Somewhere in there is you. Are you SEEing the picture? E=MC2
Another meaning for the variables in Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E equals MC squared
We have all seen this equation. It’s nothing new. After this experience, I have come to another understanding of this famous formula, I hope you will to. This understanding was taught to me by some friends that came to visit me in my quest for truth.
Years ago, I was seeking truth, studying the bible along with other forms of religion. I could only find little bits and pieces of what I considered truth. Going through hard times, I was trying to makes sense of my life, why things happen the way they happen.
I share this because it sets the premise for this discovery. I had just started my first business as a Polysomnographist, after practicing medicine as a Respiratory Therapist. Polysomnography (PSG), also known as a sleep study, is a multi-parametric test used in the study of sleep as a diagnostic tool in sleep medicine. Anyway, my business partner at the time was using me, and my wife was attracted to another.. Times were very confusing, tough to deal with. I was seeking answers were ever I could find them.
During times of stress, I would do chores around our first house. One night I was washing, and waxing the kitchen floor in a meditation. preying to know the truth about life and god, when I heard two knocks at the back door.
I stopped and tried to figure out who would be knocking at my backdoor because my yard was fenced, my gates were locked.
I open the blinds nobody was there. My dog (Nick) was still asleep in his house right next to the sliding glass door over looking the backyard. I Looked around and went back to my meditation in waxing the kitchen floor.
Two knocks at the backdoor caught my attention again, this time I walked outside. (Nick) was asleep until I opened the door. I looked around in the yard with Nick at my side. Down both sides of the house all around the back yard looking for someone or something that was knocking at the door. This felt real to me.
The air was very still, the night exceptionally quiet. We went back inside, Nick laid left in the family room just off the kitchen. I went right to mopping the floor. Two knocks came again, this time they were much louder.
Nick did not respond as he would normally when someone knocked. Instead of going to the door, I spoke out loud who is it? Two more knocks, again replied, I said, who is it? Two more knocks, I almost said come in.
Something inside stopped me. Sow I went to the door and open it, again nobody was there. Closed the door turned around and that’s when something I will never forget happened.
A voice, (not mine) as clear as the one you are hearing in your head while you read this, said.
“We have come to answer your prayers”. We hear you.
I asked, who are you?
“Friends”, the voice replied.
Where are you? I asked.
They said, “Close very Close”.
What do you what? I asked.
They responded, “You wanted to know the truth, we are here to teach. You will need a couple of books you have, and we can get started. You have a Dictionary and Encyclopedia”.
I thought, I had finally cracked, the stress has made me nuts. I quit talking out loud and thought, I have a Websters Dictionary, I don’t have any Encyclopedias.
They responded with, “Yes you do! , it has an orange cover, it’s in your garage. Take notes, use the American Standard Dictionary it’s non-biased. We will start in the morning”.
The floor was done, it was late morning, so I decided to go to bed thinking to my self this voice won’t be there when I wake up. This is really weird.
I woke up the next day, with thought, what a strange night, the kitchen floor looks good!
You’ve finally cracked, I thought, you need to get some help. I went to the garage… Started digging thru some boxes stored,….. I’ll be damned, there is an old encyclopedia with an orange cover, I forgot I had from when I was a kid.
The American Standard Dictionary was given months earlier by an uncle from back east, arrived in the mail just out of the blue.
I know why he had sent this. I gather the books went to an office made for the Sleep business at the back of my house. Sat down stared out the window at an Oak tree that was standing in the backyard. Wondering what was I not doing, did this really happen last night?
I had studies to score, doctors to see… patients to heal.
That’s when I heard, “READY?”
Conversations with these friends lasted for seven months. They demonstrated they were real and showed me things I never knew. This proved to me that it wasn’t my subconscious, or was it?
Then one day they showed themselves, waved goodbye. On occasion I hear their two knocks, knowing they are Close…, very Close. NOW to the formula E=mc2, the theory of Relativity.
In my questions about god and creation, my friends stated… “On Earth as it is in Heaven”. In the creation of A universe it takes two beings, (Gods), to bring it into the existence. One Male, One Female, the same way it takes a man and woman to create life here on earth.
Yep, as above, sow be-low.
They are divorced fighting over their child of creation. You SEE, one + one equals three. They had a son, he loves them both very much, he is kinda caught in the middle of a nasty divorce. He is called by many names, did something that no other has ever done.
Changed time, (BC 2 AD); They named him Emmanuel, the (E) in the equation. The Equal sign becomes A verb meaning equals. The small (m) is a statement, as is the (c). The 2 in the equation means squared.
Did you know there are six expressions of (2) in the English language?
The meaning for the variables I SEE, Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, e equals mc squared has to do with Relatives. You know, family.
There’s what they told me Einstein was expressing, I believe. E=mc2 Emmanuel equals my child too. (E=mc2)
Even in this context it’s a very powerful theory. One that opens eyes to a bigger picture.
Some simple truths:
“On Earth as it is in Heaven”
“Ask and it shall be given onto you”
“Seek and ye shall find”
“Knock and it shall be opened onto you”
Leave it to mankind to make a weapon of mass destruction, out of something so beautiful. Will we ever grow up?
You know, it matter not to me whether you except this expression, or believe this story. What happened changed me.
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