The Language of the Source of Creation
What to learn a new language? Yes/No/Maybe
The language of the source of creation can be taught to anyone that’s willing to learn. If the reader wishes to create and manifest anything in their life, they must learn the language of the source of creation. Just image if you will. That you are in a foreign country, on a new planet, or in a new parallel reality. If one wishes to communicate with the inhabitants, of which ever one you imaged. One must learn the language. When one chooses to create. The language of the source of creation is a must know, to communicate the desired manifestation to creation itself.
Letting go of the Old Language of the Source of Creation
Sometimes learning a new language can be tough. However, if one wishes to truly learn there is nothing in the language of the source of creation stopping you. But ones self or the old language. The problem lays with being so full of ones self that there is no room for anything else. Let me explain my meaning of, being full of ones self because some of us all ready have a picture in our mind of this expression.
Hence, the problem. Consider this, the human being has a physical body. Well not really but that’s another earlier writing. (A Doowans Point of View) Let’s use a new word from the language of the source of creation to describe what are physical body truly is. A vessel. Well that’s two words. Vessel Take a close look at the first letter of the word. Doesn’t it look like a vessel? V When that vessel is full. It’s impossible to put anything else inside. That’s being full of ones self. OK! Let’s look at a word in the English language to describe our corporeality. Body How can one possibly put anything into this letter? B Oh, I have an idea b Well that works but the opening is kind of small and the chamber is too. Still the premise is the same once full nothing more can be added.
The writers point is that one must use, pour out, empty their vessel of the old thoughts, ideas, beliefs, concepts that have poured into us from our conception. From the moment of creation of the reader, and writer for that matter, stuff is continually added to create what we are at this moment. We started as an egg than along came a sperm and added it’s self in the form of DNA to the egg, and we have been full of ourselves ever since. LOL That was a good one! Anyway, the writer believes, the reader is getting the point.
If not, Let’s pretend we are a Vessel and that Vessel is full to the very top. But we want to add the language of the source of creation to our Vessel. So we pour the language on top and what happens? We get a little mixing but most of the language of the source of creation pours over the sides and on to the floor. Well that’s no help! And what a mess! The best way to get a full helping of the language of the source of creation is to empty the Vessel first. The reader can choose to drink what’s in the vessel, pour out the Vessel into some other Vessel, provide that one isn’t full of its self, or set the Vessel out in the sun and let the contents evaporate. How ever one chooses to empty them self is a person choice. The Idea here is to get empty so ones Vessel can be filled with the language of the source of creation. What’s in our Vessel?
Good question, Thank You! Well if we’re just a body, it’s blood, guts and brains, and we don’t want that pouring out now do we? No way! If we are a Vessel. Well that would be old Concepts, old Beliefs, old Theories, old Emotions, old Knowledge, old Understanding, old Commitments, old Ideas anything old that doesn’t serve the individual any more. How?
That’s another good question. Example: Something that’s really old and very tiresome. …FEAR… This is a really old, all the above, that serves no purpose to a Vessel in any way, shape or form, any more. Agreed in the past it was good to be AFRAID of a Dinosaur maybe, and that’s how far back it goes. Afraid of DEATH. If you’re a body. Bye Bye!
Being Filled with the New Language of the Source of Creation
You’re a Vessel. Vessels don’t die. They may become cracked and may leak a little, and even if they are broken into piece they are still a Vessel. Look how many old vessel are in our museums that were found and put back together a again, and now can hold the language of the source of creation. Anyway, you get the new idea and the new word. Instead of body from now use Vessel. My vessel is? Pause for a moment examine all the above’s, and anything more one had added as far as old. Empty the Vessel of the old. The writer will pause and do the same, there’s an eternity in a moment!
Have you emptied your Vessel a little? Let’s say that the reader wanted to create abundance. The word abundance must be spoken, written or expressed in some fashion to the source of creation, that is the source of all abundance, creation its self. But first the word must be contained within the Vessel, not on the floor. Making an abundant mess. No help there. The language of the source of creation starts with a refilling of the Vessel with new Thoughts, new Beliefs, new Emotions, new Words, new Language, new all the above, and any more the reader may have added.
Let’s learn a few new words from the language of the source of creation, Ok? Will start with some basic words and after a little practice the reader well be speaking the language of the source of creation. Creating what ever the reader desires to manifest into their life and consciousness. Allowing them to connect with source, express their desire, thus allowing creation the clearly understand of the readers intent.
Beginning Word List of the Language of the Source of Creation:
Center, Expand, Balance, Prepare, Express, Extend, Unlock, Flow, Receive, Relate, Realize, Act, Transform, Connect, Manifest.
These are the words the writer was taught. Since than I have added a few. As my understanding, comprehension, and communication with the language of the source of creation grows and my Vessel become filled with more of the language of the source of creation. I become more of what I truly AM. The reader will too. And you will add more words to your own Vessel as you become filled. That’s a promise from creation itself. What has the reader got to lose?
A concept, a four letter word like FEAR. Really that’s no loss at all. It’s self-limiting, blinding, paralyzing, self absorbing, separating, negative, and absolutely useless in the language of the source of creation. Pour it out on the floor. Empty your Vessel. What can one create with that word? More FEAR Useless. I AM AFRAID of being AFRAID of what I AM AFRAID of. Absolutely Useless.
Speaking the Language of the Source of Creation
Experience instead, The Language of the Source of Creation as I speak it. Read and speak the sentences out loud to get the full impact of the language. The Sounds and vibration of these word work immediately and start the process of creation in/from you.
I AM CENTERED, in the source, I AM BALANCED in the Source, I AM PREPARED to create a more abundant life and consciousness for myself. I AM CONNECTED in the language of the source of creation. I AM TRANSFORMED! I AM EXPRESSING myself in Unconditional LOVE. I AM EXTENDING my LOVE to all. I AM UNLOCKED from my old beliefs and habits of fear. I AM in the FLOW of creation its self creating. I AM RECEIVING all that I need in abundance. I AM RELATING with this language to the Source of all, I AM REALIZING my creation. I AM ACTING upon my beliefs that I AM creation. I AM MANIFESTING those beliefs in creation. I AM TRULY I AM. Now that’s the language of the source of creation! Did you feel it. I know I did!
What to learn a new language now? Yes/No/Maybe
Hey, we’re speaking the same language of the source of creation. Here you go says creation, what ever you need and desire. I AM creation understands I AM you now, and I AM creation can create that for I AM you! Your words are my commands! Enjoy!
The well or fountain if you choose, of the source is full of the language of the source of creation, Drink! Be filled with the language of the source of creation. CREATE!
Please, leave your new Word in the comments, so we may all speak the same language of the source of creation. CREATE!

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
Knowledge is Power
Experience is Wisdom
Take your Power Back
Speaking of Languages. Gardening has Words from the Language of the Source of Creation. EXPAND into a garden and REALIZE your true self. UNLOCK the power of a tiny seed. Creation creates good wholesome NON GMOZ food that the physical body can RELATE to and grow in creation. Gardening helps the read to learn new words to fill their Vessel. Therefore, Allowing the reader to TRANSFORM and MANIFEST a Self Sustainable Life. CONNECT with gardening, and PREPARE to CENTER yourself and RECEIVE all the gifts from creation, creation can EXPRESS. ACT now.
Time to create! CONNECT and learn the Language of the Source of Creation.
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