Growing Up in, The Great Deception.
Before we even go into The Great Deception. I wish to make this crystal clear that this is my questioning. This is my introspection. If this helps one to relate to their own introspection reflection that’s fine. I Am writing it down so that it becomes crystal clear to myself. I have implied here that another should question everything at this moment.
The Great Deception
I live in a Great Deception. It’s called the illusion, the matrix, my reality. The use of deceit is being used to keep me from my knowing. Knowing what? I would like to say the truth, but I Am convinced that nobody on this earth, knows the truth. We have all been deceived. Even the deceivers have been deceived. The Great Deception is just that, Deception. Deception is the act of misleading another through intentionally false statements or fraudulent actions.
If I take a look at my first years of life. I get an idea of the extent of this Great Deception I am facing. From the beginning of life, I have been told misleading information whether intentionally or not. Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Free will, and I can be anything I want to be, are the start of my Great Deception.
From the day I was born I have been deceived. One might say this is all harmless fun, and now that I AM grown I should know better. The fact remains that this was/is deception. Little white lies to keep one from knowing their reality. Believing in and living in some make-believe reality. So we grow up and learn a description of the world that is The Great Deception. As I grow and learn, I come to find out the first description I grew up with was not reality at all. I AM but a drop in a sea of consciousness. Barely aware of myself.
The Great Deception Cause and EffectsWhen I discovered these deceptions. It crushed everything, I thought I was. My first belief in my first description wasn’t real. From that moment I started to question everything I have been told and at that moment I became trapped by the illusion of truth, without any hope of ever discovering my truth. If there is such a thing. I ask this question now. Is there a truth?
I was told there is truth. All one has to do is seek the truth, and one will find it. Why is the truth hidden? Why aren’t we taught the truth from birth? Who’s truth is it? Has one ever attempt to discover it? Yes, of course. I have! In my attempt to discover the truth I turned to religion. I was told that in seeking GOD, I will find the truth. Religion is were GOD is. I forget how fast I was deceived before. I found myself in more deception, more white lies to make me feel better about not knowing the truth. In questioning this description. I was told to have faith. What is faith?
Definition of FAITH
1 a: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty
b: fidelity to one’s promises (2): sincerity of intentions
2 a: belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2): belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b: firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2): complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs.
— on faith
: without question <took everything he said on faith>
I had faith, Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, and Tooth Fairy were real. Now I see the faith I had wasn’t real faith at all. I was believing in a lie. Grow-up they said, those things aren’t real. GOD in religion is real. I have to have faith that faith is the key for finding GOD. And through this faith I will find the truth. It’s one duty to have faith. To have loyalty, a belief , a trust in something for which there is no proof. Complete trust. I remember the last time I did this and what happened to Santa Claus?
Now I’m told to believe in another fairy tale. Oh, but this one is real because the bible is GODS word. How can faith in something, anything, be trusted in The Great Deception?
The belief that I need somebody else to save me, isn’t that just another of The Great Deceptions? It made me dependent on somebody else. Somebody I have never met in person. Oh, there are stories and pictures of this person but I was never able to go up and shaken their hand or given them a big hug or kiss? All one needs is faith to do that.
Finding Faith in The Great Deception
Being Saved, is the Great Deception. Some religions believe their lord and master is going to come and save them in the last-minute. Oh, Really? Remember The Easter Bunny? Now why would someone or something do that. Oh, because this something or someone loves me. Then why let somebody suffer right up to the last-minute in their faith and then jump in and save them. To what purpose would that serve. The testing of faith? I have discover from past experience that faith lies. Faith can not be trusted. Just from the definition of faith. It’s Blind Faith. If faith is blind than I have just lost a sense of myself in faith. Faith has again taken something from me which I had before. Before I this faith. I could at the very least look at something and see it. Now I can’t see anything in faith.
I must have faith to be saved. Or so I AM told. While I Am waiting on my lord to tell me what to do and come down and save me. I ask myself. What am I doing to save myself? The Great Deception. Of course if I could save myself why would I wait until the last-minute to do so? Then again why wait for somebody else? It seems to me that as soon,… meaning the minute I could save myself I would. Why hang around in such a god forsaken place as this Great Deception to find the truth. Hoping for somebody else to show up and save me. When I have the power to save myself.
