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We are Fukushima-ed

The Gift that keeps on Giving.We are Fukushima-ed You have just been Fukushima-ed. We are Fukushima-ed We are Fukushima-ed. Just add a "c" after the "u" and before the "k" and you will get the picture. Japan's Gift that keeps on giving. The Fukushima plant is releasing extremely high levels of nuclear radiation directly into the ocean, air, and ground water. That's [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:26:14-04:00August 6th, 2013|

The Source Field

The Source Field, a vast Field of Light Information. The Source Field The Source Field is a vast Sea of light Information. Tap the Source Picture The Source Field as an infinite Field of Light Information that transcends all space between matter, energy, and time. The Source Field existed before the big bang, before any matter existed. If you have read Spiritual Beings, one might consider this as the infinite, or the first thought thought of God.

By |2020-04-11T12:25:25-04:00November 22nd, 2013|

Bear Medicine

Bear Medicine the Power of Introspection, an offering to the Eagle. Bear Medicine says Hello. Gimmie Five! Bear Medicine is powerful medicine, bringing healing, renewal, and rebirth. This is the gift that Grandmother Bear brings those who live with Bear Medicine. It could just as easily been a Bear in the Boat. Maybe Bears of old had horns. And that's no [...]

By |2020-04-13T16:36:08-04:00November 9th, 2013|

How to Fix Fukushima

If we don't, we are Fukushima-ed They call this under control? How to Fix Fukushima. Just add the C after the U. And one gets the Idea. Yes, Fukushima is an Extinction Level Event. We can all focus on the past mistakes and lies that surround the event. Pointing fingers and blaming the authorities, but how does this help? We have a [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:25:59-04:00September 30th, 2013|


The purpose of this work, THE SEVEN, is not the enunciation of any special philosophy or doctrine, but rather is to give a statement of Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge we may have acquired, which seem apparently opposed to each other which often serve to discourage and disgust one in the study of the mysteries of life. The intent is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but rather to place in our hands THE SEVEN Master Keys with which we may open many inner doors in the Temple of Mystery through the main portals we have already entered.

By |2020-04-11T12:24:29-04:00February 7th, 2016|


Questions only you can answer, However they must be asked first. Looking Back I see a reflection. I Now know, which one is truly me. Questions I ask Myself, sow I may better "Know Thy Self". Will Silver (Truth) tarnish in the presents of gold? Are there many planes of existence? Does good or evil really matter? Is cause always/only expressed in materialism? Are actions always expressions in the ALL? Is heart the spirit mind? If I AM ALL, what else there? Why in the ALL must we consume in the ALL?

By |2020-04-11T12:24:32-04:00December 12th, 2015|

That’s the Way the Cookie Crumbles

All we are left holding, is Crumbs That's The Way the Cookie Crumbles When I was a child and I wanted something, but didn't get it. My father had this saying. That I always despised. That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles. As a child I never knew what it meant. I thought he was just being a smart ass. That was his [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:25:44-04:00October 29th, 2013|

Blood is Blood

Blood is Blood, and sometimes it's the Color Blue. Red Blood Cells They look like Cheerios, How cool is that? And they say, Cheerios are good for the heart. Blood is Blood, I have wanted to write a post about the Blood lines and what this all means. But there was so much Information, and so little time. At the time, I just didn't feel it in my Heart. So I put it off, now, I know the reason!

By |2020-04-11T12:25:45-04:00October 28th, 2013|

Extinction Level Event

Extinction Level Event, When Worlds Collide, The Reset is at hand. Extiction Level Event Action at a Distance Extinction Level Event I have postponed the writing of Extinction Level Event for sometime now. The reasons being, the time wasn't right and I still had to connect some dots to the answer some of the Questions about the phenomenon that we have and are experiencing.

By |2020-04-11T12:26:10-04:00August 16th, 2013|