Feel Good Post 101
We Doowans thought our 101 post should be a feel good post. That’s why we called it Feel Good Post 101. You know what’s strange is this writer has no clue as to what makes people feel good. So here I want to write a feel good post 101 and can’t.
Do I not know what makes people feel good because I don’t feel good? Or could it be, I don’t feel good because I don’t know what makes people feel good? I could change a belief that I feel good, and my reality should reflect that. Right? Well yes it would, but the problem here is that one must believe their new belief. That one feels good. Of course feeling good might help.
Feel Good Post 101 to Feel Good
Hey, why doesn’t somebody ask me why I don’t feel good? Because nobody cares if I feel good they only care if they feel good. Actually their READING THIS RIGHT NOW HOPING TO FEEL GOOD WITH IN THEMSELVES. Irregardless of whether I feel Good or not. So now I feel even worse for not feeling good, so that I could write what makes you feel good with reading this post. I mean you took the time out of your busy schedule to come here to feel good. And I have no way of knowing what might make you feel good. So how can I write something to make you feel good, if I don’t know what makes you feel good? I guess I could guess! So I guess I have to ask some questions about what makes you feel good. That way I will know what to write to make you feel good. Than your coming here to Doowans News & Events to feel good won’t be a big waste of your feel good time. Because we really wanted you to feel good. From reading this feel good post 101. That’s why we wanted to writing this feel good post 101. So that you can feel good. Even though I don’t feel good. But you really don’t care whether I feel good, just so long as you feel good. Right?
Now I’m beginning to wonder why I should care if you feel good. Yes, it’s true you saw the feel good title and may have thought. I should read that feel good post 101 because it might make me feel good. But why should I care if you feel good? I mean, do you care if I feel good, so why should I care if you feel good? Of course, one shouldn’t feel that way. They should want everyone to feel good, shouldn’t they? That’s the feel good way. Where everybody feels good. No matter how bad they feel. Because after all, We all need to feel good. Really if we all felt good than there would be no need for me to write this feel good post 101 to make you feel good. You all ready would feel good and I could write something instead about parallel realities. But that never makes any body feel good. I was going to write something about feel good GMOZ but that’s impossible. That shit won’t make anybody feel good ever.
Feel Good Post 101 Gluttons
So do you feel good? If you answered no. Then I AM going to feel bad because you don’t feel good. Writing this post to make you feel good is really important and as of yet I don’t know what to write about to make you feel good. If you answered yes, Then I’m going to feel good that you feel good. So why did you come here to feel good if you already feel good. Are one of those feel good gluttons, that want’s to grab all the feel good, feel good for themselves? Well if you grab all the feel good for yourself then there won’t be any feel good for the other readers that came here to feel good. Then nobody will feel good except you. Well I hope you feel good about that.
Of course we could all feel good if those feel good gluttons would share some of their feel good goodness. But chances are their going to hang on to all their feel good and even try to get more feel good where ever they can find more feel good. Sometimes, they just take the feel good without even asking if it’s your feel good. Really, all they had to do was ask. Is this your feel good? We could say, well yes it is my feel good and I would be willing to share my feel good with you if you don’t have enough feel good of your own. Or we could say, well, yes this is my feel good and you can’t have any. It’s all my feel good. Because I want to feel really good. Really that would not feel good now would it. We would be just like them. Feel good gluttons. And they just want to keep all their feel good to themselves because deep down inside they really feel bad about all that feeling good.
Really we all just want to feel good but what’s strange is that most of don’t feel good. Which is what I stated at the beginning, I have no clue about what to write to make you feel good. Because this is feel good post 101. I really wanted to make you feel good because that might make me feel good in return. But then again it might not. Because I still don’t know what makes you feel good. So can one feel good about feeling good? It makes more sense then feeling bad about feeling good.
Feel Good Post 101 Kittens
I thought I would write about kittens because kittens makes everybody feel good. Well not me. They make me sneeze and my eyes itch. That doesn’t feel good. But really you don’t care if I feel good remember. That’s why you came here to begin with was to make yourself feel good. Remember you saw feel good post 101 and thought I should read that, It might make me feel good. Well, I will never know if it made you feel good unless you leave a feel good comment. Of course if you want to keep all the feel good for yourself, and not leave a feel good comment. That’s your feel good right. After all the reason you came here was to feel good. I don’t blame you for not wanting to give up that feel good, right after you just found it. Feel good is hard to find now days. It sure was a good thing I wrote this feel good post 101. So you could find some feel good, and feel good. But I still don’t know what to write about.
I think my next post will be about how to feel better about feeling good. That way we could all feel better about our new-found feeling good. You know what’s strange is this writer still has no clue about what makes people feel good. So here I wanted to write a feel good post 101 and can’t.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
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