Windfall, Yea Right!
Now a days most of us would love to have this happen. A Five Million Dollar Windfall falling out of the sky right into your lap. Sounds wonderful doesn’t it? Just like winning the Lottery. There’s that old saying! If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. Not true that is. I don’t know how many of these emails I have deleted. But they just keep coming. There’s another saying that comes to mind as well. There’s a sucker born every minute. These emails are fun to read. If it’s not this one it’s the one from soldiers in Afghanistan that are looking for someone to give the money they found in banks where the whole family has been killed. Most likely by them. All they need is somebody that maybe a long distant relative so the Windfall money can be released by the bank. Or not even a relative because they will give you all the documentation to assume some false identity for the bank. Little do they know. We already have a false identity with the legal name and birth certificate. Hey, fraud is fraud.
Or the one about some young girl looking to come to this country that needs an honest person to help her move her large Windfall sum of money over from some war-torn country so she can get an American education. She would be happy to invest in your business. She will even send you pictures of her in case your interested in a young wife. I often wonder, If she has all this money why can’t she buy a plane ticket and come here on her own. Oh, that’s right she needs us to pay for something which she will give us a check for and pay us back. Good luck on the check clearing the bank. Funny how they never send you cash. Because sending cash through the mail is illegal. And they are good honest people. LOL, Just another Windfall Scam.
It appears these idiots think Americans are stupid and that we always want their money when in fact, it is they themselves that are stupid and need the money from us. They offer us a Windfall but before we can get it we always have to pay for something. Plus they want all our personal information. The only thing they don’t ask for is the S.S. number. However with the S.S. number they can open a credit card account and get a credit card on-line using the information you just gave them. Guess who the banks are going to come after for the payments.
At times I Am tempted to fill out their request for information with a bunch of curse words and bogus information then send it back to them but that would just be a waste of my time. Deleting is much faster. Here’s the latest Windfall scam I just received today so I felt I would have some fun and pick it apart just for grins and giggles.
I AM retired. Another word for jobless. So wouldn’t you know it, I have some time. I will put my comments in purple Italics ending with an exclamation point! Just having some fun, well because I Am retired, and that’s not like a recap.
Windfall Scam
The United Nations Headquarters, New York Check out the link!
United Nations Compensation Unit, In Affiliation with World Bank Our Ref: U.N/WBO/042UK/2014.
First off, the United Nation and the World Bank are one in the same. Just different names, doing the same job of scamming the people. Dumb shits!
Congratulations Beneficiary, You have been chosen to be our sucker!
How are you today? Hope all is well with you and family? Yea, like you really care! You may not understand why this mail came to you. You bet, I wish they would stop! We have been having a meeting for the past 7 months which just ended few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS. Hey, Bozo who is the secretary of the United Nation? You mean to tell me they had a meeting that lasted 7 months! This email is to all the people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS in Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD$5 Million Dollars. How would they know about all the people who have been scam in the world? Oh because you are being scammed now!
This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc. Show me a Government that doesn’t have problems. And numb nuts, it’s people who. That’s gooder English! We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. My name is on a list that you received? Then why didn’t you address this email to my name? Show me the list with my name on it! A Compensation exercise WTF? Riding a bike is exercise! And that’s has not have been. You are advised to contact Aaron Smith of our paying center in Africa, as he is our representative in Nigeria, contact him immediately for your Cheque/ International Bank Draft of USD$5 Million Dollars. Funny my name is Aaron Smith! And he’s not paying so that must mean you have to pay!
This fund is in form of a Bank Draft for security purpose ok? OK, we need security because it’s five million dollars in a Bank Draft! So he will send it to you and you can clear it in any bank of your choice. No Thanks just send a big box of Silver! Ever heard of Electronic Bank Transfer? Therefore, you should send him your full Name and telephone number your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to you. Contact Aaron Smith of MAGNUM PLC PAYMENT CENTER with your payment Code:ST/DPI/829 immediately for your Cheque at the given address below: I thought my name was on a list already! Can’t he contact me with the check? Let me guess the check is no good and I will have to pay some money for fees to get the check!
E-MAIL:[email protected] So far you have listed two banks but hey who’s counting
FAX: +234-1-8968850
I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you might have encountered in receiving your fund in the past. Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the world a better place. I accept your apology! I was wondering, how would I know I had five million dollars coming if it wasn’t for this email? And yes there has been a delay because I never knew. God Bless you because if it wasn’t for you I would have never known about the money that doesn’t exist that I will never receive! You may want to hear from me, but I never want to hear from you again. This is getting old!
