Turtle Wisdom, in a Shell
A Letter to Myself from Turtle Wisdom
Turtle Wisdom
Listen to Turtle Wisdom in a shell. Turtles patient living offers Turtle Wisdom. Turtle is intentionally slow so that she can investigate and see the wonder in everything around her. Turtle Wisdom knows there are the many lesson to learn in the forests and the lakes, in every leaf and rock. Learn these lessons of Turtle Wisdom teachings.
Turtle Wisdom states, in order to give, one must first have something to offer. A tree cannot offer her colors until she has grown her leaves, nourished her growth, and made her own food.
You must find time for yourself in this busy world in order to give something that is uniquely yours to give. Unless you devoted time and energy to your own inner balance, the seventh direction, you will have little to offer others. The seventh direction is inward, your personal color, is nurtured by self. To see the colors of others, to experience the colors of this world , to offer your own color, you must first slow down and come into self.
Turtle is the oldest symbol for Mother Earth. It is the personification of the goddess energy, and eternal Mother from which our lives evolve, thus carries it on her back.
We are born of the womb of earth, and to her soil our bodies must return. Turtle Wisdom is asking, to be mindful of the cycle of give and take, to give back to the Mother as she has given to you.
See with Turtle’s eyes. Do not fall victim to seeing a leaf as just a shape, a rock as merely hard. A tree as only green, or water as simply wet. Turtle Wisdom sees water as wet, and as home. As a pathway, as nourishment , as life itself. Turtle Wisdom sees rock as support for the community, as strength, as earth memory. Turtle knows that rocks are creatures like himself who can slow down and experience life on a deeper level of consciousness.
Turtle has a shell which is similar to the protection that Mother Earth has employed for centuries, as her body has been defiled. Mother Earth protection has come in the form of Earth changes, new plant growth, the creation of new land masses by volcanoes, and climate alterations.
Like Turtle, you have shields that protect you from hurt, envy, jealousy, and the unconsciousness of others. Through its habit patterns, Turtle Wisdom teaches, how to use this protection. If you are bothered by the actions or words of others. It is time to go inside yourself and honor your feelings. If you are attacked, It is time to give a warning snap.
Feel the world like Turtle, stick your head out to participate with life. Turtle does not go forward in life, if her head is not extended. Walk slowly, across the sands, feel it’s warmth, find your direction, than make your own tracks. Spend time inside to understand who you are. Gift yourself the meaning of what is outside you and what is inside you. Be balanced in this exploration. Honor the creative source within you, to be grounded to the earth, and observe your situation with motherly compassion.
Use the water and earth energies, which represents Turtle’s two homes. Flow harmoniously with your situation and to place your feet firmly on the ground in a power stance. In learning to ground, you are placing focus on your thoughts and actions and slowing to a pace that assures completion. Become like Turtle and enjoy a non-hurried journey. Take in the sights and smells of the beauty that surrounds, the beauty within you.
Notice how Turtle wears her lodge on her back. Her home allows her to stay and visit many beautiful places. There is no hurry to get home, so experience each stop along the journey without the rush of the world around you. Do not allow yourself to be plagued by the fast pace.
Turtle Wisdom warns of the danger of “pushing the river” as evidenced by the plodding pace it keeps. Turtle buries its thoughts, like its eggs in the sand and then allows the sun to hatch the little ones. This teaches to develop your ideas before bring them out to the light.
Remember the old fable of the tortoise and the hare. Decide for yourself whether or not you should align with Turtle Wisdom.
Bigger, stronger, and faster are not always the best ways to get to the goal. Because when you arrive, you maybe asked where you have been and you may not be able to remember Turtle Wisdom.
Make your home within your heart. Take the time to connect with the power of earth and the Mother-Goddess within. This is a reminder of the ally you have in Mother Earth. It does not matter what situation you have created. Ask for her assistance and abundance will follow. In this way you will be able to experience the wonder and the beauty of the Journey. Mother Earth is calling you to reconnect.
If you have become flippant and forgotten to place waste in its proper place instead of throwing it out the car window, she is calling. If you felt alone in your time of need, she is calling. If you have been struggling financially, or have little to eat, she is calling. If you desire a child and see no pregnancy in the future, she is calling. Mother Earth is your medicine, use it! You are not alone… ever.
You are a child of Earth. All acts of pleasure, joy, and abundance are given by the Mother of the creative force. Use her energy to aid you, and you will be healed enough to share this energy with others.
Contrary Turtle Wisdom
The idea of Turtle helplessly trying to right itself after it has been flipped upside down can also symbolize contrary Turtle Wisdom. You are not a victim, and are not helpless, no matter how much it may seem like this is the case in your present situation. To right the ill-dignified Turtle, you need only to list the things you are grateful for, and from this grateful place in your heart, look for the abundance of alternatives that Mother Earth provides.
Gift yourself…yourself. It is the best gift you have to offer. You are a remarkable friend to Earth Mother, you are a remarkable friend to me. In you’re giving, you give it all. In you’re honoring, you honor your Self.
The ultimate gift of love. Turtle Wisdom
Sincerely, Yourself
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