Falcon Medicine


Falcon Medicine, when Worlds Collide, Falcon vs Dove.

Falcon Medicine one of the most specialized birds of prey because they error not. Their speed and accuracy are simply unmatched, because they exercise restraint.

This Falcon Medicine message is about being discriminate in our choices, choosing with accuracy and precision, exercising restraint thus reaping ultimate success and reward as we progress and soar through Life.

Are you looking at me?

Are you looking at me?

Falcon Medicine

The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird on the planet, with speeds recorded at over 200 miles per hour. It manages this astonishing speed by tucking its feet and folding back its wings and tail so that it can gravity dive-bomb its prey. It kills not simply by sheer force of impact, but by strategically punching in mid-air its prey with its clenched foot. Called the punch of Death, because its prey never knew what punched them from above.

Falcons fly high, their long narrow wing shape allows them to change direction suddenly and dive with amazing speed. Falcon Medicine people are able to rise above and quickly alter course when needed as life is never a straight line.

Yea, like down isn't a straight line...

Yea, like down isn’t a straight line…

Falcon Medicine symbolizes strength, spirit, with vision. Falcon people like to see everything that is happening around them and are very likely to initiate thus lead activities. Falcon Medicine teaches us how to recognize opportunities thus seize them through our willingness to SEE ALL the possibilities.

Falcon Medicine is the symbol of liberty, freedom, and victory. Therefore, it also symbolizes release to all those who are in bondage whether moral, emotional, physical, or spiritual.

Falcon Medicine Cosmology

Falcon is regarded for its strong predatory technique associated with the upper world – above world – of order and light, the sun and moon. The other sections of the cosmos, the middle world and underworld, are identified with Earth, a place of chaos and darkness, respectively. The three levels are joined by a cosmic axis that was depicted as a cedar tree/Tree of life?

Of course some trees are different then others

Of course some trees are different then others

Spiritual beings from the upper and underworld are always at odds with each other. What’s New?

The “forked eye surround” motif found on SECC artifacts like shells, stone tools, walls, weapons, and pottery is understood to represent the eye of falcon and is associated with the upper world. The “eye surround” motif, on the other hand, represents the underworld.

Parts is Parts

Parts is Parts

Meaningful Falcon Symbolism, The Eye of Horus

Horus, the ancient Egyptian sky god who was depicted as a falcon, most likely a Lanner or Peregrine Falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun god, Ra.

The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the “teardrop”, sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth).

Hey, what does ass-oc-ia-tion mean?


In one myth, Set and Horus were fighting for the throne of Osiris’s death, Set gouged out Horus’s left eye. The majority of the eye was restored by either Hathor or Thoth (with the past portion possibly being supplied magically). Hummm, I wonder what that mean?

When Horus’s eye was recovered, Horus offered it to his father, Osiris, in hopes of restoring life. Hence, the eye of Horus is often used to symbolize sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection. Another meaning can be taken from the name HOR-US, and Horus they did.

Horus is a complicated deity, appearing in many different forms. This mythology is one of the most extensive of all Egyptian deities. Sow many different aspects we limit our discussion to those that ring significant.

At the same time a serious examination of the various Horuses and sources relating to them supports the possibility the roles in question are closely interrelated, sow that they may be understood as different aspects of the same divine persona.

The same persona or different?

The same persona or different?

Or, the divine persona of one deity as stolen from another deity persona?

The original form of Horus was that of a sky god, known as “lord of the sky”. The Egyptian word ” her” (hor, har), from which the god’s name is derived means “the one on high”, or “the distant one”, in reference to the soaring flight of the hunting falcon, not a reference to the solar aspect of god. No way Jose!”


If we only had eyes to SEE

Mythologically, god was imagined as a celestial falcon, whose right eye was the sun and left eye the moon. A sight to behold!…The speckled feathers of its breast are considered to be stars, while its wings are the sky that created the wind in the up lifting, opening, flapping.

In this form, Horus was apparently recognized at some of Egypt’s earliest shrines such as at Nekhen (Heirakonpolis), where she was assimilated with a number of other falcon gods. In this capacity, Horus was the patron of the Nekhen monarchy that grew into the historical pharaonic state, hence, the first known national god. Who’s eye is on the dollar bill. Enough said about that.

Fire in the Sky, could be man made

Always watching, yet can’t SEE the light

Falcon Medicine totem comes when we require higher vision, thus higher knowledge in solving current dilemmas.

