Scorpion Medicine the sting of Transformation. Scorpions are people too, and that’s no tail.
When Scorpion Medicine crosses your path, it will catch your attention. Might even creep you out a little. The evolutionary history of scorpions goes back to the Silurian era 430 million years ago. Making them one of the oldest life forms here on Earth. They have adapted to a wide range of environmental conditions and can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Sow, if you’re creep-ed out by Scorpion Medicine move to Antarctica.
Scorpions number about 1750 described species. Scorpions are predatory arachnids of the order Scorpiones. They have eight legs, like spider. Easily recognized by the pair of grasping pincers, and narrow segmented tail, often carried in a forward curve over the back, ending with a venomous stinger.
Scorpions are generally nocturnal animals spending the day under rocks, in crevices, then come out of the darkness to hunt. Scorpions are carnivorous animals, paralyze their prey using the venomous stinger on the end of their tail, sow scorpion can eat their prey without trouble.
Scorpion stings are painful most are usually harmless to humans. For stings from species found in North America, no treatment is normally needed for healthy adults, although medical care should be sought for children, and for the elderly. More harmful stings from species found in South America, Africa, and western Asia may require medical attention.

You are going to need a Doctor
Scorpion History
Scorpions are arachnids, not insects, the scorpion is most closely related to spiders and ticks. Scorpions are often referred to as ancient animals as scorpions have been on Earth for over 400 million years, meaning that scorpions existed on Earth before the dinosaurs arrived.

We were here long before you arrived
The taxonomy of Scorpion has undergone changes and is likely to change further, as genetic studies are bringing forth new information. There are 13 families recognized to date. Only about 25 of these species are known to have venom capable of killing a human being.
Sound familiar? Thirteen families with 25 species known to have venom capable of killing a human being? Hey, I’m not pointing fingers here. However, I will name, names below.
As stated, there are thirteen families, coincidence maybe, and about 1,750 described species and subspecies of scorpions. In addition, there are 111 described taxa of extinct scorpions. They have been around for a while. See Spider Medicine for more Clarity.
Naming Names
Systematics: The following classification covers extant taxa, the rank of family.
Order of Scorpiones
Infraorder Orthosterni Pocock, 1911
Parvorder Pseudochactida Soleglad et Fet, 2003
Superfamily Pseudochactoidea Gromov, 1998
Family Pseudochactidae Gromov, 1998
Parvorder Buthida Soleglad et Fet, 2003
Superfamily Buthoidea C. L. Koch, 1837
Family Buthidae C. L. Koch, 1837 (thick-tailed scorpions)
Family Microcharmidae Lourenço, 1996
Parvorder Chaerilida Soleglad et Fet, 2003
Superfamily Chaeriloidea Pocock, 1893
Family Chaerilidae Pocock, 1893
Parvorder Iurida Soleglad et Fet, 2003
Superfamily Chactoidea Pocock, 1893
Family Chactidae Pocock, 1893
Family Euscorpiidae Laurie, 1896
Family Superstitioniidae Stahnke, 1940
Family Vaejovidae Thorell, 1876
Superfamily Iuroidea Thorell, 1876
Family Caraboctonidae Kraepelin, 1905 (hairy scorpions)
Family Iuridae Thorell, 1876
Superfamily Scorpionoidea Latreille, 1802
Family Bothriuridae Simon, 1880
Family Hemiscorpiidae Pocock, 1893 (= Ischnuridae, =Liochelidae) (rock scorpions, creeping scorpions, or tree scorpions)
Family Scorpionidae Latreille, 1802 (burrowing scorpions or pale-legged scorpions)

We see better in the Dark
Now you know their names. Who did you think I was talking about?
Scorpion Facts
The body of a scorpion is divided into two parts: The head (cephalothorax) and the abdomen (opisthosoma), which is subdivided into a broad anterior with a narrow tail like postabdomen.
Most scorpions reproduce sexually, most species have male and female individuals. The courtship starts with the male grasping the female’s pedipalps with his own. Then the pair perform a “Dance” called the “promenade à deux“. In this “Dance”, once they have satisfied the other that they are of opposite sex and of the correct species, mating can commence.

What to Dance?
Well that’s enough of their personal Business. On to the good stuff of Scorpion Medicine.
Scorpion Medicine
Working in the backyard moving rock for a planter. I decided to sit down on a wooden bench overlooking the lake. For some Reason I decided to move the bench for a better view. Took the top off, and moved one leg over to the new position. Pulled the heavy top over next to the leg. Went back to grab the last leg, That’s when Scorpion Medicine crossed my path. As I reached down to pick up the leg, I felt something cold on my palm, not thinking, I lifted the leg and BANG!!!!!!!. The Business end of Scorpion Medicine let me know. Scorpion Medicine brings this Message. DON”T MESS WITH ME.
Scorpion People
Remember, Scorpion promises Transformation. Whether the transformation is calm or chaotic depends on how the energies are used. Are we channeling our passions correctly? Are we allowing our passions to override our common sense? Do we need to balance our relationships with more solitariness? Are we becoming too solitary? Do we need to merge our physical passions with our spiritual passions? Are we ignoring our psychic perceptions only to be stung? Answering these Questions personally will help one channel these energies.

