About Thunderbird

Why are you looking Here?.. If you want to know about me... Read my posts. Human beings are not objects, they have no solidity. They are round luminous balls of energy, boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them. In fact, losing self importance and personal history is a Warriors greatest accomplishment. SEE...............


By |2020-04-11T12:24:20-04:00January 29th, 2017|

In The Illusion one can make believe The Finger illusion Yea, this is The Illusion,,, Take another look and SEE ! It's been said, we live in an Illusion. However, no one has ever explained what The Illusion is. To know what The Illusion is, one must see it first. Therefore it requires that one have the eyes to see beyond this world. It must be stated that words have power and can cast spells... Here Let's show you... When I say "world" is your first thought, thought the Earth?


By |2020-04-11T12:24:20-04:00January 29th, 2017|

The Winds of Change flows though us All Dreaming Spirit traveling at the Speed of Consciousness The Universe is your play ground. Consciousness is your gift. The Dream within a Dream. In the Life of every being there comes a point, at which The Winds of Change enters into them that indicates the end of ones task is near. Sow, this post maybe my final post as there is nothing more I can share. It has been my task to share my experience. This I have done.


By |2020-04-11T12:24:21-04:00January 29th, 2017|

Power of The Number Nine See a Nine? Just step through and see it from the other side The Number Nine is everywhere. One need only look just under the surface. Before we start one must understand that numbers were not invented, they were discovered. To understand Nine one must consider Numerology. The Number Nine is the last number in a base [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:24:21-04:00January 29th, 2017|

Souls for Sale wrote the Book on Religions In the name of Religions we suffer from the lack of Knowledge See listing on Souls for Sale Channel # 666 on your TV dial. Are you tired and wore out... Thinking of selling your soul? Then you have come to the right place. Souls for Sale can sell your soul to a supreme [...]


By |2020-04-13T16:36:07-04:00March 26th, 2016|

Hummm, Falcon Medicine, when Worlds Collide, Falcon vs Dove. Falcon Medicine one of the most specialized birds of prey because they error not. Their speed and accuracy are simply unmatched, because they exercise restraint. This Falcon Medicine message is about being discriminate in our choices, choosing with accuracy and precision, exercising restraint thus reaping ultimate success and reward as we progress and [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:24:28-04:00March 2nd, 2016|

Monkey Man, an Evolutionary process of the Spirit of Humanity Missing Link I can't say. I can't see, What, I can't hear you. Monkey Man Will You Take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill? Red or Blue it is ALL up to you! Red or Blue it is ALL up to you! For the Red Pill and its opposite, the Blue Pill, are popular culture symbols representing the choice between embracing the sometimes painful (Red Pill) truth of Monkey Man reality which of itself is not a negative or positive thing.


By |2020-04-11T12:24:29-04:00February 7th, 2016|

The purpose of this work, THE SEVEN, is not the enunciation of any special philosophy or doctrine, but rather is to give a statement of Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of knowledge we may have acquired, which seem apparently opposed to each other which often serve to discourage and disgust one in the study of the mysteries of life. The intent is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but rather to place in our hands THE SEVEN Master Keys with which we may open many inner doors in the Temple of Mystery through the main portals we have already entered.


By |2020-04-11T12:24:32-04:00December 12th, 2015|

Questions only you can answer, However they must be asked first. Looking Back I see a reflection. I Now know, which one is truly me. Questions I ask Myself, sow I may better "Know Thy Self". Will Silver (Truth) tarnish in the presents of gold? Are there many planes of existence? Does good or evil really matter? Is cause always/only expressed in materialism? Are actions always expressions in the ALL? Is heart the spirit mind? If I AM ALL, what else there? Why in the ALL must we consume in the ALL?

Deer Medicine

By |2020-04-13T16:36:07-04:00December 1st, 2015|

Deer Medicine, it's been a long time coming. Deer Medicine, Gentleness in Balance Deer Medicine teaches gentleness in word, thought, touch, and being. By observing the ways deer behaves, it is possible to see the amazing qualities, and powers they possess. From Deer Medicine we learn the gift of gentleness, caring, unconditional Love. To help us overcome and put aside many testing [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:24:35-04:00November 19th, 2015|

GOD IN A DOOR KNOB is a journey within. It has taken me years to remember this teaching, received years ago. It's been said, that life is a journey of remembering what we forget at birth. Spirit in cased at birth in a material meat suit best suited for physical life on this material plain, or plain of matter. It appears we must be trained as to the functions of this meat suit, along with all the rules, regulations, do's and don'ts for living on this material plain.

To Each Their Own

By |2020-04-11T12:24:37-04:00March 18th, 2015|

To Each Their Own, Spinning In or Spinning Out To Each Their Own Spinning Expanding you Somewhere in there, There is you. Are you spinning in this picture? To Each Their Own seems like a good title for this post. Especially after my last journey spinning out to outer space. Or would that be in to inner space? Here is share a vision of some constructs as to the makeup of Consciousness Perception in Awareness. SEE... To Each Their Own in time, Which in time takes no time at all. CHAKRAS and Flying On The Wings of Consciousness are my meager attempts to share this experience. I know some shared this experience at the same time. Welcome Home!

Flying On The Wings of Consciousness

By |2020-04-11T12:24:38-04:00February 2nd, 2015|

Flying on The Wings of Consciousness to visit friends Flying on the Wings of Consciousness, A conscious flight into the unknown. That becomes Known through Experience. A Conversation had with Friends. We share this concept together in the LOVE of all of Humanity. Flying on The Wings of Consciousness with The ARCTURIANS