About Thunderbird

Why are you looking Here?.. If you want to know about me... Read my posts. Human beings are not objects, they have no solidity. They are round luminous balls of energy, boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them. In fact, losing self importance and personal history is a Warriors greatest accomplishment. SEE...............

The Microwave Ovens Effect

By |2020-04-11T12:26:57-04:00March 9th, 2013|

The Microwave Ovens Effect Pros and Cons The Microwave Ovens Effect Pros and Cons Microwave Effect We Doowans were wondering about the Microwave Ovens effect Pros and Cons and The Microwave Ovens Effect on human beings and the foods we eat. We gathered so much information on the Microwave Oven Pros and Cons that we could fill a book. There are somethings [...]

Dome Greenhouses

By |2020-04-11T12:26:58-04:00March 8th, 2013|

Dome Greenhouses, Natures Sacred Geometry Dome Greenhouses are just Awesome Dome Greenhouses are nature's perfect structure and offer a unique growing environment. Domes are half spheres. Almost everything in our known universe is in the shape of a sphere. A dome is an element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere. A dome can be thought of as [...]

Comets and Hopi Prophecy

By |2020-04-11T12:26:59-04:00March 7th, 2013|

Comets and Hopi Prophecy Comets and Hopi Phrophecy Comets and Hopi Prophecy Should be a fantastic month for being out among the star at night, as this month the comets are out in full glory. A newly discovered comet is seen in the sky this month. This year 2013 is proving to be the year of the comet as things are flying by like never before. Could these Comets and Hopi Prophecy be telling us something? Grab your hard hat and a pair of binoculars and head out side for the show.

Blind Faith

By |2020-04-11T12:27:00-04:00March 5th, 2013|

Blind Faith in Self Reflection Blind Faith or narrow minded Reason Blind Faith or narrow-minded Reason Have faith or so the saying goes. Isn't this just Blind Faith? What is faith? Wikipedia defines faith as: Faith is confidence, obedience, or trust in a person or thing, or a deity, or in the doctrines, or teachings of a religion. It may also be belief that is not based on proof. In religion, faith often involves accepting claims about the character of a deity, nature, or the universe.

Changing Human Form

By |2020-04-11T12:27:01-04:00March 1st, 2013|

Our Changing Human Form Changing Human Form Changing Human Form Not only are human beings still evolving, but it looks as if life in this space-time may be pressuring us to evolve faster than ever before. The Changing Human Form scenario is but one explanation. Does 2012 have anything to do with this? That would be my guess. At that moment we entered into the Photon Belt.

Aspartame, How Sweet it Is?

By |2020-04-11T12:27:02-04:00February 28th, 2013|

Aspartame, How Sweet it Is? Aspartame How Sweet it Is? Our beloved F.D.A. I can't admit or Deny anything. I can't see anything. What? I can't hear you. Is a follow-up post on Aspartame, Death in a Can.  As the F.D.A. has done it to us again folks. Aspartame is getting a secret face lift from our friends at the F.D.A. Truth [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:27:04-04:00February 26th, 2013|

Using Death as our Adviser in Life. Deaths The Death of a Terrorist In a blog I have followed the writer mention that he was afraid of death. This is no surprise as most are. This encouraged this Doowan to write about death since I Am closer to mine with every moment. Isn't it strange how birthdays remind one of their death as we get older?

Inner Silence

By |2020-04-11T12:27:04-04:00February 25th, 2013|

Inner Silence, Freedom from The Enemy Within Inner Silence Inner Silence Inner Silence is the avenue that leads to the true suspension of judgement. To a moment when sensory data emanating from the universe at large ceases to be interpreted by our senses. A moment when cognition ceases to be the force which, through usage and repetition, decides the nature of our world.

The Enemy Within

By |2020-04-11T12:27:05-04:00February 24th, 2013|

The Enemy Within the mind of Man The Enemy Within Are you afraid for no reason. This could be The Enemy Within The Enemy Within Are you afraid for no reason. This could be The Enemy Within We have an enemy within ourselves. What I Am about to tell you is bizarre to say the least. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. However, this may just explain the reasons mankind is cursed with its behavior of greed, hate and fear. One may think this is fantasy and that's fine. One may think the writer crazy and that's fine too. However, if one can open their minds enough to listen to this. Then maybe just maybe we will all understand our dilemma, allowing us to free ourselves from The Enemy Within. Thus, allowing us to live the life we were destined to live.

Turtle Wisdom

By |2020-04-13T16:36:10-04:00February 21st, 2013|

Turtle Wisdom, in a Shell A Letter to Myself from Turtle Wisdom Turtle Wisdom in a Shell I pray To Self, from your native spirit heart on Turtle Wisdom Turtle ... Great Mother, Feed my Spirit, Cloth my Heart. That I may serve you too... Turtle Wisdom  Oh, Man! I made it. Turtle Wisdom Listen to Turtle Wisdom in a [...]

Good Medicine?

By |2020-04-11T12:27:06-04:00February 20th, 2013|

What is Good Medicine? Good MedicineWhat they can't say Coming from a medical background. What is Good Medicine? I found out very early in my career why they call it a medical practice. Simply because that's what they are doing.  It's true that some have a genuine concern for the well fair and health of other people. But the fact remains, it's still [...]

Pepsi the Next Generation

By |2020-04-11T12:27:07-04:00February 19th, 2013|

Pepsi the Next Generation, means more now, than ever before. Let this Doowan warn the reader about Pepsi the Next Generation, If they are easily grossed out or have a weak stomach one probably shouldn't read this. This is no Joke Article that sometimes I LOVE to write. This is real news. Pepsi the Next Generation makes me sick! This is by far the [...]