The Greatest Story Ever Told

Original Sin

Ah, come on! An Apple Really! The Greatest Story ever told. Has a snake in it too! Wrapped around the Tree of Life! WoW

There are very few that have not heard this story. Our Religions have gone to great lengths to tell us this story, of The Invisible Man convincing us it’s the Truth and given to the human race to save them from themselves for free. Because we are all sinners, born in sin and will die in sin, if we do not repent.

Those that have taken authority for truth, must find it very difficult to than find the truth as authority.

Because they have been convinced of this story, by the authority. It’s the greatest story they tell with all the drama, ritual, and pompous dress. That our eyes have failed to see the signs. The signs and symbols tell the true story but few understand the secrets behind them. Since they don’t have an understanding of the symbols, and they are so busy, they reason that authority must use them because they know the truth. They must be Good Holy Religious Symbols. And these religious leaders must have an inside story. So they are telling us the truth. Because after all they are Religious. This couldn’t be farther from the truth.

What's that symbol on his staff mean?

The Greatest Story ever told by the biggest lairs on the planet. What’s that symbol on his staff mean?

Are we Missing the Point? Forgetting that the last act that killed the truth was treason. Or was it? As one, of the true brothers in truth, he must have known the truth. And the truth has a plan.

The problem is we use reason to determine and understand the story. Instead of following our heart to know and feel the true story. We are told we must believe the truth and have faith in the truth to be saved. My question to you is, Which Truth?

Because belief and faith come from two different places within the human form. Is it the truth you hear, or the truth you feel? Even the story itself tells us to seek the truth inside but few hear this truth. Even fewer feel it.

Because we have to believe the truth. As the story goes. And belief is an act of reason. Where as faith is an act of heart. We believe our ears, because they are on our heads. Believe what we read with our eyes. Again because they are on our heads. So it’s natural for us to use our heads to believe the story we have been told, because we can see it and we hear it once a week, twice a week if we’re lucky.

The signs are all wrong

Blind Faith is Never having experienced knowing, what your heart is saying

Instead of using our faith to feel the truth in our hearts everyday. Our heart has a mind of its own, which must mean it has ears and eyes as well. Plus the heart has something the mind doesn’t have. Feelings! However most believe that the mind is the center of consciousness. When in truth, it’s our heart. It’s at the center of our being for this purposes.

It’s been said, those that have ears let them hear. We assume this individual that said this, was telling us to listen. We would hear the truth. And he was telling us the truth, however what we are hearing may not be the truth at all. Because we are listening with our ears of reason.

Instead of our hearts. Since our heart has ears. One can listen as well with their heart. The question remains, Which ears is one using?
This individual was telling us the truth but one must realize he was living from his heart. Where the truth can be heard, felt, and lived with heart.

Here’s my take on the story we have been told. Listening with the ears of reason. And see with the eyes of mind. The ones on our heads. And the truth will set you free! So I have to tell you the truth so that your heart may hear!

The signs of Reason

Think or feel the the truth.
Which one do you choose?

The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Invisible Man

When it comes to bullshit, big time bullshit, one has to stand in awe of this story. This story is the all time champion of all false promises, exaggerated claims, and false truths ever told. The Invisible Man of Religion! Called God The Father.

Just think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there is this Invisible Man, living in the sky, on some cloud somewhere. Or this place called Heaven. Which in reality, the Heavens are all around us. It contains the stars. It’s even called the heavens. Get a clue.

Where's the Invisible Man?

Heaven is all around us. The signs are in the Heavens

The Invisible Man watches everything we do, every minute of everyday for all the billions of people here on this earth. For their entire life. Not including any life out there in the heavens. He keeps track and marks it all down on a list or book, so when you die. You face him and he goes over everything you ever did wrong and right. And marks with an X all those you didn’t ask forgiveness of. Even the ones you forgot. That’s why he keeps the list. So he can remind us!

