The Enemy Within the mind of Man
We have an enemy within ourselves. What I Am about to tell you is bizarre to say the least. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. However, this may just explain the reasons mankind is cursed with its behavior of greed, hate and fear. One may think this is fantasy and that’s fine. One may think the writer crazy and that’s fine too. However, if one can open their minds enough to listen to this. Then maybe just maybe we will all understand our dilemma, allowing us to free ourselves from The Enemy Within. Thus, allowing us to live the life we were destined to live.
We have wondered for a long time about whether there is intelligent life in our Universe besides ourselves. If not, it seems like a big waste of space to say the least… For the sake of this writing let’s just say there is intelligent life out there. If one does not believe in universal life than there is no need to continue. This will be a fairy tale and a waste of your time. Having an open mind is the key to new experiences the like of which, goes beyond words. It can not be classified but it can be experienced. So listen closely to what I am about to tell you. You may have had this experienced already.
We as human beings have two bodies. The physical body and the energy body are the only counterbalanced energy configurations in our realm as human beings. Thus creating a dualism. It’s the only dualism we really encounter as humans. Some have called it the “double or the other” This dualism between the body and mind, spirit and flesh is considered by some to be a concatenation of the mind, a belief or consciousness, emanating from it. Lighting the way without ever having any energy foundation.
By means of a discipline it is possible to bring this energy body closer to use. Usually the distance is enormous between the two. Once the energy body is within a certain range. This varies for each individual, through this discipline, anyone can forge an exact replica their physical body. Their three-dimensional, solid being. By the same token through the same process one can forge their three-dimensional body into a replica of their energy body. This entails an ethereal change of energy invisible to the human eye, as all is energy. This however requires that one proceeded from a different cognitive system which this writer as been discussing energy in previous blogs. Mankinds Four Natural Enemies, and the Three Attentions of Human Kind.
The Enemy Within
There are scores of outside forces controlling us at this very moment. The control that I am referring to is something outside the domain of language. It is in your control and at the same time it is not. It can however be manipulated, to our total advantage. Not your physical bodies, but the energy body. The reason for doing this will be explained, If the reader is still reading this. The energy body is you, as is your physical body, but like the proverbial dog we could go on casing our own tail trying to describe this, so let’s move on. Keep in mind all these experiences are beyond syntax and require one to experience. Hence, my difficulty in writing this article. So please bear with me.
Sitting in the darkness one can pay close attention to the darkness to catch a glimpse of what is trying to be explained here. Sometimes being outside makes this much easier and more frightening at the same time. But if one can control their fear. This will prove to be a real eye opener. As one will get a glimpse of the enemy within as it approaches. As ones attention focuses on the darkness one takes notice through the corner of their eyes fleeting shadows moving all around them. If not don’t give up. Stay calm and focused, use some foliage as a backdrop if available without focusing their eyes. Looking through the corners of your eyes.
Look for some fleeting black shadows projected on the foliage. They look like a flat black fish but may appear differently. They are enormous, shadows flying back and forth in the air. As a matter of fact one may see them all over the place. Fleeting black shadows we have all seen in the corners of our eyes from time to time. Than looked. Nothing was there. Ah, the universe at large. Incommensurable, nonlinear, outside the realm of syntax. Maybe just a fairy tale. Or maybe its something transcendental. Yes, our companions for life. We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Energy that flows through the universe. We human beings are it’s prisoners. The predators are our lords and masters. It has render us docile, and helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so. There must be a logical explanation! It’s very simple. We are their food. Just like we raise chicken and cattle as our food. Making it convenient and always available for us. They have done the same.
I understand that you may think this is preposterous and that I have lost my mind, and in fact you maybe right. So since your so smart, please explain to me why there is so much greed, so much hate, and fear in this world. This goes against everything we have been taught. I want to appeal to your analytical mind for one moment. You haven’t heard all the claims as yet.
Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of our systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of our contradictory behaviors. Man’s inhumanity to man. Is that just the way humanity is, or could we be influenced by some outside force. We were taught to love over two thousand years ago and very few live by this teaching. Even some individuals that call themselves Christians oppose other beliefs. That’s not what Christ taught. Yet the killing and the strife continues. We are heading into World War III over what? Energy, control, wealth, A better way of life. This is just stupid. To kill Humanity to improve humanity. And you thought I was crazy. Yet the people will follow their leaders to the death and never think a contrary thought. Believing their cause is just over anothes.
The Enemy Within, What ever happened to live and let live?
Could it be that the predators have given us their system of beliefs? Our ideas of good and evil, or social morals, our hopes and expectations even our dreams of success or failure.
Have they given us our covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators after all who makes us complacent, routinely, and egomaniacal. Believe me, I know this sounds crazy. I didn’t believe it myself when I first realized that they were here. Seeing is believing and most of us have seen but never realized what was happening.
But when one finally sees the world and the condition it’s in. Then sees the predators, one must consider the possibilities. Then decide for themselves. Whether this is mans doing or the cause of some dark force that has taken control of this planet. Yes, one can blame it on demons the devil the N.W.O. or our governments, what ever. But the facts remain we humans act inhumanly towards other humans for no apparent reason. Yet we go on with our lives as if nothing is wrong. When in fact there is so much wrong with our actions. That words don’t suffice.
The Enemy Within, The Stupendous Maneuver
Before we go any further, I would like to give these entities a name. I call them the “fliers or mud shadows” has been used. One may call them anything thing they like. So long as one does not call them human. One maybe wondering at this time, how they managed to do all of this to us, without us even knowing? Do they whisper in ours ears? Well there is the image of the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other whispering in our ears.
But in reality they are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient, meek and weak, the fliers engage themselves in a stupendous maneuver. Stupendous from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it.
