The Watchers Message… on The Visitors Agenda. Humanity is not ready to receive the Visitors!

The Watchers Message… We need your DNA our we are doomed. We have no soul. Maybe we are doomed anyway!
It is with a heavy yet hopeful heart that I write this post. Therefore it is of utmost importance and one of the most important posts I have posted. I have been compelled to share The Watchers Message with Humanity in hope they begin to SEE a bigger picture of the state of affairs present in our Human development, and what the Visitors agenda is for visiting our world. I know many do not believe in life beyond this world. However ones belief is not always Truth in the same way as Truth is not always what one believes.
I understand from our own history that this is the greatest threshold that our world will ever face. However it is not something that one can plan for yourself. It is not something that one can design for your own future. For the very forces that would bring the Greater Community reality here are already present in the world. Circumstances have brought them here. They are here.
The need to prepare for life in the Greater Galactic Community, I feel, is the greatest need there is in our world today. Yet, from my observation, people are preoccupied with their own affairs and their own problems in their daily lives, unaware of the greater forces that will change their destiny and affect their future. Thus they are already given to the power that rules their fate. However when one is willing to see a bigger picture, The Watchers Message will be here as knowledge.
These different Visitor alliances are, in essence, competing with each other though they are not at war with one another. They see our world as a great prize, something they want to have for themselves. In our ignorance and acquiescence we will handed it over to them without sow much as a whimper from the Human Tonal. As most know nothing of their existence.
This creates a very great challenge for our people, for the forces who are visiting us not only have advanced technology. They have attained a strong social cohesion and are able to influence thought in our Mental Environment. You SEE, in the Greater Community, technology is easily acquired, so the great advantage between competing societies is the ability to influence thought. This has taken on very sophisticated demonstrations. It represents a set of skills that humanity is only beginning to discover.
As a result, our visitors do not come armed with great weapons, with armies, or with armadas of vessels. They come in relatively small groups, however they possess considerable skill in influencing peoples thought. This represents a more sophisticated more mature use of power in the Greater Community. It is this ability that humanity will have to cultivate in the future if it is to contend with other races in the cosmos successfully.
The visitors are here to gain humanity’s allegiance. They do not want to destroy human establishments or the human presence. Instead, they wish to use these for their own benefit. Their intention is employment, not destruction. They feel that they are in the right because they believe that they are saving the world. Some even believe that they are saving humanity from itself. However this perspective does not serve our greater interests, nor does it foster wisdom or self-determination within the Human Family Tonal.
People do not understand the visitors’ methods. They do not comprehend the visitors’ ethics or morality, some don’t even know they exist. While some think the visitors are either Angels or Demons. However in reality, they are very much like you and me in their needs. If you could see the world through their eyes, you would understand their consciousness and their motivation. However to do that, you would have to venture beyond your own Awareness. Not many of us have this capability or even the desire to do this, thus The Watchers Message is sent.

In the Twinkling of an Eye. We are Watching You!
The Watchers Message
It is a great honor for us to be able to present this information to all of you who are fortunate enough to hear The Watchers Message. Although the message may not be excepted, it must be sent to those who are aware of the Intervention that is happening on your world.
We have been sent for a very specific purpose, to witness the events that are occurring in your world, thus given the opportunity to do so, to communicate to you what we see and what we know. For you live on the surface of your world and cannot see the affairs that surround it. Nor can you see clearly the visitation that is occurring in your world at this time and what it portends for your future.
For many years we have been observing the affairs of your world. We seek no relations with humanity. We are not here on a diplomatic mission. We have been sent by the Unseen Ones to live in the proximity of your world in order to observe the events we are about to describe.
Several visitor races on Earth have been actively visiting for a long time.To begin, it is necessary for people everywhere to understand that humanity is emerging into a Greater Cosmic Community of intelligent life. Your world is being “visited” by several alien races and by several different organizations of races. This has been actively going on for some time. There have been visitations throughout human history, but nothing of this magnitude. The advent of nuclear weapons and the destruction of your natural world have brought these forces to your shores.
There are many people in the world today, we understand, who are beginning to realize that this is occurring. We understand as well that there are many interpretations of this visitation, what it could mean and what it could offer. Many of the people who are aware of these things are very hopeful and anticipate a great benefit for humanity. We understand it is natural to expect this. It is natural to be hopeful.
The intervention in your world now is very extensive, so much so that people in all parts of the world are witnessing it thus are experiencing its effects directly. What has brought these “visitors” from the Greater Community, these different organizations of beings, is not to promote the advancement of humanity or the spiritual education of humanity. What has brought these forces to your shores in such numbers with such intention are the resources of your world.
Many people are unaware of the presence of alien forces, unaware of the presence of resource explorers, of those who would seek an alliance with humanity for their own benefit. The Watchers Message will give you an idea of what life is like beyond your shores, for you have not journeyed afar and cannot account for these things yourself.