Falcon Medicine is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation. Further evidence of its solar influence, Falcon is symbolic of the rising sun light in Egypt. It is also the king of all birds, thus many gods were shown with the head or body of the Raptor Falcon (including Ra).

In European tradition, the Falcon represents the huntsman and is associated with the Germanic sky-gods Wodan as well as Frigg and the trickster Loki. In European culture the Falcon is considered a warlike symbol.

At its core, Falcon Medicine represents visionary power, wisdom, and guardianship. When there is no one to fight with. The fight stops. This powerful bird awakens visionary power, and leads to life purpose. Falcon carries with it a message of transition and change.


Transmute perfection why?

Falcon Medicine attributes…


Falcon Medicine encourages us to calculate thus strategize. If we have a goal, Falcon beckon us to make plans and strategies to obtain these goals. Falcons are all about focus, strong one-pointed focus. When they show themselves, we are being called to focus on our desires and our goals, to do what is necessary to bring our desires into our reality.

The fact that Falcon is a solar creature might mean there is something in your life that you are passionate about, that needs to be brought into the light. Falcon is asking,… take action on this passion?

The things Dreams are mad of

The things Dreams are made of

However, be smart, don’t jump into something without doing research and planning… Make your passion a reality by pursuing it methodically, as with the strategy of the Falcon, who would pursue the hunt.

Very often we glean symbolic meaning and life-metaphors from stories, myths, and parables. Falcon has many symbolic lessons. This parable and myth serves as a powerful message. It illustrates that Falcon Medicine reminds us of our own potential.

falcon 5

~Peregrine Parable~

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away lived a king who received two Peregrine falcons as a gift.

This was a very honorable offering as the falcons were exquisite, and would make noble companions as the king hunted his royal grounds.

The king passed the falcons off to his gamekeeper and instructed him to train the raptors for next hunt.

The gamekeeper set about training the two Peregrine’s. One bird performed exceedingly well. However, the second bird excelled not at all. In fact, the bird never moved off its branch!

The gamekeeper was flembuseled, so he recruited the advice of an avian expert. After inspecting the bird who would not fly, the expert diagnosed it as perfectly healthy and sound. He was baffled as to why the bird would not fly.

Left with no other choice, the gamekeeper approached the king about the flightless falcon. Never turning down a good challenge, the king sent out an announcement to every village, town and rural residence within the kingdom. He set a high reward to anyone who could make the grounded falcon take flight.

Hundreds came to surmise the flightless falcon. Some tried luring the bird off its branch with bits of meat. Others chanted and sang in hopes to inspire the bird to fly. Still others poked at the bird (which was a big mistake, as falcon bit the fingers that poked at him!).

After many days of challenges and many disappointments, all attempts to prompt the raptor to fly off its branch failed.

Then came an old woman from the furthest outreaches of the kingdom. Since she kept to herself, cloistered in her small hovel, few residents in the kingdom knew anything about her. She was weathered, disheveled and smelled faintly of bog water.

As the old woman approached the falcon, she drew out a wicked-sharp blade from the folds of her garment. The crowd gasped. Would she kill the king’s falcon!?

Hardly. She used the blade to hack off the end of the branch the falcon had been stubbornly sitting upon all this time.

In a flash, the falcon’s wings unfurled, and it took off into the skies with stunning glory, grace and power.

The king marveled over the sight!

‘Woman, How did you know my falcon would take flight if you cut the branch?‘ The king asked.
From leathery lips, the wizened woman replied:

“Some souls need to be reminded, they have wings.”


Dove Medicine

Dove is actually a smaller copy of the now-extinct passenger pigeon. A study of its qualities will help in understanding Dove Medicine.

Dove’s roles as Spirit Messenger, maternal symbol and liaison, impart an inner peace that helps to live calmly and with purpose.

Dove Medicine represents the deepest kind of PEACE, the power of giving, prophecy, and the hope for a new beginning. Dove is an expression of the motherly instincts, and is connected to Mother Earth.

Doves are considered a symbol of motherhood because of their unique ability to produce their own milk. Another confirmation about maternal attributes, as well as self-sacrifice for the sake of their offspring, is that they cease foraging for food just before their babies are born. This temporary starvation ensures a purer milk formulation for their offspring.