Looks 3D. Cool Tatto, or is it real?
Emotions usually govern our first reactions to our experiences in life. Although instinctive emotions generate the strongest motivations for our behavior. Scorpion people are not prone to wearing their heart on their sleeve,(unlike those Cancerians and Pisceans). They need to dominate their relationships and rarely display their true feelings, holding back something of self, even during the most open and communicative moments. Although not intentionally wanting to be mysterious, they manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They hate being crossed or manipulated, and may react to such treatment with sarcasm, spitefulness, and vengeance.
Their fiery energy of Mars shines out with their enthusiasm, where it attracts and inspires others. The intensity can be overwhelming, yet subtle, their considerable energy is not aroused, or employed just to have something to do.
Unlike Aries, Scorpio is not openly combative, unless it becomes necessary. Their privacy is tightly protected, sow others get to know them only up to a point. They may not show any sign of inner struggle, however when they are after something, (or someone), their determination is fierce.
Should Scorpions not be favored in the outcome, they are neither a willing nor a gracious loser. Nevertheless, they are not arrogant, being generally interested in others, and what they have to say, although they often exhibit a self-sufficiency which implies there isn’t much they don’t already know.

Could you survive Here?
Scorpions Past
Scorpion Medicine is sometimes referred to as the serpent from the Garden of Eden. So it’s possible the Snake became the fall guy to divert attention away for the real culprit. Which brings in the treachery aspect of the Scorpion.
In Egypt Scorpion was the symbol of darkness, for it brought with it the waning strength of the sun. In Greek mythology, it was the monster that caused Apollo’s horses to run wild while in the hands of Phaethon. This is often a caution for those who the scorpion is a messenger. Unless we control our passions and desires thus direct their energies appropriately, the Transformations will occur in the midst of chaos.
The ancient Sumerians believed that Scorpion Men were guardians of the Gateway of the sun, the Mountains of the East, and the Twin Gates. This creature was associated with various aspects of Istar, (as Ishara Tamtim, the scorpion-tailed Mother), Nanna, and the Phrygian Sabazius. Myth tells how the hero Gilgamesh had to make his way through the Scorpion Men to the house of the Scorpion Goddess, Siduri Sabitu. The Scorpion King depicts this story.
Astrological myths everywhere place Aquarius the Water drawer at the winter solstice, Taurus the Bull at the spring equinox, Leo the Lion at the summer solstice, and Scorpio at the autumnal equinox. Therefore it was said in Egypt, that the Scorpion killed Horus, the sun, sending him to his midwinter death and resurrection as his Mother Isis gave him rebirth. Hence Pharaoh’s daughter apparently played the part of the Water drawer or divine midwife on the banks of the Nile, as shown by the myth of Moses.
The Christ of the bible states, He replied, “As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters“.
Yet it’s known in those days, the women carried the water pitcher. The symbolism in this parable should not be lost. For the meaning becomes clear for those with eyes to SEE.

Photo was taken by the Japanese astrophotographer Akira Fujii shows a full view of the constellation of Scorpius. The center of our Milky Way is seen on left of the image.
In astrology the sign of Scorpio is represented by several animals. The scorpion, the eagle, and the phoenix. The Scorpio zodiac sign has been associated with transformation and rising to new heights. Known for its secretiveness and passions. It is a sign of mystery, long associated with sex, death, and rebirth. Those of this sign have great strength and an ability to inspire. They can also misuse their psychic and sexual energies.
Spirits of the four points of the year were at some time called Sons of Horus, placed as small images in the four corners of a pharaoh’s tomb. As man, bull, lion, and scorpion, (or serpent?). They were adopted by Christianity and converted into the four totems of the evangelists the four angels of the Apocalypse.
The constellation of the Scorpion is the link between the cultures of central America and those of the ancient east, possibly Mesopotamia, whose ziggurat were also similar to the Mexican pyramids. Scorpio was the same in Babylonia, India, and Greece, and the Maya of Yucatan identified the same constellation “Scorpion stars”.

SEEing the Energies of Scorpio
With Scorpion Medicine, You are being asked to remove, cut out those things in your life that no longer serve you. Evaluate your surroundings with a critical eye to releasing old baggage, letting go of objects that are cluttering up your home. Purging the clinging energy of those that are co-dependent on you. Re-establish your boundaries, make clear decisions about which direction your next few months will take then move on. Focus on minimizing the enabling of others not to move forward. As well as taking your own steps towards death and rebirth.
Scorpio/Scorpion is the 8th sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about 24 October. Orion had boasted that he could kill any animal the earth produced. A scorpion was sent to punish his vanity, it stung Orion to death. Jupiter later raised the scorpion to heaven.
Scorpio people are very strong, and have the ability to inspire others. They are passionate in love affairs, known as a good lover. They have very strong sexual needs and often enjoy periods of solitariness between intense and passionate relationships. They have the gift of Psychometrics and tend to use their sense of touch enjoying textures in foods and Arts.
They are protective of their solitude, thus will be very defensive of their children occasionally protecting them when they need to face consequences in order to learn and grow. However they are unafraid of allowing them self to be vulnerable with others. They have a way with words that often sting in their remarks. Their overall charisma will carry them through many conflicts.