Poor guys can’t get it up. Well that’s what happens when you think your so smart.
Quit Feeding the Beast is The Watchers Message
The Visitors Four Fundamental Activities
The visitors are engaged in four fundamental activities in order to gain influence within your world. Each of these activities is unique, but they are all coordinated together. They are being carried out because humanity has been studied for a long time. Human thought, human behavior, human physiology and human religion have been studied for some time. These are well understood by your visitors and will be used for their own purposes.

New Terrorist Group?
1.) The first area of activity of the visitors is to influence individuals in positions of power and authority. Because the visitors do not want to destroy anything in the world or harm the world’s resources, they seek to gain influence over those whom they perceive to be in positions of power, within government and religion primarily. They seek contact, and contract, only with certain individuals. They have the power to make this contact, and they have the power of persuasion. Not all of those they contact will be persuaded, but many will be. The promise of greater power, greater technology and world domination will intrigue and incite many individuals. It is these individuals with whom the visitors will seek to establish a liaison. One simply needs to step back and observe world affairs to see this is happening.
The visitors understand the hierarchy of power because they themselves live by it, following their own chain of command, you might say. They are highly organized and very focused in their endeavors, and the idea of having cultures full of free-thinking individuals is largely foreign to them. They do not comprehend or understand individual freedom. They are like many technologically advanced societies in the Greater Community who function both within their respective worlds and in their establishments across vast reaches of space, utilizing a very well-established and rigid form of government and organization. They believe that humanity is chaotic and unruly, and they feel they are bringing order to a situation that they cannot themselves comprehend. Individual freedom is unknown to them, and they do not see its value. As a result, what they seek to establish in the world will not honor this freedom.

In the name of Religions we suffer from the lack of Knowledge
2.) The second avenue of activity, which is perhaps the most difficult to consider from your perspective, is the manipulation of religious values and impulses. The visitors understand that humanity’s greatest abilities also represent its greatest vulnerability. People’s longing for individual redemption represents one of the greatest assets the human family has to offer, even to the Greater Community. But it is also your weakness. And it is these impulses and these values that will be used against you.
Several groups of the visitors wish to establish themselves as spiritual agents because they know how to speak in the Mental Environment. They can communicate to people directly, and unfortunately, because there are very few people in the world who can discern the difference between a spiritual voice and the visitors’ voice, the situation becomes very difficult.
Therefore, the second area of activity is to gain people’s allegiance through their religious and spiritual motivations. Actually, this can be done quite easily because humanity is not yet strong or developed in the Mental Environment. It is difficult for people to discern where these impulses are coming from. Many people want to give themselves to anything they think has a greater voice and a greater power. Your visitors can project images—images of your saints, of your teachers, of angels—images that are held dear and sacred within your world. They have cultivated this ability through many, many centuries of attempting to influence each other and by learning the ways of persuasion that are practiced in many places in the Greater Community. They consider you primitive, and so they feel they can exert this influence and use these methods upon you.
Here there is an attempt to contact those individuals who are considered sensitive, receptive and naturally given to be cooperative. Many people will be selected, but a few will be chosen based upon these particular qualities. Your visitors will seek to gain allegiance with these individuals, to gain their trust and to gain their devotion, telling the recipients that the visitors are here to uplift humanity spiritually, to give humanity new hope, new blessings and new power, indeed promising the things that people want so dearly, yet have not found themselves. Perhaps you wonder, “How can such a thing occur?” We can assure you that it is not difficult once you learn these skills and abilities.
The effort here is to pacify and to reeducate people through spiritual persuasion. This “Pacification Program” is used differently with different religious groups depending upon their ideals and their temperament. It is always aimed at receptive individuals. Here it is hoped that people will lose their sense of discernment and will become wholly trusting of the greater power that they feel is being given to them by the visitors. Once this allegiance is established, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to discern what they know within themselves from what is being told to them. It is a very subtle however very pervasive form of persuasion and manipulation.