You are required to contact the above person and furnish him with the following of your information that will be required to avoid any mistakes:- I Am required to contact Aaron Smith? Who the hell do you think you are requiring me to do anything? What if I don’t want your money? Contacting you would be a big mistake! But I Am required so here’s my information because I don’t want to go to jail for not contacting you and giving you my personal information!
1. Your Full name: Mr. Lick My Asshole!
2. Your Country: Bum Fuck Egypt!
3. Contact Address: 666 Bite my bag right on the Wrinkle Lane, Anytown U.S.A!
4. Telephone Number: (555) 555-5555
5. Fax Number: (Fax) You-Idot (329) 968- 4368
6. Marital Status: No Thanks!
7. Occupation: Scam buster, couch potato, Master-bater on the good ship Lollypop!
8. Sex: Sometimes, what did you have in mind? Should I just bend over NOW!
9. Age: To old to mention!
Congratulations, and I look forward to hear from you as soon as you confirm your payment making the world a better place. Hey, I thought I was getting the payment. What payment must I confirm? A better place for you while I Am left holding the bag, you scum bag!
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
Messages and documents transmitted with this e-mail may contain Privileged/Confidential information subject to legal privilege. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not use, copy, distribute or deliver to anyone this message (or any part of its contents) or take any action in reliance on it. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete it. Question? How would I know if I have received this email in error Dumb shit, you sent it to me! Yep, I just posted the entire email so sue me.
Any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd and/or its subsidiaries. The Group will not accept any liability in respect of such communication and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising. So the five million dollars is just your view or opinion and belongs to the author. Who is unnamed, Hummm!
Yea, your disclaimer makes this look real alright. Oh what is the employee’s name? I would like to ask him/her/it why they sent this email to me. I know, I will contact Aaron Smith and give him a link to this post that way he can gather all my information from it!
Internet e-mail may be susceptible to data corruption, interception and unauthorized amendments for which Bank accepts no liability. All reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure no viruses are present in this e-mail. As we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this e-mail or attachments we recommend that you subject these to your virus checking procedures prior to use. OOOOPs, you missed one, you!
Oh you missed unauthorized reading by some government organization. And of course banks never accept any liability for anything they do. Just like you, they use our money to make money and give us nothing in return. Speaking of viruses, your kind is a major corrupt virus on this world. To bad the world doesn’t have a virus checking procedure, scanning and deleting you and yours that would make the world a better place. Presto! you’re deleted!

What, me Worry? It’s just a Five Million Dollar Windfall alright. Just blowing right by me! Accepted for value.
Well that was fun. And they think we are stupid. This email is so full of holes. Why would any bank or world organization offer five million dollars to somebody that never knew they were owed a five million dollar Windfall. Wouldn’t they send a letter to your personal address from their list? Maybe it’s because they are kind and honest. And emails are so much faster and safer and more secure. In a world where (Greed) is the virus. People that have caught the virus (Greed) are simply looking to infect somebody else. Is that somebody else you?
It’s difficult for me to believe that people would fall for a scam like this. I Am not saying I have never been scammed. In truth I feel we all have to some degree. I have just learned my lesson. Not to believe a word that comes out of anybodies mouth. Believing that money will solve all the problems if I only had more. That’s the problem with belief. Hear let me break down this word for you. Belief.
(Be) nothing wrong with being unless we are being something we are not. Unfortunately most are being something they are not. What I mean is are you really a Doctor or Lawyer, or bus Driver or even a stay at home Mom?
(Lie) will that one is self-evident. That’s exactly what this email is, a lie. It appears lying has become the the new norm, as every few know what truth is. We have been lied to our whole life. It just occurred to me. If somebody believes a lie does that make it truth?
And (F) well, what’s the first word you would say after being scammed out of your hard-earned money on this scam? Yep, Fuck. What if the word was spelled this way beliefuck. This system is all about money and the system will do anything to get it.
The concept of money is simply that. A concept. When in truth money, or some form of money, has caused all the problems this world and humanity has and is facing since it’s conception. Can you name one problem in the world today that doesn’t have money involved some how?
Can you even imagine a world without money where all your needs are met? Needs being the keyword. Where we all work for the Spiritual uplifting of Mankind. How about for the Spiritual uplifting of you? Just by you being a Spiritual being isn’t the world a better place? That’s Spiritual not Religious. There’s your Windfall.
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