There’s no reason for it. Reason that is.
I woke up this morning in A Battle with Reason. We all have A Battle with Reason at some point in our lives. As we rely on our reasons for just about everything we Reason. We Reason this and we Reason that. And for some reason, Reason has answer for everything. Well imagine that? This should be our first clue that something about our Reason, just isn’t right. How could some aspect of our mind have all the answers? Because we are so smart? We are in tune with ourselves? We got an education? We are able to Reason things out. Yea, right. Aren’t you Special?
Want to tag along while I kick some butt? One never knows, it could be a good fight and there might be blood. And one just might figure out what their Reason really is. I’m not promising anything but a fight for less Reason.
To make the reading easier I capitalized R for the concept of our Reason. The little r is just reasons. The italics is the Voice of Reason, You know, just in case you needed a reason for your Reason. Get it?
A Battle with Reason, first punch.
This battle with Reason for me was the much longed for kick in the ass and never knew I needed. To be able to witness the voice of Reason was so helpful within the “talking to myself dialogue”. Heart cracked open and I could feel Light swelling up the voice of Reason for no reason. Thanks and Love to you!
Danielle, Thank you so very much for commenting. You have blessed me. This old man takes a long time to kick ass. I just can lift my legs as high as I use too. I am happy the visual had power for you. I try not to pull any punches. I am happy it touched your heart. I do have band-aids. Don’t hit like a girl. Let it fly and slap than reason into submission. Thanks Again much love to you and yours.