So their blood is Blue.
Who cares?
3.) The third area of activity, which is to establish the visitors’ presence in the world and to have people become used to this presence. They want humanity to become acclimated to this very great change that is occurring in your midst—to have you become acclimated to the visitors’ physical presence and to their effect on your own Mental Environment. To serve this purpose, they will create establishments here, though not in view. These establishments will be hidden, but they will be very powerful in casting an influence on human populations that are near them. The visitors will take great care and time to make sure that these establishments are effective and that enough people are in allegiance to them. It is these people who will guard and preserve the visitors’ presence.
This is exactly what is occurring in your world at this time. It represents a great challenge and unfortunately a great risk. This very same thing that we are describing has happened so many times in so many places in the Greater Community. And emerging races such as your own are always the most vulnerable. Some emerging races are able to establish their own awareness, ability and cooperation to the extent that they can offset outside influences such as these and establish a presence and a position in the Greater Community. Yet many races, before they even attain this freedom, fall under the control and influence of these foreign powers.
We understand that this information may incite considerable fear, perhaps denial or confusion. However as we observe events, we realize that there are very few people who are aware of the situation as it actually exists. Even those people who are becoming aware of the presence of alien forces are not in a position and do not have the vantage point from which they can see the situation clearly. Being ever hopeful and optimistic, they seek to give this great phenomenon as much positive meaning as they can.
However, the Greater Community is a competitive environment, a difficult environment. Those who engage in space travel do not always represent the spiritually advanced, for those who are spiritually advanced seek insulation from the Greater Community. They do not seek commerce. They do not seek to influence other races or to engage in the very complex array of relationships that are established for mutual trade and benefit. Instead, the spiritually advanced seek to remain hidden. This is a very different understanding, perhaps, but a necessary one for you to come to comprehend the great predicament that humanity is facing. Yet this predicament holds great possibilities.
Despite the gravity of the situation that we are describing, we do not feel that these circumstances are a tragedy for humanity. Indeed, if these circumstances can be recognized and understood, and if the preparation for the Greater Community, which now exists in the world, can be utilized, studied and applied, then people everywhere of good conscience will have the ability to learn Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom. Thus, people everywhere will be able to find the basis for cooperation so that the human family can finally establish a unity that has never been established here before. For it will take the overshadowing of the Greater Community to unite humanity. Therefore this overshadowing is occurring now.
It is your evolution to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It will happen whether you are prepared or not. It must occur. Preparation, then, becomes the key. Understanding and clarity—these are the things that are necessary and needed in your world at this time.
Thus The Watchers Message is sent and shared here. People everywhere have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now. They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely. It is not merely up to a great teacher or a great saint in your world to do this. It must be cultivated by many more people now. For the situation brings with it necessity, and if necessity can be embraced, it brings with it great opportunity.
The visitors seek to disable people from having this vision and this Knowledge within themselves, for your visitors do not have it within themselves. They do not see its value. They do not understand its reality. In this, humanity as a whole is more advanced than they are. But this is only a potential, a potential which must now be cultivated, the fruits of this knowledge must now be shared.
It is a message that can be shared from person to person, and it will be shared because it is natural to do so. Yet the visitors and those who have come under their persuasion will oppose such an awareness. They do not want to see an independent humanity. That is not their purpose. They do not even believe it is beneficial. Therefore, it is our sincere desire that these ideas be considered without trepidation, but with a serious mind and a deep concern that are well justified here.
There are many people in the world today, we understand, who feel that a great change is coming for humanity. Sow unless you can begin to comprehend the reality that humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life, you do not yet have the right context for understanding the destiny of humanity or the great change that is occurring in the world.
People are born into their time to serve that time. This is a teaching in Greater Community Spirituality, a teaching of which we are students as well. It teaches freedom and the power of shared purpose. It grants authority to the individual and to the individual who can join with others—ideas which are rarely accepted or adopted in the Greater Community, for the Greater Community is not the heavenly state. It is a physical reality with the rigors of survival and all that that entails. All beings within this reality must contend with these needs and issues. And in this, your visitors are more like you than you realize. They are not incomprehensible. They would seek to be incomprehensible, but they can be understood. You have the power to do this, but you must see with clear eyes. You must see with a greater vision and know with a greater intelligence, which you have the possibility to cultivate within yourselves.
It will take great sobriety and objectivity in order to see through these deceptions and these difficulties. It will be necessary for people to do this if humanity is to successfully emerge into the Greater Community and maintain its freedom and its self-determination in an environment of greater influences and greater forces. In this, your world could be overtaken without firing a shot, for violence is considered primitive and crude and is rarely employed in matters such as this.