Additional Energies for Scorpion
The trans-formative energy of Pluto motivates, they delve into the deepest mysteries of life. Whether trying to get to the bottom of a murder, some heinous crime, whether saving a life through surgical skills, or pursuing a meditative magical mystery tour. They characteristically seek to uncover the truth to transform raw materials into things of great power and beauty. Relationships are not exempt from this probing, so anyone involved with them must prepare for profound changes within themselves, their mysterious partner and the relationship itself.
Although they have six or more eyes, they can’t SEE in the Light very well. Keys to their success are a strong will, and the ability to get to the bottom of things. They want answers and doggedly persist until they get them.
Altered Perception
Determined Scorpio, is a fixed sign, and can be rather stubborn, resistant to imposed changes. In many ways this is a plus, for it gives them the stamina to accomplish things in life, due to their tenacity. On the surface they may seem easy-going, congenial, and gregarious, however they are extremely tenacious with a need to manipulate and control situations.
Scorpio colors are red, black, midnight blue, and emerald-green. Scorpio rules metallic iron and their birthstone is topaz. Topaz, one of the hardest minerals, and cannot be cut with a knife. Yet again, another representation of the impenetrable Scorpio nature. Scorpio flowers include the anemone, heather, and gardenia.

SEE the Energy of Scorpions . Why they glow is a Mystery man has not figured out….. (Photo by Uriel Sinai/Getty Images)
Attacking from the rear
Scorpions are respected by most people smart enough to understand their nature and wise enough to give them a wide berth. They are not discriminating about what or whom they sting, only about how much poison they will inject into them when they do.
The fiery energy of Mars shines out their enthusiasm. It attracts and inspires others. Their intensity can be overwhelming. They often exhibit a self-sufficiency which implies there isn’t much they don’t already know.
Scorpio, are the most treacherous, most unscrupulous of all the minions of the money, power Signs. Scorpio holds the enviable reputation of being the most sexually magnetic and will use this power to attract its prey. Judas in Christian symbolism because of the deadly treachery implicit in their sting. This is the basis of an almost tangible magnetism, a sense of power embedded in the mysteries of the Universe.
Death and rebirth
Sex and death are often associated with the sign of Scorpio. These mysteries stimulate great passions and feelings, both are vehicles of change. Within the sex act, the two partners exchange energy and neither is ever truly the same again. Death itself is a transformation of energy so that rebirth can occur. This is Scorpion Medicine energy.
Scorpio people are passionate and emotional, with very deep feelings. Although a loyal and dedicated friend, they are fiercely competitive, subject to fits of vindictive jealousy and can be quite manipulative in pursuit of their goals.
Transmutation of poison
The Scorpion Animal Medicine totem is a strong spirit indeed, its magical properties are one of the most influential of all animal totems. Strength in leadership, long-lasting endurance, the wisdom to wait, higher self-esteem are integrated into the spirit of the possessor of the Scorpion Medicine totem.
Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and excretory system, so those with Scorpio active in their charts suffer headaches, infections, fevers, along with various illnesses having to do with what used to be called the secret parts. However, they have a strong constitution and can usually overcome problems, many of which are of their own making, due to their clandestine activities.
Reflecting dark and negative energy back to its sender
When the Scorpion Medicine appears as a totem messenger, the sense of psychic touch will become increasingly heightened. Responses to touch will grow stronger as will the ability to touch others more intensely.
Scorpions have the interesting characteristic of having six to twelve eyes. This brings in the Clarity aspect again. Despite these extra eyes, or perhaps because of them, they do not see very well. They have sensory hairs on their under bellies which allow them to pick up vibrations to help them find their way around in the dark. They are only able to distinguish light from dark and shadows.
Another unusual characteristic of the Scorpion is that they have a natural florescence and they will all glow under ultra-violet light. This is how most scientists are able to find them during their normal time of activity in the dark. After many years of research scientists are still not exactly sure what causes the Scorpion’s body to do this. The sight of a glowing Scorpion is an amazing thing to behold it is fascinating and mysterious.
The rhythm of the 4th RAY flows from a relative state of harmony. Working together to bring about a positive regulation of energy flow within the physical body. Thus Achieving a balance between the qualities of SCORPIO and TAURUS, thereby transforming negative habit patterns, will assist in maintaining good health.
In Truth, we all have a little Scorpion in us, as humans we contain all the Zodiac signs within our Consciousness. Some of these Energies are more focus than others. Thus our birth sign offers a path to the discovery of self in Totality.

Interesting, they carry their babies on their back like some Spiders
Scorpion Medicine is not a medicine that should be trifled with. Watch where you place your hands. As the sting of the Scorpion can be a painful reminder of who’s in charge. Take it from one who knows the sting of the Scorpion. Of course you are welcome to learn the hard way.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under my Wings
Knowledge is Power
Experience is Wisdom
Your Power is Yours
Go Ahead & place your hand Here (X)

MAN-O-MAN…… If I had a stinger I’d show you whose boss.
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