What the Heck is this?
Does anybody know what kind of tree or plant this is? We would really like to know. What the heck, is this ? Is it’s a GMOZ ? Those scientist have too much time on their hands and their minds in the gutter. Wow, that DNA and RNA is some pretty amazing stuff. Is it’s an Heirloom? Which of course it certainly could be. Then the original parent plants must be very pleased with themselves. It’s a Boy! I mean how could it not be? Really! I bet it’s a hybrid. What do you feel. I mean Think? Do you think the seeds will grow next year? Where can you find the seed from this plant? Well of course at DoowansGardenSupply.com
She sure looks excited! She’s following her bliss so to speak. She’s going to LOVE this. As we all should. She’s going to be one happy camper, if you know what I mean, and shame on you. We might have to change our rating to triple X. If you know what I mean? Follow your passion and excitement. Gardening is Good! SEE!………… Enjoy!
Is she pointing to the source? Free packet of seeds with every order! Just Kidding!………. You wish!
I might have to reconsider this GMOZ stuff. NAAH !!!!!!
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