They presume they own us. Set them Straight
4.) Now we must speak of the fourth area in which your visitors seek to establish themselves, and that is through interbreeding. They cannot live in your environment because of the biologicals present on this earth. They need your physical stamina. They need your natural affinity with the world. They need your reproductive abilities. They also want to bond with you because they understand that this creates allegiance. This, in a way, establishes their presence here because the offspring of such a program will have blood relations in the world and yet will have allegiance to the visitors. Perhaps this seems incredible, yet it is so very real.
The visitors are not here to take your reproductive abilities away from you. They are here to establish themselves. They want humanity to believe in them and to serve them. They want humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer anything and do anything to achieve this goal. Yet though their persuasion is great, their numbers are small. But their influence is growing and their program of interbreeding, which has been underway for several generations, will eventually be effective. There will be human beings of greater intelligence but who do not represent the human family. Such things are possible and have occurred countless times in the Greater Community. You have only to look at your own history to see the impact of cultures and races upon one another and to see how dominating and how influential these interactions can be.
However, the interbreeding program that is occurring now is not the same at all. It is being undertaken by a different set of beings and by different alliances. Through interbreeding, they are seeking to establish a human being who will be part of their association yet who can survive within your world and who can have a natural affinity with the world. Your visitors cannot live on the surface of your world. They must either seek shelter underground, which they are doing, or they must live aboard their own craft, which they often keep hidden in large bodies of water. They want to interbreed with humanity to protect their interests here, which are primarily the resources of your world. They want to have human allegiance assured, and so for several generations they have been involved in an interbreeding program, which within the last twenty years has become quite extensive.
Their purpose is twofold. First, as we have mentioned, the visitors want to create a human-like being who can live within your world but who will be bonded to them and who will have a greater set of sensitivities and abilities. The second purpose of this program is to influence all those that they encounter and to encourage people to assist them in their undertaking. The visitors want and need human assistance. This furthers their program in all respects. They consider you valuable. However, they do not consider you to be their peers or their equals. Useful, that is how you are perceived. So, in all whom they will encounter, in all whom they will take, the visitors will seek to engender this sense of their superiority, their value and the worth and the significance of their endeavors in the world. The visitors will tell all whom they contact that they are here for the good, and they will assure those that they have captured that they need not fear. And with those who seem particularly receptive, they will attempt to establish alliances, a shared sense of purpose, even a shared sense of identity and family, of heritage and destiny.

DNA the stuff we are made off.
In their program, the visitors have studied human physiology and psychology very extensively, and they will take advantage of what people want, particularly those things that people want but have not been able to gain for themselves, such as peace and order, beauty and tranquility. These will be offered and some people will believe. Others will simply be used as is needed.
Here it is necessary to understand that the visitors believe that this is entirely appropriate in order to preserve the world. They feel that they are doing humanity a great service, and so they are wholehearted in their persuasions. Unfortunately, this demonstrates a great truth about the Greater Community—that true Wisdom and true Knowledge are as rare in the universe as they must seem within your world.
We hope and trust that none of you who may hear this message will think that these intrusions into human life are beneficial. Those who are being affected will be influenced to think that these encounters are beneficial, both for themselves and for the world. People’s spiritual aspirations, their desire for peace and harmony, family and inclusion will all be addressed by the visitors. These things that represent something so special about the human family are, without Wisdom and preparation, a sign of your great vulnerability. Only those individuals who are strong with Knowledge and Wisdom could see the deception behind these persuasions. Only they are in a position to see the deception that is being perpetrated upon the human family. Only they can protect their minds against the influence that is being cast in the Mental Environment in so many places in the world today. Only they will see and know.
The interbreeding program that is occurring in the world will continue. The only way that it can be stopped is by people gaining this greater awareness and sense of inner authority. Only this will bring these intrusions to an end. Only this will uncover the deception behind them. It is hard for us to imagine how awful this must be for your people, for those men and women, for those little ones, who are undergoing this treatment, this re-education, this pacification.
Thus, we bring with us important news, serious news. But you must take heart, for this is not a time for ambivalence. This is not a time to seek escape. This is not a time to concern yourself with your own happiness. This is a time to contribute to the world, to strengthen the human family and to call forth those natural abilities that exist in people—the ability to see, to know and to act in harmony with one another. These abilities can offset the influence that is being cast upon humanity at this time, but these abilities must grow and be shared. It is of the utmost importance.

