Inner Silence, Freedom from The Enemy Within

Inner Silence

Inner Silence

Inner Silence is the avenue that leads to the true suspension of judgement. To a moment when sensory data emanating from the universe at large ceases to be interpreted by our senses. A moment when cognition ceases to be the force which, through usage and repetition, decides the nature of our world. In essences our interpretation or description of this world stops. At that moment we see the world for what it really is. I call it Brain Freeze.

Inner Silence is a peculiar state of awareness, or  state of being in which thoughts are canceled out and one functions from a conscious level other than that of daily awareness. Inner Silence is the suspension of the Internal Dialogue. Our perennial companion of thoughts never-ending chatter inside ones head and the buzzing in ones ears. Inner Silence is a state of profound quietude an inner peace. In which one finally stops talking to themselves. Of course if one has read The Enemy Within, than one knows where this voice comes from and whose thoughts these really are.

When one enters the state of Inner Silence, they find a state in which perception doesn’t depend on the senses. What is at work during Inner Silence is an other faculty of our human totality that humanity has at its disposal. This faculty is the part of us that makes us magical beings. This is the faculty that has been curtailed in humanity by the intrusion of the foreign installation of the fliers mind, as discussed in The Enemy Within.

Inner Silence The way to freedom

Inner Silence
The way to freedom

Inner Silence, Our Stand against the Foreign Installation

Inner Silence is the stand from which every one of us can take, to combat this intrusion into our minds and free ourselves from this dark force that keeps us prisoners. Inner Silence must be accrued, or accumulated second by second on every occasion possible. Until a threshold is reached where it can work to expel the foreign installation, thus, freeing one from the mind of their captors, the fliers. This threshold of Inner Silence is different in every person in terms of the time needed to reach the breaking point. But Inner Silence starts to work from the moment one begins to accrue it. Each second gained brings one closer to the final dramatic breaking point in which one becomes free. The Inner Silence must be kept by each one of us for the length of time necessary for our specific threshold. This may only take minutes of complete Inner Silence or an hour or so. This solely depends on the individual talents of the practitioner. This moment is the desired result which is called “Stopping the World“. The moment in which everything around us ceases to be what it has always been. A description.

Inner Silence Drop the World Description

Inner Silence
Drop the World Description

It is the moment in which man the slave becomes man the free being, capable of feats of perception that defy our linear imagination. Beyond syntax or words. The unknown and the unknowable to be experienced by the new/old faculty that we have long forgotten until now. We are so much more than we have ever realized. We can be our human totality with this practice of Inner Silence. This moment of total freedom is man’s destiny.

Inner Silence Freedom at last

Inner Silence
Freedom at last

The Breaking Point for Inner Silence

The Breaking Point is like the mortar that a brick mason uses between bricks. It’s only when the mortar hardens do the loose bricks become a solid structure. It’s difficult to know when one has accumulated enough Inner Silence or even judge then the Breaking Point is reached. However the end result will be unmistakable. One will know! At this given moment the continuity of ones structured life, breaks in order for Inner Silence to set in and become an active part of their structures. At this point one will have only one reference point in their lives, Infinity. We all reach a point at which we are torn between two views of this World. The breaking point. We can sit by and idly watch an endless parade of human suffering. And believe this, as the true representation of life on this earth for the average person. Envying this view of the street of human traffic from the outside looking in. Or despise this view of the street, if one is on the inside looking out. At this moment of the breaking point we are truly alone for the first time in our life. The point at which the person we thought we were dies and we are born again as a free human being, free at last from the mind of the predator and it’s view of this world.

Inner Silence becomes real at this moment. Now infinity awaits, the only worth-while endeavor of human existence. Every other endeavor is fraudulent in nature. Freedom to be what we truly are luminous beings. The light of lights our true selves. Our human destiny awaits in Inner Silence. Truth is, we talk to ourselves incessantly about our world. In fact we maintain our world with our Internal Dialogue. Whenever we finish talking to ourselves about ourselves and our world. The world is always as it should be. In fact we renew it, we rekindle it with life and uphold our description with our Internal Dialogue. Not only that, but we also choose our paths as we talk to ourselves. We keep repeating the same choices over and over until the day we die, simply because we keep on repeating this same Internal Dialogue. Be aware of this and strive to stop this Internal Dialogue. Seek Inner Silence.