So if it is possible to save oneself, why aren’t more people doing it? Being saved that is! Being Saved is the Great Deception, that’s right, I’m waiting for somebody else to do it for me. I Am just either to lazy to weak, or to ignorant to do it for myself. Maybe, I don’t know how. I wanted and needed somebody else to do for me, what I failed to do for myself. Truth is I might be waiting for a long time. That person may never come.
Really the point here is not whether GOD exists. The point here is, what am I doing to save myself from this Great Deception? If it’s nothing. Then I deserve my fate. I’ll sit in my easy chair and take it as it comes. Hopefully my faith in my GOD will save me in time, at the last moment, because I deserve to be saved. After all I had faith in him because I was told too. Because it’s just to hard to do the right thing and attempt to save myself. It could be that I don’t need saving. I Am saved already.
This Doowan now sees things a little different from sitting in my easy chair and waiting to be saved. By God, by Jesus, By Alla, by Aliens, By our government, by anybody else, for that matter, but myself. I have to take action. I have to make the decision, I have to do something. To solve the Great Deception I AM faced with. What? Let somebody else decide for me whether I live or die. Where’s the I Am in letting someone else decide my fate. But again that’s just my experience in this introspection.
Expecting/believing having faith that some other being will come to save me when I can’t save myself is a belief that really needs changing or at the very least proving that this being I am to have faith in exist. So I tempt GOD to find GOD. I jump into the river of faith and I experience. The torrents of currents pushing me down the river. Mashing me up against rocks and pulling me under to drowned. OMG won’t somebody save me?
Understood when one is being flushed down a raging river after jumping in, that jumping in was not the wisest thing to do. Now a helping hand would be nice. There’s still no guaranty that somebody will stick out their hand to help me. So I had better make an attempt to swim towards the shore. There aren’t going to be many people out in the middle of the river willing to lend me a hand. We are all suffering the same fate. I realize I need to help myself and swim towards shore. That way somebody on shore can extend their hand and reach for me. Simply because I made the attempt to get closer to shore where help would be positioned. Which in turn may just save my life. I might be able to make it to shore and pull myself out of this river called faith. There are people willing and able to help pull me out of this raging river. But I Am going to have to swim closer to shore before that happens. Will they be my GOD or a kind Samaritan that just happened to fishing near by?
The Great Deception of the river of faith.This leads me back to faith and the Great Deception. Do I have faith in somebody else or faith in myself. If having faith in myself is a deception because I have not power to control my destiny. And having faith in somebody else is true faith. Prove it. Show me the somebody else that’s going to save me. I don’t what to be told about this person or read about this person. I want to talk with this person feel this person. See this person. Grow in love with this person. This way faith is not necessary thus, it won’t blind me. I’ll know this person. In this Great Deception I was born into. I will test this person, as I have been lie to in the past. Is that too much to ask? Is that too much to expect? Is this experience, not an experience, that can be experienced. Because one needs faith.
If I choose to have faith in myself. Do I need to have faith in myself to discover myself? Won’t faith just blind me to who I really am? Shouldn’t I know myself? Shouldn’t I believe that I will do the right thing for myself? The experience of myself is something that is very real at least for me in this moment. What else do I know but myself. If GOD is anywhere, it must be within myself. For in this moment everything outside of myself is of the Great Deception. In getting to know myself, will I not find God? For how can my GOD live in The Great Deception? Hence, My GOD has me to separate us from the Great Deception outside. My GOD and I become one. Separate from the Great Deception called the illusion, the Matrix, Reality outside. Finding GODS Kingdom within.
In this moment for me. I come to a point at which I must make a decision. To believe in somebody else in the Great Deception or to believe in myself in the Great Deception.
So I start swimming closer to shore and see Doowans News&Events they have their hand extended. Coming just a little closer, a little closer, a little closer, We Connect!
I hear, hold tight and don’t let go! Let’s get you out of this mess and dry you off! Your all wet. Hungry? We can cook up some fish.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
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