the money to spend on environmental clean up. Isn’t this like using gasoline to put out a forest fire? Truth be known your leader haven’t a clue and misery loves company.
It’s Conventional Wisdom to treat animals as commodities. You make them as fat as possible, inject and spray them with all kinds of chemicals. To feed them as little as possible, grow as quick as possible, and then make them as miserable as possible during their service to you. All in the name of humanity. You call this Conventional Wisdom? We call this insanity.
Conventional Wisdom judges success in health care by the number of treated diseased individuals, not by how many people are healthy. Conventional Wisdom should be asking, why are there so many ill individuals?
Conventional Wisdom says that house prices are a sign of economic growth as they climb higher the better for the system. When thousands of families are homeless because they can’t afford a home.
Conventional Wisdom states that the system is successful and working fine when in fact. Every year your system turns out more suicide, alcoholism, drug abuse, pain and suffering, child abuse, and laws than the year before. Just imagine what kind of trouble humanity would be in if your current system wasn’t working?
Un-Conventional Wisdom says it’s not working. We Visitors think humanity must be insane. Is it any wonder we fly high above your world. Only contacting a few. While you wish us to land and save you from yourself.

I just got this New Model, hate to see it shot down
A Visitors Perspective of Humanity
We have to admit these are interesting times to observe. As it appears the average man has no clue that this is happening or why and who’s behind this system. Yes, there are theories that aliens or demons are behind it all. Is that Conventional Wisdom? To blame somebody or something else for the inadequacies of ones own understanding/knowledge of the reality they create by their actions or non-actions. It’s much easier to point at somebody else all the while you have three fingers pointing back at you.
Humanity considers itself so clever and wise, but its lack of wisdom that is the source of the problems you face. Yes, the system is clever but it is not wise. And the proof is being reflected in the reality around you. Your water is poisoned, your air is poisoned, your food sources are poisoned. Your oceans are polluted to the point that the creatures that inhabit them are killing them selves intentionally in an attempt to save a few. We find the actions of the animals and creatures of the oceans to demonstrate more wisdom than that of the average man.
Humanity would be wise to observe and take lessons from their fellow creatures. Not to mention your Native Peoples who for all intent and purposes find this cognitive system to be completely ass backwards. Humanity would do well to consider this piece of Native American Wisdom.
“When you have cut down the last tree, and poisoned the last river. Man will finally know that you can not eat money.”

The Warrior’s Way was given to us by the Visitors. It’s a shame the White man would not listen.
As we stated before and we will state again this is not your world to buy, trade, sell, and consume into oblivion. This world belongs to all of creation.
How can you buy or sell the sky, the freshness of the air, or trade the sparkle of the water? You do not own the land of this world in any way, shape or form. The Earth is a sacred being and You were her honored guests here but we are afraid you have worn out you’re welcome. As her call for help has gone out through the universe and the Great Spirit has heard her cry.
If humanity doesn’t join in creation it will be removed from creation. The choice is yours! Change now and honor your caretaker/host. Treat her with respect nurturer her and her others guests or be kicked out of this inn and become homeless. If the beasts of this earth should go. We will die of a great loneliness of the spirit. For what ever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.
We can offer you this, Remember who you are. Awaken into yourself. We are more like than different as humanity has many star people threads within one consciousness. As it takes a community to raise a child. We are not your God, but we are your parents. You are our creation and our hope for our future. We come to help you remember, time is short. Remember, Remember, Remember.
End of conversation.
I am not sure where you are getting your info, but good topic.
I needs to spend some time learning much more oor understanding more.
Thanks for wonderful info I was looking for this information forr my mission.
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