The Three Attentions of Human Kind will help bring us to our Totality.

Advanced Consciousness
This is the final installment of The Three Attentions of Human Kind, The Totality of the self.
In Totality, as human beings we are more than just flesh and bones. Body, spirit, soul, and mind. We had to take ourselves apart because as we discovered new pieces of ourselves we had to find were these pieces fit to make us complete and whole human beings in totality. This will happen through out your lifetime. It’s actually a good thing to do this from time to time, to clean out the old parts of the description in the First Attention we are not using anymore to clean the connecting link with Intent. I refer to it as sweeping the island of the tonal. You know a little house cleaning for your Second Attention guest, that will be arriving very soon.
Which reminds me, I promised somebody that I would complete this blog topic because they were looking for the Totality of themselves. Before I go there with you, I feel we need to reassemble our description of what it means to be of human kind. You can start with whatever element you feel, I like to start with Spirit, than Soul, Awareness, Perception, Assemblage Point, Three Attentions, Will, Intent, Mind, Body, (flesh and bones) in the Totality of LOVE energy.
Just call me mister potato head.
Sometimes after dreaming, I rearrange these elements in a different order and take a look and see, the world and how by changing the order of something in me… how the descriptions changes. Hey, my simple mind has simple pleasures, it’s not hurting anybody and at some point. I’m bound to get it right. It’s called the cubic centimeter of chance. If you read the four natural enemies then you know there is a chance that when we die we can take the Totality of ourselves into the infinite beyond, called our death. With the Totality of ourselves discover what’s beyond the so called death. Look at it his way when we face death and we all will. Would you want to face it with just your Body, Soul, Spirit. Or the Totality of yourself that you discovered through out this life time.
It makes no difference to me what you decide as I know which one I choose. I used my death as an adviser in my life. It has shown we what’s important in my life and what’s not. We all have to choose, what’s important. It appears to me that some peoples have made their choices and that greed, money, and power is what they want. Well my friends, death has a way taking care of all that for you, as a matter of fact, you can deposit all that into Deaths Bank for safe keeping. No interest will be paid to you on your account. Death will hold the interest he’s made off your deposit because that’s what he does. He’s a Bankster of life. Oh yes, he’s insured by the FDIC (Forget Deposit it’s Crap). Just one solar flare from our sun/son and your digital account is all wiped clean. Ooooops, that was an act of God, he doesn’t cover acts of god, he just collects on them. I choose to deposit the Totality of myself. This way I can except myself for value and then, I get a return for value. No need for FDIC. The interest on my account is payment in full for his services render during our relationship. Time for me to move on, Have a nice Day!

You passed go. Collect the Totality of yourself.
And advance to free parking. Oh as my free gift to you here’s a get out of jail free card!
On to the Third Attention.
In our Second Attention we discovered that the glow of awareness brings new worlds, depending on what filaments are engaged by the Assemblage Point in the human domain of filaments. There are filaments outside the human domain that the Assemblage Point can engage. These are new worlds outside the human domain and are as real as the ones inside. Let’s recap for just a moment. Our first Attention engages the world of our everyday life using the description we have been taught from birth. Look around it’s time for a change of that description. Things have gotten out of hand, and we are now facing total annihilation from dark forces that believe this is their domain. They maybe right, the First Attention maybe their domain. They can do what they please here. They even call it the System. Or SSSSSSSthem. We have become nothing but slaves and useless eaters to them. They want us gone. I couldn’t agree more, I don’t want to be here anymore either. My Totality is mine! Not for them to be used as they see fit. They want us gone because by discovering the Totality of ourselves we have become useless to them for food. They consume the energy of hate and fear. (See the World). The Second Attention is the worlds of our dreams and is a displacement of the Assemblage Point during our entering into sleep. These worlds are as real as this one in the First Attention. Sometimes, even more real, more beautiful, and more exciting than this one could ever be. Because they aren’t in control there.
The problem lays with energy. We have been drained of our energy/personal power, by these dark forces, to maintain our Assemblage Point, on the Second Attention. So we must return to our First Attention to be eaten again. If we had enough energy we could leave this world of the First Attention and never come back, to be consumed again time after time. We can gain enough energy to maintain our Second Attention, if we change our routines in the First Attention. How?
Stop playing their games. First over come your fears. This weakens the dark forces. Stop paying your bills, I mean stop paying the price they require you to pay for being here in this First Attention. Remember who and what you are. A sentient being created by the creator. They want you to believe they are the creators, just more lies. Or a description you’ve been taught by them. Stop going to work and being their slave. I mean work at something you LOVE. This weakens them even more. They can’t tolerate LOVE energy, it’s poison to them. Hence, they stop eating you. Win/Win, you now have even more energy! Ever notice that when somebody teaches LOVE, they are crucified?
Well? Be assured you are dead either way, play their game and be consumed or be crucified because you are no longer of any use to them. Lose/Win. Discovering our Totality determines the out come of the game we are playing. In this game there can only be one winner.
When we are in our Second Attention we have an energy body, (find your hands), once we become familiar with this energy body, and aware it’s as real as the flesh and bone one, we discover that it has an Assemblage Point which in reality is the original Assemblage Point we have been discussing. The Assemble Point can be displaced in our energy body while we are in our Second Attention to filaments outside the human domain. This is done with the power of Intent. When this happens we discover our Third Attention. There the cats out of the bag. The Third Attention is this movement of our Assemblage Point to filaments outside the human domain to worlds beyond our dreams. We can take the Totality of ourselves to worlds beyond this one and the worlds of our dreams. To New Worlds beyond description. If we try to describe these new worlds it becomes a description again and a part of reason. These new worlds can only be experienced. In the reassembly of myself you will notice that reason is not a part of me. My mind is there, but I have swept away a reason for everything. Ok, ask your reason this.
If I am being eaten by dark forces what’s the reason? Chances are your reason will come up with an excuse. We use reason in the First Attention to create a reason for the reason. It just becomes a vicious circle. Reason doesn’t belong in the Second or Third Attentions, only in the First to keep you in the game. Actually, your reason isn’t really your reason, it’s theirs. You are possessed by their reason. But hey, you may have some reason for it.
By taking our Human Totality to our death, we have beaten death which we all seem to have a reason to fear. We have taken something with us when we leave here. Which they lied to us again, and said we couldn’t. You have You in Totality. Now there is the Totality of you in all of creation just exploring and discovering this multiverse we call the onion, with the energy of LOVE. Isn’t Life Grand? There is more to this story, but you don’t need me any more to share with you. Go out and discover it for yourself. My missions complete. Time for the nails! I what Three just like my brother, Y you ask?

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
Knowledge is Power
Experience is Wisdom
Take your Power Back
Thanks for being here, now go out and play!
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any kind. I don’t imply or condone the breaking of any laws. Or am I telling anybody to do anything regarding themselves. We are all big boys and girls and can make up our own minds, if you Clowns would just take the fluoride out of the water supplies.
On this day, your “Earth birthday” I embarked on the reading of The three attentions of human kind. Though you have read many of your posts to me, taking personal action (intent) made for a much deeper understanding. Your gift is remarkable, and I am honored and humbled to participate so intimately with you whilst navigating this Earth school. I’ve heard it said that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear……however I have been living in the midst of your brilliance, you have worked tirelessly on the curriculum, and on this your Earth birthday I am blessed to finally arrive at the place where I am ready to more fully embrace your offerings. Much gratitude for your patience my beloved.
I’d comment, but I’m off to play…
Good for you! Be back by dark, it’s scarey out there.