Questions only you can answer, However they must be asked first.
Questions I ask Myself, sow I may better “Know Thy Self”.
Will Silver (Truth) tarnish in the presents of gold?
Are there many planes of existence?
Does good or evil really matter?
Is cause always/only expressed in materialism?
Are actions always expressions in the ALL?
Is heart the spirit mind?
If I AM ALL, what else there?
Why in the ALL must we consume in the ALL?
People realize so little of their mental life, even as asked in the body of these Questions, when they are presented with a picture of mental life out of the body, they lose all sense of reality, feeling as though they had passed into a world of a dream.
We live in the midst of illusions, but we have the feeling of reality, and this yields to us content?
The mental plane, as its name implies, is that which belongs to consciousness working as thought, not of the mind as it works through the brain, but as it works in its own world, unencumbered with physical spirit-matter.
This world is the world of the real man. The word “man” comes from, the Sanskrit root “man” this is the root of the Sanskrit verb “to think,” so that man,…means thinker. Man is named by his most characteristic attribute, intelligence. When man Questions, he begins to think.
Does man create his own Universe?
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