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Dr. GMOZ Sells his Soul

That's right, the Great and Powerful Dr. GMOZ has spoken and sold his Soul to Corporate America. Eat GMOZ there good for you! We wonder what Oprah thinks of him now that Dr. GMOZ Sells his Soul? It just goes to show you how fast these people will turn on you when money gets involved. We have the article from the NaturalNews [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:28:06-04:00December 11th, 2012|

The GMOZ White House

The GMOZ promotion of poisoning goes all the way to the White House. This assault award on organic food goes to the First Lady and her husband. Monsanto and their allies couldn't have asked for a better partner. President Obama has given them everything Monsatan has asked for. Monsatan and their allies couldn't have wished for a better partner. Despite the presidents hints that [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:28:06-04:00December 11th, 2012|

GMOZ Salmon We are Swimming up Stream

GMOZ Salmon, we have been sold down river by the FDA, now we have to start Swimming up Stream. Strict FDA review is needed for public health-consumer groups. FDA Review, you have got to be kidding me, they can't even see the forest, because of all those damn trees around them. We can forget about the FDA coming to our rescue. We the people [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:28:08-04:00December 7th, 2012|