The Invisible Man has a list of ten things he does not want us to ever do. But it’s OK if he does them. After all he’s God. Do as I say, Not as I do. God works in mysterious ways. But if you do any of them and don’t confess them and ask for forgiveness. Then he has this special place called Hell. That The Invisible Man has created just for those bad, bad people. Because he needs a place to put them. So they don’t mess up his creation.

This special place called Hell is full of fire and brimstone, smoke, burning, torture, anguish, and the tearing of flesh. Where The Invisible Man will send us to live, and suffer and burn, and choke, and scream, and cry, forever, and ever until the end of time. Because I stole that loaf of bread to feed my family from the Kings table.

The Invisible Man Knows All

I burn in hell because of this?
What happened to all that manna from Heaven?

The Reason for it all

Yep, The Invisible Man loves you! He really loves you! He loves you so much that he sent his son down here to be killed and hung on a cross (T), which was really an X. Romans remember! Because he wants to save you from all the pain, and anguish of Hell, you are going to suffer because you sinned and he can’t forgive you unless you worship his son that he sent down to be killed, so you could be saved. And he really, really loves his son. But he really, really, really hates sin. And he just can find a place in his heart to forgive you any other way.  It takes a sacrifice to save the sinners. And “they will love me if it’s the last thing I do“.

That’s the Greatest Story ever told. Oh, that’s just the first chapter. Of The Invisible Man.

Oh, The Invisible Man loves you and he needs money. For some reason he always needs money. Can’t manage to save a dime and he needs you to give ten percent of your earnings to the church, in his name. Most of the time you pay before you even hear the story the church is going to tell you. That way if you don’t like the story, it’s to late to get your money back. Of course he will pay you back with ten percent interest. He’s just borrowing the money. Even if Money is the Root of all Evil. That’s his promise to pay. And don’t give me that love of money stuff.

New Business Card

New Business Card for Power users. It’s all about these worthless pieces of cotton

He’s all-powerful, all perfect, all-knowing, all-wise. Sees all. Hears all and feels all, takes care of all the creatures on the earth. Feeding them. Housing them. Will give you what you need but not what you want. But to do all this, some how he needs money. The Invisible Man just can’t handle his money properly. Seems he has a hole in his pocket and all his money goes through to helping the needy, which in reality, few needy really ever get the help they need. There are so many needy people that he always needs more money to help them. Because for some reason he can’t do it without money. Some how those needy people just can’t take care of themselves with out his help. So the church must do it for him. That’s their job and why God create the church. Some how he can feed all the animals and creatures of this earth, but humans.

Swans showing the sign of love

God loves you. He really loves you. He just needs money!

Well I guess he runs out of money! So we are on our own. We need to give more money. But don’t forget he loves you more than the creatures, That’s why The Invisible Man gave humans dominion over the animals. Because he loves us so much more.

The Invisible Man is your Father, who art in heaven and he created everything. All of creation is his and under his control. You can’t do anything with out his say so. When was the last time you remember a man giving birth to anything?

Is this the story you hear in your head? The one you reason to be the truth? If so you need your ears cleaned. Or better yet, leave those ears dirty on your head. Use the ears you have in your heart! Because they hear the truth. And that’s the ears Christ was talking about.

Live in your Heart

This is what I am talking about. See I am pointing to it.

Christ was living from the heart, so he was listening and speaking from his heart. He was seeing with his heart and feeling and saw what a sorry bunch of people we are here on this earth. Always living life in their heads. So he did tell us the truth. But in truth, we listened with the wrong ears and now look at the way of the world. No problem, be in the world not of it. And don’t worry he’s coming back to save you.

He’s going to lift you up in the clouds were he’s at, so you will be safe from all the destruction, he’s going to bring because his father commands it to be so. And you don’t have to do a thing to make the world a better place. But he only wants the ones and only the ones that love him. They get to go. The rest just aren’t worth saving. Oh you could love him and ask his forgiveness. You have free will. To love him or suffer for ever. And that’s the truth.