Historically, Dove symbolism is associated with other mother figures:

  • The Mother Mary in Christian legend (care, devotion, purity and peace)
  • Ishtar in Assyrian culture (promise of hope and salvation)
  • Aphrodite and Venus (viewing the soul or a sense of higher love)
In Creation We Trust Flight in Spirit

Flying On The Wings of Dove Consciousness

Dove is the symbol of “Between Times” that shows us the veil is thinning between the Physical, Spiritual, and Mental Worlds. As you listen, your soul hears dove call, her mournful song, thus know it speaks to the deep parts of self, it stirs both our emotions, and our imaginations.

When Dove show up, it’s  a powerful time of prophecy and clear vision, seeing glimpses of the future. Seeing Dove in your life quite regularly?

It’s a sign to go within, release the past, present, future things that are troubling. Dove carries the energy of promise when there is turmoil outside.

The White Ball of Love

Bring the White Light Ball of love into your Heart

Quite your mind, take a deep breath, sit calmly, let your troubled thoughts, words and feelings go, receive the gifts of Doves Love. Then begin to heal on all levels, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Dove’s message is to remember the purity of creative spirit at the soul level of ones true calling. Crow Medicine may help!

Thus doves help in guiding one into a new world…, full of joy, love and beauty , all of which will radiate through us and into the world.

Dove represents the Gender Feminine power of giving, prophecy, and the hope of a new beginning. She is the embodiment of the maternal instinct, the embodiment of motherhood, connected to Mother Earth and her creative abilities.

Dove reveals the veils between the spiritual and physical worlds. Her mournful song speaks to our deepest self and stirs our emotions, and our imagination. The voice of the Dove is the rain song that brings hope of a new beginning.

Letting go of the name

Be what you is. Not what you is not. People that is, is the happiest lot…

Dove Medicine is of “Between Times” and shows us the time of the thinning of the veils, between the physical and the spiritual worlds. Listen for Doves Song with Heart. The song of Dove Medicine speaks to all who hear. Its mournful tones, stir emotions, mix internal waters. Dove’s song has the most distinctive characteristic. The voice of the dove is the rain song.

Out of Doves mourning, invokes new waters of life. Its song remind us that no matter our life conditions, new waters with new life are still possible…… Mourning Dove helps us to remember that.

The Dove song tells us to mourn what has passed, yet awaken to the NOW.


Walking with White Doves song from the heart, loving, kindness, (words), that do not wound, in singing the song – even a sad one heals – transforming the wounds, transforming  in love/Love/LOVE + embracing all those who are healing, because in Doves song are the experience circles of life.

The beginning of life in the physical form to its fulfillment, coming back into the arms of Great Spirit.

Doves song is Love, pure LOVE, always seeing the wounds of others, not hurting, not putting salt in the wounds, such a strong way of healing because it is the LOVE of Great Spirit that comes through LOVE healing with its song of Love in LOVE.

Offering a Sacred Song where transformation in LOVE may take place… Because Love/LOVE is a medicine that heals and transforms the deepest wounds…

Therefore, be careful when being with Doves song ….. use it with a heart connected with Great Spirit – Remember even in “copying” words, the song of Dove has an impact. Thus using heart that is not lying in the hands of Great Spirit may bring dire consequences.

Be sure to dedicate your song to Great Spirit… Then sing… Doves song, deep from heart, be healing in Love, then… Soft words, soft in strength of LOVE. LOVE where the All-that-Is comes from…

Expanding you

Somewhere in there. There is you. Are you getting the picture?

Dove Medicine shows up in many legends and lore. They were the totem of Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, and they bore the ambrosia from the Goddesses which kept Zeus immortal, they are the symbol of sexual passion. The flock of Doves called the “Seven Sisters” in Greece is thought to be the daughters of Aphrodite, Sophia.

The Goddess of Wisdom, in the Mediterranean, is said to have descended upon animal vessels in the form of Dove. In Mexico the Dove is seen as both, the Love Goddess and the Madonna.

The Hebrew’s see Dove as a symbol of peace and purity…You decide…

Many of the legends and myths tell the stories of Dove being associated with the Goddesses of old. Even the Bible tells of the importance of Dove, how she is associated with Christ, and often is a symbol of Christ, standing for peace. The interesting point to note, Christ said, he didn’t come to bring peace.

Now is the time our souls have longed for, not only personally, but as Monkey Man.  Simply, through choosing to be that which we already are,… at our deepest level when we choose to walk the path of the Divine. Just remember, not all of us, want to go deep.

Dove is the essence of the Law of Allowing.


The eyes of Dove says it ALL

Which is… letting go of how we think things should be, giving ourselves permission to receive our soul’s calling straight from the Divine, Whatever!!!.