Inner Silence Breaking the chains that bind us

Inner Silence
Breaking the chains that bind us

Inner Silence, Our given Description of this World

Since the day we were born people have been telling us that our world is such and such and so and so. Naturally, we have no choice but to accept that the world is the way people have been telling us. Never stopping to consider that this may just be their given description. Not having anything to do with its actual makeup. The Internal Dialogue is what grounds people to the given description of their daily world. The world is such and such and so and so because we talk to ourselves about it being this way or that way. The passageway into the real world and infinity is learned by the practice of Inner Silence. To change our idea of this world is the crux of this Doowan teaching, and stopping the Internal Dialogue is the only way to accomplish this. Everything becomes possible and attainable.

Think for a moment. Can one deviate from the path that their fellow-man have lined up from them? If one remains on that path, your thoughts and your actions become ever fixed in their terms, in their given description. This is slavery. On the other hand, Inner Silence allows one to be free of all that. Freedom is expensive, but the price is not impossible to pay. Fear your captors, your masters. Break the chains of perception that binds one to this given world view. Discover Inner Silence and don’t waste your time and your personal power on fearing freedom. Seek to act and drop the talk, to this effect, one gets a new description were talking is not that important, and where new acts create new reflections. Where one can witness the wonders of everything from the moment of Inner Silence. Extraordinary facets of ourselves come to the surface as though they have been kept guarded by our internal words, the words of the foreign installation. The Internal Dialogue.

Inner Silence, The World of the Luminous Beings

Our World is unfathomable. So are we, as is every human being that exist in this world. Human beings are not objects. We have no solidity. We are round, luminous beings that are in essences boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help the fliers enslave us and to make it convenient for them to feed. Our reason makes us forget that the given description is only a description. Before we know it they have trapped the totality of ourselves into this given description. Which in turn becomes a vicious circle from which one rarely emerges in their lifetime. We human beings are perceivers, but the world that we perceive is an illusion created by their given description. The world that our reason wants to sustain, is dogmatic with inviolable rules which simply our reason as learned to accept and defend.

Being luminous beings we have an advantage which is rarely used by the average man. That advantage is intent. The maneuver of luminous beings is the same as the average humans. We both have descriptions of this world. The average man upholds their world through their reason. Whereas luminous beings uphold theirs through the maneuver of intent. Which is more engulfing than reason. Our human form is a conglomerate of energy fields which exists in the universe connecting us to all that is inclusive for human beings. Those energy fields have been bent and contorted by a lifetime of habits, misuse and abuse. And the never-ending presence of the Internal Dialogue.

Our fight is right here right now on this earth. We are all connected. We are all human creatures seeking the freedom to live in peace. Who knows what is waiting for us out there in the universe. Infinity is just that, Infinity! Who knows what kind of power we may have for experiencing Infinity. We choose only once. We choose to be either a luminous being or an ordinary human.  The core of our being is the act of perceiving, and the magic of our being is the act of awareness. Perception and awareness are a single, functional, inextricable unit. A second choice does not exist on this earth. Choose now! Which one wishes to be. Inner Silence offers us a new life and that life has to be completely new. We can’t bring to that new life our old ugly ways of being only human. Discover Inner Silence and be free at last. Your new life awaits. Inner Silence is the way!

Inner Silence The Totality of Ourselves

Inner Silence
The Totality of Ourselves

If one wishes to learn a technique for stopping the Internal Dialogue and thus achieving Inner Silence. Hit: It can’t be done by thinking about not thinking. I could describe it here but that would be too easy. Simply connect, I will reply. You can comment here and take your chances.

Spirit and Playing with Reality

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!

Knowledge is Power

Experience is Wisdom

Take your Power Back

with Inner Silence the Brain Freeze


Inner Silence

Inner Silence
How quiet is that?

Inner Silence, Freedom to be Totally you, Did you have somebody else in mind?