Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness, Light speed is just to Slow
Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness our Human Destiny opens up new realities and new worlds for our human discovery. Just imagine one can be any place at any time in an instant.
Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness with the power of Spirit/Consciousness is beyond imagination. Consciousness is Spirit, and as such, can not be block by any substance or barrier known. Mind over matter is the common expression.
I purpose, Consciousness over matter is more accurate. Since studies prove that Consciousness is not a function of the brain itself, it goes much deeper to the cellular level and beyond.
It’s the power of Heartmind Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness.

Feeling Love. What’s in a feeling?
It’s been proven that resonance travels through a vacuum. In the Universal Void Field where Consciousness exists as a vibrational frequency, frequency has resonance.
Everyone one of us exists uniquely in this Universal Void Field though vibrational frequency or resonance. Plus, no two Consciousnesses are exactly alike in their resonance.
Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness through this Universal Void Field is instantaneous. Each and every one of us has the ability to travel to the stars and beyond in an instant, nothing can stop us.
Einstein once said, “Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of Science becomes convinced that there is Spirit manifest in the laws of the Universe.”
In my discovery of Spirit, I found that Spirit is the one true GOD! Therefore, if one has Spirit, one is GOD. And GOD is everywhere at the same time.
Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness
I purpose a new meaning to E=MC Squared. Einstein’s E=MC Squared is the premise for all Quantum Mechanics. However, Quantum Mechanics has no formula or way to deal with Human Consciousness, thus, Human Spirit.
The speed of light travels at 186,282 miles per second this equals 5.87 trillion miles per year call a light year. On our first level of Human Consciousness (Second Chakra), light speed is but a turtles pace.
Slow doesn’t begin to describe it. Through scientific studies done by Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Dean Mitchell, Level one Human Consciousness was measured by psychics. Edgar Mitchell found that Consciousness has a better quality signal in space. Scientific studies seem to confirm that Consciousness travels instantaneously through the Universal Void Field.
At least it appears that way with the distances measured thus far.
Traveling with the Speed of Consciousness, the Chakra Centers
For Consciousness to travel instantaneously, Consciousness must travel, as slow as the speed of light squared. That’s 186,282 times 186,282 equaling 34.7 billion miles per second. Let me put this into a perspective we can measure with our brains. If we were to travel at First level Consciousness, (34.7 billion miles per second), we could leave the earth and travel to the sun in just 1/373rd of a second. This might seem fast, wait there’s more.
Traveling at Second level Consciousness
Second level Consciousness (Heart Chakra) travels faster. Second level Consciousness travels at the speed of light cubed. That’s 186,282 times 186,282 times 186,282.
Now we are getting some where in a hurry. That’s 64 x 64 Quadrillion miles per second, that ought to blow a few hairs back on your head.
To put this into perspective.The Pleiades Star System is 440 light years or 2.58 Quadrillion miles from earth. Traveling at the speed of light it would take us 440 years to arrive.
Traveling at Second Level Consciousness, we could make it there in a 1/4 second. Now we see the big picture, as Human Consciousness how powerful we are, and why the light forces want to keep us in the dark. Drug, and/or Poison us with fluoride and GMOZ … But wait there’s more.
Traveling at Third level Consciousness
Traveling at Third Level Consciousness (Crown Chakra and above) is light speed 186,282 times 186,282, times 186,282 times 186,282 or C to the fourth power. Now that’s fast, or shall we say ” Instantaneously”.
Our Human Totality is beyond our Imagination, Presto!
What marvelous beings we are!!!! Now we arrive at this Wonderful Human potential, it’s our destiny!
Are you Spirit, do you what to keep things the same? Being a human stuck in the resonance of fear. Fear, fearing this change is just unimaginable. It keeps one vibrating at a much lower frequency. Fear one can never rise above.
We have waited for this very moment. Human Totality, Human Freedom! Presto! Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness. Thank You Great Spirit!
