Spiral In2017-05-24T10:37:27-04:00

@ Spiral In

Now our Awareness begins its Spiral In into Consciousness to SEE what is there. SEEing is Body Knowledge. The Predominance of the visual sense in us influences this Body Knowledge. Makes it seem eye related. However it’s Not. You will SEE as you Spiral In. Sometimes it’s dark, sometimes it’s light. Which ever you SEE it’s all the Universe mirrored inside you.

The Mastery of Awareness

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Using the Mastery of Awareness to see beyond ourselves The Mastery of awareness The Mastery of Awareness is more than just becoming Aware I am already given to the power that rules my fate. I cling to nothing, so I have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I SEE. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, I will dart past the Eagle to be free.

A Battle with Reason

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There's no reason for it. Reason that is. In Doubtyour in a Battle with Reason A Battle with Reason. There's this reason and that reason. You can't do it I woke up this morning in A Battle with Reason. We all have A Battle with Reason at some point in our lives. As we rely on our reasons for just about everything we Reason. We Reason this and we Reason that. And for some reason, Reason has answer for everything. Well imagine that?


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The OUTSIDERS is an adventure into the Unknown Territory of Dreamscape. Not for the faint of heart as the implications are out of this world. Sow unless one is prepared thus willing to venture into the Unknown Territory with an open Heartmind, One best not view The OUTSIDERS. A Word of Caution: Dreams are a mystery. The OUTSIDERS is a mystery mankind may never comprehend. When one considers dreams to be just the subconscious mind, it leaves one open to great harm. However, when one considers dreams to be journeys into the Unknown Territory, one prepares them self.


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Dreaming of Self Beyond Self Not much has been written about Self. Funny, I just had this Dream. Sow I'll share this Self Beyond Self Experience. Self Beyond Self A Personal Experience: Finishing up the reread and rewrite of the Three Attentions of Human Kind when I felt this uncontrollable urge to close my eyes. That's when the Self Beyond Self revealed itself.


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The Winds of Change flows though us All Dreaming Spirit traveling at the Speed of Consciousness The Universe is your play ground. Consciousness is your gift. The Dream within a Dream. In the Life of every being there comes a point, at which The Winds of Change enters into them that indicates the end of ones task is near. Sow, this post maybe my final post as there is nothing more I can share. It has been my task to share my experience. This I have done.


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THE FALL OF MAN is not a Downer, its simply a reflection Spiritual Beings path Follow the path with Heart It's up or down depending on one point of view We all know the story of THE FALL OF MAN. Once one reaches bottom of THE FALL OF MAN the only thing LEFT TO DO is to rise. THE FALL OF MAN, or the fall, used in Christianity to describe the fall of the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a state of guilty disobedience. Tree of Knowledge, Choices Oh Adam, It's good to eat.