The Big Event. Well December 21, 2012 is just around the corner.
If we awake up on December 22, 2012 and we are still alive. Will we just go back to the same old, same old? Will you just wake up to the same old world where nothing has change? If nothing else happens, realize, this date it has brought about a Human Awaking. The Big Event has made us aware that our world can change in a moment. So can we! Do we really need a world catastrophe before we make a change?
If this is the case than doomsday will always be just around the corner, until it happens. We will always be awaiting for the moment that forces us to make a change. Always be waiting for moment, that force us to our knees. Is The Big Event necessary for the human population to make a change in their awareness.
If this is the case, we are in a sad state of affairs as human beings. We will be brought to our knees, the sooner the better. It’s true the world needs to change. But it’s not the world per se, it’s human beings in reality that need to change. Change we must if we are to survive. Of course your survival is a personal choice.
The Big Event has happened. Whether it’s happened to you is a personal matter, a matter that may affect us all.
Really the world has change. Weather’s different, Economy is different, Solar System’s different, Time and Space are different, We Human Beings are different. We are more awake, more aware, more in tune with what’s happening around us now, then we have ever been in the past. However, we are still at a loss as how implement a change in our lives for the benefit of ourselves because we are afraid. Are we really that powerless to make changes in our life and therefore the world? Really? I feel not. We can always make small changes in our lives that multiply greatly in our reality. If we all come together with small changes, this alone will bring about great changes for us and the world we live in.
First we must simply coming together as human beings. This alone is the major change we need now. Whether we suffer it together or as a singularity, the change is upon us. If we want a new cognitive system that benefits all of humanity, all of humanity must come together. If nothing else, we must realize we are of one family! When we all come together, we can easily make effective changes to benefit all of humanity. In our governments, in our lives and in this world.
Let’s all come together on December 21, 2012 in consciousness and make a change to benefit us all! That’s The Big Event.
We are the ones we have been waiting for to bring about The Big Event!
The Big Event will happen, we will change. It can either be a world catastrophe or personal choice. One way or another reality will change. We must now decide which one will bring it into fruition for us.
Be aware that just because the December 21, 2012 may not bring about a world catastrophe, it may bring a change in you, and your awareness. That is if you haven’t changed already! Do you want a change in reality? Do you want a change in your awareness? Do you want the world to change? Whether you want it or not it’s on its way! That’s reality, enjoy the moment.
Small Changes we can make during this Big Event:
- Start Gardening
- Save Rain Water
- Live as green as possible
- Start Composting
- Help your neighbor when asked
- Feed the Birds and Animals that cross your path
- Practice random acts of kindness
- Doo-wan to others as you would have them Doo-wan unto you.
- Love yourself
- Discover who you truly are. Your Totality!
- Realize we are not alone in this universe
- Our family is out there and here
- We have never been alone, ever
- Share your knowledge
- Teach the children what you know
- Take your power back
- Stop playing their game

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under my Wings
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