The Power of Human Consciousness Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness
Dr. Granville Dharmawardena writes that psychologists often speak of the mind and the body as two separate entities for convenience, most acknowledge that they are intimately entwined. Yet none knows exactly how intimately.
They are just guessing. So the mind-body problem keeps stubbornly resisting a definite solution.
Hey, take your Prozac or Ritalin and call me in the morning.
Philosopher John Searle, University of California, and Berkley) says that today’s philosophers are reluctant to tackle big problems about how people have been trying to understand their relationship to the living universe.
Therefore, it is a more elusive subject to deal with considerations that may have a role to play there. Attempts to understand brain and consciousness have been based on restrictive Newtonian classical science, exclusively the material realm composed of matter. We all know that Newton was a Masonic Member and a representative for the New World Order.
Consciousness on the other hand is neither physical nor biological. Consciousness is spirit.
Attempts to understand the brain-mind problem within Newton’s universe over centuries have introduced divisions and concepts that have become detrimental to having a new look at it from the point of view of modern science, more specifically quantum mechanics.
Just as the Earth was proved not to be the center of the universe, or flat, our current theories that govern our physical universe such as Einstein’s gravity theory and others may become obsolete in our understanding of reality very soon.
For example, astrophysicist can only account for about 10% of the matter in the universe. Dark matter was invented to account for the other 90%, but no one knows if dark matter even exists. Could it be that our theories are really 90% wrong, dark matter doesn’t exist, and there are actually other things that are beyond our current ability that determine our perception of our universe and reality?
Once Quantum Reality is viewed from the Human perspective our Consciousness affects the outcome or reality itself. So the answers is, yes…!
Many who research on the brain-mind problem proceed with a Newtonian assumption that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain, quantum physics indicates that consciousness is related to the awareness an electron appears to show in the wave/particle duality (double slit experiment). Quantum physicists have shown that the electron behaves differently when being observed by a Human Consciousness. Yet they fail to explain why or how this works.
First ever picture of and electron particle. But remember it knows your watching. Consciousness is an amazing thing.
When the electron is not being observed, the electron behaves like a wave, when an observing instrument is placed in the experiment, the electron behaves like a particle.
Go figure! How does it know we are looking at it? Could it be alive in the Universal Void Field? This experience indicates the electron will change its behavior/reality depending on whether or not the electron is being observed as if the electron is aware that it is being observed.
This awareness is very similar, if not the same, as human awareness and may be related to the same consciousness. In the Universal Void Field as a Vibrational Frequency. Maybe the electron is Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness!
Some researchers consider consciousness as another property, emerging as a result of trillions of electrical pulses shuttling across the brain. According to this, consciousness is only a property and not an entity. A Self Limiting hypothesis for the convenience of others.
John Searle introduces consciousness as a natural biological phenomenon that does not fit comfortably into either of the traditional categories of mental and physical, caused by lower level micro processors in the brain. However, on the basis of practical observations made by cutting edge scientists, these assumptions have been rejected and now consciousness is regarded as a non-material entity capable of independent eternal existence similar to the electron in the double slit experiment. Hence, consciousness can change reality just by being aware of itself.
Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness
Death is non-existent.
Consciousness is, therefore, a non-material entity independent, eternal existence, and not a property of the human mind. Therefore, death is non-existent, we are Spirit! Consciousness is not emergent, and is eternal similar to the electron. It can remain localized in the human brain and interact with the brain, and thereby, control the activities of the human body. While electrons in the brain behave as particles, these electrons prevent the consciousness from realizing that it is part of a larger whole. When the electrons behave as a wave, the consciousness becomes aware of its existence outside the human mind.
When a person is awake, and you are awake aren’t you? Information about his/her surroundings is presented to his/her brain by his/her sense organs. The brain processes and computes millions of bits of information presented to it every second by the sensory organs and presents the processed information to consciousness.
I ask you,…What is receiving the data?