Enter with caution and discernment
You are entering a greater universe, filled with forces and influences that you have not yet learned how to counteract. You are entering a greater panorama of life. And you must prepare for this. It does not come from us. It comes from the Creator of all life. It comes at just the right time. For this is the time for humanity to become strong and wise. You have the ability to do this. And the events and circumstances of your life create a great need for this.
We understand how troubling this news may be and perhaps how disappointing it may be to many people who had high hopes and expectations that visitors from beyond would bring blessings and great benefit to humanity. It is natural perhaps to assume and to expect these things, but the Greater Community into which humanity is emerging is a difficult and competitive environment, particularly in areas in the universe where many different races compete with each other and interact for trade and commerce. Your world exists in such an area. This may seem incredible to you because it has always seemed that you lived in isolation, alone within the vast emptiness of space. But really you live in an inhabited part of the universe where trade and commerce have been established and where traditions, interactions and associations are all longstanding. And to your benefit, you live in a beautiful world—a world of great biological diversity, a splendid place in contrast to the starkness of so many other worlds.
However, this also gives your situation great urgency and poses a genuine risk, for you possess what many others want for themselves. They do not seek to destroy you but to gain your allegiance and your alliance so that your existence in the world and your activities here can be for their benefit. You are emerging into a mature and complicated set of circumstances. Here you cannot be like little children and believe and hope for the blessings of all whom you may encounter. You must become wise and discerning. Now humanity will have to learn about the ways of the Greater Community, about the intricacies of interaction between races, about the complexities of trade and about the subtle manipulations of associations and alliances that are established between worlds. It is a difficult but important time for humanity, a time of great promise if true preparation can be undertaken.
The interbreeding program has only one purpose, and that is to enable the visitors to establish a presence, a commanding influence within the world. Do not think that the visitors are lacking something that they need from you other than your resources. Do not think that they need your humanity. They only want your humanity to assure themselves of their position in the world. Do not be flattered. Do not indulge yourself in such thoughts. They are unwarranted. If you can learn to see the situation clearly as it really is, you will see and you will know these things for yourself. You will understand why we are here and why humanity needs friends in a Greater Community of intelligent life. You will see the importance of learning greater Knowledge and Wisdom and of learning Greater Community Spirituality.

The Divine order of the Universe
End of Message for Now.
There is much more to The Watchers Message that could be shared. However the knowledge and tone have been shared sow that those with the Awareness can read between the lines. Thus if you choose to know more YOU will need to connect.
We are at a point now where forces have entered our human domain. Thus Humanity must grow up and become united in its cause, as our freedom as a race is in jeopardy. There are those who could careless for freedom. My question to YOU is: … Are you willing to let others decide your fate?
If not… the time is now to unite and share this message sow others can decide for themselves. To acquiesce now is to except an-others determination for your life. To Each Their Own.
Therefore this post becomes my objection to the Visitors Intervention, as Humanity is NOT ready to receive them.
Are YOU?…
At the very least, they know I know. NOW you do too! SEE how this Works…

The Watchers Message is for Humanity!

Wake up and smell the Coffee! It’s not all Puppy Dogs and Roses, We are entering a Greater Community of Intelligent Life
In your opinion… is Humanity ready to receive the Visitors?
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