The Enemy Within has given us their mind. Which becomes our mind. As fantastic or absurd as this may sound, Please give me a moment to explain. The fliers mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, and filled with the fear of being discovered at any moment. People suffer food anxieties even though they have never suffered hunger. This is none other, than the anxiety of the fliers who fear that at any moment now, it’s maneuver is going to be uncovered and their food is going to be denied. Through our mind, which is really their mind the fliers inject into our lives whatever is convenient for them. This way they ensure a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear. Their fear of losing their food source?
Try at this moment to stop talking to yourself. It’s your internal dialogue, I am referring to. Are you in control? It continues day and night. Could this be the fliers mind talking to you and all the time you thought it was yours? Go ahead stop this internal dialogue if you can. Simply stop thinking. This should be easy… if you are in control of your own mind right?
I know, they don’t give up so easily. However with discipline, training, and awareness this can be accomplished.
The Enemy Within, What do the fliers eat?
As stated above, we are an energy body. A luminous ball of energy covered from top to bottom with a glowing coat of awareness. It looks like a shiny reflective cover, fitted ever so tightly over our luminous cocoon of energy we call ourselves. This glowing coat of awareness energy is what the fliers consume. They are Gluttons! By the time an infant reaches adulthood their glowing coat which reaches to the top of the head, down to their teenie weenie toes. For us now, is all but a narrow fringe that permits mankind to continue to exist, but only barely. Under their control. Mankind is the only species that has this glowing coat of awareness outside of their luminous cocoon. Thus, making us easy prey for the fliers. As they are a heavy shadowed awareness of a different order.
This narrow fringe is the epicenter of our self-reflection. Our Mirror! This luminous coat allowed early man the means of a deeper self-reflection. With the coat to create their reflective world and do the wonders they did! The Fliers, by playing on our self-reflection which is the only awareness left to us. They create flares of energy which they consume in a ruthless, predatory fashion. Truth is they are gluttons. They give us insane problems that forces these emotional flares to rise. Then consume these flares in order to be fed. And then, taunt us again to be fed yet again.
The Enemy Within, Is there anything we can do about this?
Well to be truthful, Yes and No. Can we stop them? No, we can barely see them. Most of us until now didn’t even know they were here. We consider this to be mans inhumanity to man. All this time it is was them. Using us as food.
Now that we know better what can we do? Well we can stand on a street corner and tell everyone that walks by. We all know where that will lead. In fact, I am doing that very thing right now! We all know the truth otherwise? Truth is, this time was chosen for disclosure.
Not by me but in the service to others group from which I come and serve. The time is now to see and become aware of what’s really happening to mankind. Understanding is what makes us more human. Asking humanity to discipline themselves is even more difficult. Which may lead to physical force being use against us.
In the depth of every human being, there is an ancestral, visceral knowledge about the fliers existence. Should one take this seriously?
Before you decide! About The Enemy Within
Let me ask, Is your mind, your own? What ever doubts plague you at this dangerous point, do something pragmatic about it. Turn off the lights and pierce the darkness. Find out what one can see. It may surprise you what’s there in the darkness.
Defeating The Enemy Within
In years past man must have been a complete being at some point, with stupendous insights, and feats of awareness that are of mythological legends. Than everything seems to disappear and the humans we are now is sedated. What I am saying is that we are not facing a simple predator. It is very smart and well-organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that we were destined to be is no longer magical. We have become an average piece of meat. Our dreams are that of an animal who is being raised to be food for something else. Humanity has become trite, conventional, imbecilic without an original thought of its own. But the thoughts of its predator.
Man’s only Alternative against The Enemy Within
The only alternative for humankind is discipline. Discipline is the only deterrent for this inorganic being. By discipline I don’t mean getting up at the same time every day, or following strict routines. The discipline I am referring to is the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. It’s the art of facing infinity without flinching. In other words being in control of our emotional state. Fear is probably the biggest emotion that one needs to control. That which in reality is out of control.
Why is discipline a deterrent against, The Enemy Within?
Discipline makes the glowing coat of awareness unpalatable to the fliers. The result is they become bewildered. An inedible glowing coat of awareness is not part of their cognitive system. After being bewildered they don’t have any recourse but to refrain from continuing their predatory actions. This allows the glowing coat of awareness to start growing from our feet on up. Once it reaches beyond the level of our toes it continues to grow back to its natural size. Allowing one tremendous maneuvers of perception. And feats of old. We begin to return to our true nature.
This new discipline becomes a burden on the flier’s mind. This discipline is inner silence. Stopping the internal dialogue. Once achieved the fliers foreign installation will flee giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin. They do come back, I assure you, but not as strong. With the continued practice of inner silence. The process begins in which their fleeing becomes routine, until one day they flee permanently. Discipline taxes the fliers mind to no end. They tire very quickly and then flee. Once one grabs on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If one maintains this pressure long enough, the fliers mind flees in defeat. We are free.
That’s the day that you will be left to your own devices. This may turn out to be a sad day indeed. As one will no longer have a foreign mind dictating to them, what to do, and when, and how to do it. This maybe the worst day one ever faces as we are the some of our experiences. After a life time of domination. We have been rendered shy, insecure, and shifty. One may not know how to act or how to feel as they realize that they have been controlled all their life by another creatures mind. What will one do with their own mind now?
In closing the writer would like one to consider this. Is this a fairy tale, make-believe, or some story that was made up in the mind of this writer? If that’s what one believes. Are those your thoughts, or the thoughts of a foreign installation protecting its food source. One may never know if one can not turn off their thoughts. Those of us that can. Well, we know the truth about The Enemy Within.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
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