Because you just can’t find the truth in your heart. You can’t feel the truth. So you reason the truth. So he gave you a reason. You need a savior. Oh really isn’t that just more of the greatest story ever told? Why does he need to come back here. Can’t he just take care of everything from the comfort of heaven? Oh, he needs to beat up Satan and cast all those bad bad people down into hell for eternity, but he’s only going to chain Satan there for a thousand years and then let him out again to see if he forgot some body. Than finish the job for good.

Atomic bomb blast

Ooops, I made a mistake.
Wait, I’m God I don’t make mistakes.

The Greatest Story ever told, all right. Bullshit! My heart just can’t believe this bullshit. I love Christ. I love the idea of Christ, I love the Christ consciousness, Christ brought. The consciousness, Christ shared in his teaching. The Christ Consciousness, I feel in my heart. The Christ consciousness, he died for on the X. Because the world just can’t LOVE. It needs money.

That’s the truth my heart feels. What yours feels. There is no way of me knowing. And to be truthful, it’s not my heart, therefore not my concern.

I also hate Christ. I hate what they did to the Idea for Christ, I hate what they did to the consciousness of Christ, I hate how they covered up, change, rewrote. lied about the teachings of Christ. And my heart hurts to think that this magical being would have to suffer for all those people’s sins, that he never committed. So they can be saved. And they just keep sinning because all they need to do is ask for forgiveness and their sins are forgiven. What about all the people they hurt with their sins? What about all the people who have die because of their sins? What about all the damage that has been done to the earth because of their sins? God works in mysterious ways and they are in a better place. That’s what Forgiveness is for. Bull shit!


He had to die like this to teach us forgiveness. God needs to learn a lesson from his son.

It’s your heart you find it. You feel it, you listen to it. You hear the truth. Use your faith and intend the truth. I know what mine is. I know what my intent is. I have poured my heart out all over this website. For people to find and feel the truth. However it may speak to their heart. However they feel it. I know not everyone will. Just like my brother knew.

It’s been said and I have a few to add. Those that have eyes let them see. Those that have ears let them hear. Those that have heart let them feel. Those that have voice let them speak. Those that have fingers, let them type. And those that have wisdom, let them think. Than again you may think you have your reasons.

I have my heart. And I don’t want to trade it for reasons, thanks anyway for the offer!

I like The Invisible Man story, It’s a really good story, in fact. it’s the Greatest Story ever told. The Invisible Man that lives on a cloud, that always needs money, and is coming to save the world. That’s a good one. Holy Shit!……….

A Battle with Reason and It's Descriptions

Ok, That sounds Reasonable. Great that gives me a reason for the Reason for The Invisible Man

Did I just say Shit? No, I said Holy Shit!………

What? What was that? I hear you brother. This story is so full of holes. Do you feel they will ever understand? What? What was that? God only knows! LOL

That’s a good one. I love you bro. The Invisible Man, Hey, where are you anyway? On a cloud?

Hey Brother, about this faith stuff. How does it work exactly. I can’t find the truth anywhere around here. And I have this big rock I would like to move.

What? What was that?…………………………………………….I hear ya, man, I hear ya in my heart. You want me to tell them, what?………

My Brother in Heart

Tell them to live from their Hearts

If they only knew! Hey, how many do you feel, felt this post? … I don’t want to end up like you. I hate hanging around all day with nothing to do.

What? What was that?…….Suffer………………. LOL, You crack me up!  What? You tack me up! That’s even better! LOL

Hey, how’s The Invisible Man, I mean, the Invisible Old Man Anyway?…. Is he still playing golf?……………..He’s using Fire Balls! Is that a New brand? I know he liked those Comets for awhile…………..What!, He finally hit a hole in one!

Comet Lovejoy Oh No, Anothe New Comet

Hole in one!


What? What’s that?…….. Fore!!!! Yikes!

Spirit and Playing with Reality

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!

Knowledge is Power

Experience is Wisdom

Take your Power Back

Live from your Heart


The Invisible Man The Greatest Story ever told

Man this guy has Heart. Hopefully they have more nails this time.

The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Invisible Man. He’s just make believe. That’s why he’s The Invisible Man!