Dove sees what is under the surface, our true essence. This reminds us that in each and every one of us, is a spark of the Divine DOVE, shine our light brightly, use the gifts we have been given. When we serve our Divinely given gifts, we serve the All that is ALL. It is our birthright. To do anything less is to ignore purpose.

The time is now to fully receive our essence and purpose with open arms. The time is now to fulfill our individual parts in the Divine plan. Tune in to the energy of the Dove, and one will see underneath her seeming softness, a power that is an act of Creation itself.

Dove might be soft and gentle, however, make no mistake, she carries a power equal to the fiercest of creatures. She holds a determination to carry out her part in the Divine plan despite all obstacles, interferences, in spite of fear, or unsteadiness.

We need not war with others around us, we need only tap into the infinite potential that we carry, and cherish it. Always remembering the delicate balance between the SEVEN given and received, inner power versus outward action, serving others and caring for self, the ever present ebb, flow, rhythm, of Spirit.


Dove teaches that in order to soar, one must know when to open their wings, therefore allow the wind to take us to new heights. If she/he were to sit on a branch looking to the sky, hoping the wind will pick them up, they would never move. However, without surrendering to the wind in her wings, she would never experience the exhilaration of flying higher and higher.

The more we let go, the less that keeps us. The more we tap into the infinite power of Creation, thus fly higher than we ever thought possible. It’s time to let go of ground, let the wind fill our wings and take us, knowing that we have everything we need.

Dove Medicine symbol of the soul’s release from its earth-bound duty. Dove and Falcon both earth and the air, doves serve as liaisons between intuitive thought and common reality. This ability to move between two worlds (sky and earth), bird totems uniquely funnel higher knowledge down to the Mastery of Awareness. They link intangible knowing (thought, dreams, intuition), with physical practicality (hearth, home, security).

Doves represent the balance between thought (air) and matter (earth). Bridging the link between the mind and the material level in which we live. Makes dove a perfect guide for dream interpretation as well.

Bird totems offer inspiration/air combined with a grounding element to make ideas implementable.(Tools?)

Dove represents Peace. It soothes and quiets our worried troubled thoughts, enabling renewal in the silence of the mind.

Dove’s singing is most prevalent when the veils between the Material and Spiritual worlds are thinnest, first light in the morning, last light at Sunset, one can SEE through them.

The Mixing of Medicines

The Mixing of Medicines


Personally, I mentioned an experience, in the perception of my consciousness, I had a while back. The one I touched on is the perception of Falcon swooping down, and killing a Dove.

I heard the BANG when they hit the deck. I walked around the house to find the source of the BANG. I saw Falcon and Dove in the mixing of their Medicines.

This had a profound effect on ME, Thus the cause for this post. As this was my first Falcon up close. Wouldn’t you know it? It punched a Dove. What this means to Me, brings this sharing. This Duelality brings the perception as per request.

Each brings their messages:

Falcon Medicine and Dove Medicine alike.

I envision this vision through my personal power, I find meaning for both as applied to me. After all it is my vision. What it mean to you, is not personal. I might ask,… had you seen this vision, but alas.

A bird that has caught its prey, and is feeding, is an omen of abundance.

  • With Determination
  • Visionary power
  • Assisting soul healing
  • Transition and Change
  • Light being
  • Mental Speed
  • Focus intent
  • Accompanying soul back to soul world
  • Prophecy fulfilled
  • Agility less
  • Freedom more
  • Teaching swiftness
  • Aspiration
  • Grace in purpose
  • Purpose in Grace
  • Learning the aerobatics of life
  • Intensity
  • Life Purpose
  • Superiority
  • Controlling speed and movement
  • Spirit
  • Understanding magick
  • Power

Falcon Medicine the power to leave this world behind singing the Love song of Dove Medicine.

Thus was Dove killed?… or did Dove sacrifice self to Falcon, sow that Falcon may rise to higher heights. Some call it the big BANG!!! This is what happens when Medicines mix.

These are the things that Dreams are made of.

Since we are only here for short while. It appears to me that leaving this world in the peace of Dove, plus + being pinched out by Falcon from above is the beast of both worlds. The Duelity has ended. What more could one ask?

A special thanks to friends, who inspired me to be more than I AM.

The power in Spirit.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under my Wings

Knowledge is Power
Experience is Wisdom
Your Power is Yours


Winky, My alter Ego

Look at ME! I could be a Dove egg or a Falcon egg.

Falcon Medicine, when Worlds Collide no one gets out Alive.