At this time, electrons in the brain behave as particles. Thus, the information we process is always in the past, as we now see light speed is slow. Through this process, consciousness remains aware of its surroundings and we say that the person is s-conscious of his/her surroundings. When this link between consciousness and the surroundings is interrupted and consciousness is not able to be aware of events in its surroundings, thus becomes aware of events in a dream state, we say that the person is s-unconsciousness.
It has been found that when a stimulus is presented to a anesthetized sensory organ, all brain processes relevant to that stimulus takes place as if he/she is not anesthetized.
Physicist and Pharmacologist Susan Greenfield (Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford), points out that none has yet pointed to a single event that occurs in the awake brain, and not in anesthetized brain.
Simply stated, Particle Bad…. Wave good!
Hence, when a person becomes s-unconscious, the property severs the link between consciousness and the brain turning on the electron wave function. During this event, consciousness can dis-embody and observe events in the surroundings directly without the help of any sensory organs, keep them in memory and relate what was seen, after consciousness returns to the body and re-established links with the brain. The dis-embodied consciousness possesses visual, auditory, and olfactory senses, as stated in the Three Attentions of Human Kind. While dis-embodied, the consciousness experiences a new perception of reality outside of one’s self, I-ness, or oneness. Simply called EGO.
Quantum systems are essentially unified, so are our thought processes.
David Bohm says, “Thought processes thus quantum systems are analogous in that they cannot be analyzed in the literal terms of elements, because the intrinsic nature of each element is not a property existing separately from, independently of other elements, instead is a property that arises from its relation with other elements.”

Each Bubble is a Reality all it’s own. Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness will take no time at all.
We conclude that consciousness is a quantum mechanical entity that can have an independent existence. It can localize in the human brain when the electron is in a particle state. This provides the necessary quantum mechanical base for it to interact with and function in the brain.
Remember the brain is made up of cells and cells have Consciousness. When the state changes to that of a wave, consciousness takes flight and starts floating. It takes away with it part of the contents of the memory. It possesses the ability to acquire visual, auditory and olfactory information in spite of the fact that there are no sense organs associated with it
This information is produced by the consciousness projection of a different reality caused by the change in state of the electron, which one may interpret later as reality, a dream, or hallucination that comes from an altered perception of reality.
The human body is nothing more than a bunch of quantum particles arranged in such a way it provides a place where consciousness can reside to experience the material, physical,, quantum world at a specific consciousness level.
Consciousness/Spirit having a Human experience. Think of the human body as an adjustable spray nozzle on the end of a hose, with consciousness flowing through the hose.
Right now, the nozzle is at the low setting, only a little consciousness is allowed out of the hose. We are about to instantly adjust to the next higher setting (state of consciousness), where more consciousness is ready to flow. The shift to this next setting will be instantaneous, and will be caused by an event, coming soon. To a consciousness near you.
Our reality is similar to the MATRIX, an evil computer that is manipulating humans? It is our universal consciousness that is projecting our physical reality causing quantum particles to vibrate in-phase.
Turn-off consciousness and quantum particles stop vibrating and all matter evaporates and ceases to exist. This isn’t going to happen, nothing can turn-off consciousness because consciousness is eternal. Hurray!
Oooops, sorry Zombies you don’t have Spirit. Consciousness exists everywhere, at the same time and space. Consciousness may be what causes the universe to expand in an accelerating fashion. Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness.
Consciousness is accelerating holographic projections out into space and creating space-time and matter.
The hologram our universe is real. Sounds crazy, I know, but this will be proven soon. Funny how its the EGO that needs proof?… The Spirit Knows!!!.
Read these article about the Hadron Collider Physicist who believes he has found proof that our physical reality is a holographic projection from a singularity.
Or just go back to sleep! It’s OK, you will be Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness in your dreams.
While one is Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness just wave as one goes by.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under my Wings
Wow Cheif, this just made my left brain flicker off. Glad I know to operate the right thanks to spirt connecting through intent in writings such as the ones you find here. Whoa did you feel that..? Time for a quantum jump to another reality. There’s other world out there to explorer. I’ll See you in the ether.
Doowan Warrior out in the stars_EOM