In GOD We Trust, The Stealing of One’s Soul.

Are Soul and Spirit the same Thing? We are always Spirit. When in body one needs a Soul to link to Spirit. The wholly Trinity
It’s a Matter of Trust. In GOD We Trust.
In GOD We Trust, or is it in the Laws of Man, we find god. Give me a second to expand, In GOD We Trust. Where you seeking some enlightenment? Well wrap your Spirit around, In GOD We Trust, It’s a Matter of Trust, is Spiritual enlightenment maybe not in the form you were expecting. To journey to the light in the shortest time. It’s necessary for me to state some claims, make some Big Presumptions and then state them as facts. Why? Because that’s life. It’s the function of Law. You’re a lawful person aren’t you?
I am going to steal little bits and pieces of your soul in this post. Just to prove my point as that’s what they do to us everyday we continue to believe their lawful lies. Don’t worry, I will hold your soul in trust for you. In GOD We Trust. I will be your soul trustee. Therefore you are the sole Beneficiary. You have made the investment of your soul. To experience this reality. You’ll get it back if you have the heart to claim it back. From the individuals that are stealing it, piece by piece. Until there is nothing left. As soul is what is required to live in Spirit on earth. It’s the connecting link to Intent. After all it’s your soul on the Sliver line. Did you feel that?
Hey there CJC,
I can sure feel that and what a feeling it is. Masterful work on this post. You might have just tickled a few feelers out in the crowd. Always keepin it real my friend!
_Snow Warrior out
Hellooooo Snow Warrior, I see you have visited my area. Thanks,for the flakes. I believe this is nicest comment anybody has left on this site. I Thank You. I am humbled and honored. Tickled a few feelers, tickles my fancy if you know what I mean. I am pleased you felt what I was attempting to convey. It appears your soul has returned. Great, now keeping it is going to be your biggest challenge. One I’m sure your up for. It was wonderful to hear from you. Say hello to Fearless for me, and your Deer friends. Deer is the totem of love. With Fearless at your side there is nothing that can stop you on your path. Well except for yourself. Keeping it real is what we must all do my friend. Did you feel that?