Opossum Medicine brings Diversion

Opossum Medicine

When all else fails. Play Dead

Opossum Medicine is the supreme actor, and those in the acting field can’t do any better than to work with the Opossum Medicine. Sometimes it is necessary to behave/act in a strategic manner. We need to appear fearful or fearless in spite of how we truly feel. We need Diversion to affect the reflection. We need to show submission or aggression. We need to be apathetic or extremely caring.  We can be anything we choose to be even the Living Dead.

Opossum Medicine teaches how to use appearances. How to put on airs, to “play dead. One might consider this the Art of Stalking. Best taught by Stalkers. Dreamers can Dream this energy. But it’s not the same.

One may think this is lying to ones self. But really in the face of adversity. All is fair in love and war. These days it’s more like war. One isn’t lying, one is acting. Using the Art of Stalking to influence the outcome. Is the power of Opossum Medicine. It can make one aware when others are putting up false fronts and deceptions as well.

Opossum Medicine is an archetypal energy that helps one seeking the medicine to use appearances to our greatest benefit, helping to recognize when others are creating false impressions. Raccoon Medicine may help with putting on masks as we all wear them.

Opossum Medicine can teach us to divert attention away or get the attention we need. Playing Dead is a wonderful way to attract attention or repel attention as the Warrior on occasion has the need to make them self unavailable to power. Depending on the power.

Opossum Medicine greatest form of protection is to play dead. In doing this Opossum confuses many a predator into believing that the game is over. Oftentimes the confused walks away or looks in the other direction for a moment, and Opossum runs to safety. Opossum Medicine uses a great deal of strategy. If all else fails, Opossum plays dead.

Opossum can use its fangs, and claws but chooses not to. It has the ability to fight, but it rarely uses this form of protection.

Mad Opossum

My what pretty teeth you have. All fifty of them.

Instead, the strategy of Diversion is employed when things get too hard to handle. Opossum would receive an Academy Award in the animal kingdom. For Best Death or dying on the Spot. The musk of the death scent is excreted at will, adding to the master play that sends enemies on trails of confusion.

The proper use of Diversion is the knowledge when to use diversion or not at all. Opossum owes an excuse to no one, much less feels compelled to explain what one feels or what one choose to experience. As you are The Singularity.

If Opossum Medicine has your attention, you are being asked to use strategy in some present situation. Relying upon your instincts for the best way out of a tight corner. If you have to pretend to be apathetic or unafraid, do it! Oftentimes if you refuse to struggle or show that hurtful words bother you, your attacker will see no further fun in the game.

Warriors have used Opossum Medicine for centuries, playing dead when the enemy is least expecting it, the war cry is heard. The fright of this serves to further confuse the unsuspecting opposition. Victory is sweet when the strategy is one of mental as well as physical prowess.

Opossum may be relaying to you that you are to expect the unexpected, be clever in achieving your victory. This could be a victory over a bothersome salesman or authority figure.

In essence, Opossum Medicine is beckoning… Lay down and play Dead. When the danger walks away. One wakes up and progresses on the path.

Opossum Medicine Contrary

Playing Dead is a Strategy. Being dead is of course, is something different

Contrary Opossum Medicine

Contrary Opossum Medicine denotes backward or inverted views, a caution to “stop turning things around” to suit self. Note to self. It’s just a reflection. Who should that reflection suit?

In the reversed position, or Dead position. Opossum Medicine may be warning you, getting caught in the high drama of life’s present scenario. “Closing ones eyes and dramatize,” may keep one from seeing the truth of the situation. You might as well play dead if you are justifying what you are doing with the tragic victim routine.

Take a look at the possibility that you may have recently been giving excuses for why you don’t want to do something instead of telling the truth. In fear in of hurting someone’s feelings may have trapped yourself in a justification pattern: “I’m too sick, too poor, I’m watching my weight, I’m too short, tall, sad, busy, tired, etc.” Change a belief, change reality. In truth, I am tired of saying this when all one has to do to prove it to them self, is do it.

Opossum Medicine

I believe I Am a Bat. Yea, me too! Me three!

In having to defend excuses, you may be Missing the Point. You don’t have to defend your right to be! The exercise is in learning to politely say that something would not be appropriate for you at this time. That’s all! You owe no one an excuse. Not even your Reason. Learn to imitate Opossum Medicine and play dead, in the sense that the best strategy is no defense. In the viewpoint of no defense, you have chosen to be who and what you are with no games involved. The Game of Life. Life is a Game.

When Opossum Medicine shows up, ask yourself these important questions. Are you about to act in an inappropriate manner? Do you need to strengthen your own being? Are others putting up false appearances. And you see right through them. Do you need to divert attention away from some activity? Are others trying to divert your attention? Is it time to go into Opossum Medicine and SEE a new strategy? Learning to pretend and act in ways and with realism is the magic that Opossum Medicine teaches. It’s Acting. Playing dead doesn’t mean one is dead. The Art of Stalking. To appear to be something you are not. Making the appearance so real that you are convinced of it your self.

Playing dead is what Opossum is famous for. A self-induced state of shock. The pulse becomes minimal. The heartbeat slows. A musk scent of death is released, and for all appearances, death shows up. The Opossum can enter and leave this state abruptly. Being Animal Spirit it is in touch with the Great Spirit.

This act serves to confuse many predators. The surprise distracts them, and the Opossum is able to make its escape. This kind of flexibility and ease of appearance is what Opossum can teach. One doesn’t have to be the Opossum. One can learn by imitation or acting.

Opossum Facts


I Am looking a bit Panda

By Melissa Breyer Wed, Nov 14 2012

Pity the poor opossum. The oft-maligned marsupial definitely suffers from an image problem — it is frequently perceived more as a giant, dirty, scavenging rat rather than a cute creature of the wild. But whether you love them or hate them, North America’s only marsupial has a set of unique characteristics that might transform aversion into affection.
But first, the burning question: is it opossum or possum? In 1608, Capt. John Smith coined the word opossum from the word “opassum,” the Algonquian term meaning “white animal.” In his notes, the captain wrote: “An Opassom hath a head like a Swine, and a taile like a Rat, and is of the bignes of a Cat. Under her belly she hath a bagge, wherein shee lodgeth, carrieth, and sucketh her young.”
No one is quite sure how the opossum’s “o” was dropped, but it appeared in print as “possum” as early as 1613, and remains the colloquial term in many regions of the country. However, there are true possums – just not in the North American neck of the woods. Possums include any of several species (from the family Phalangeridae) of nocturnal, arboreal marsupials of Australia and New Guinea, and were mistakenly named in the 18th century when the naturalist from Capt. James Cook’s expedition wrongly called them possums after their North American cousins. Nonetheless, it’s the Australian ones that hold the true scientific title of “possum” now.
Opossum Family

Tie me Kangaroo down jack. A close relative. We both have pouches.

1. Natural immunity. Opossums are mostly immune to rabies, and in fact, they are eight times less likely to carry rabies compared to wild dogs.
2. Poison control. Opossums have superpowers against snakes. They have partial or total immunity to the venom produced by rattlesnakes, cottonmouth and other pit vipers.
3. Omnivores galore. Their normal diet consists of carrion, rodents, insects, snails, slugs, birds, eggs, frogs, plants, fruits and grains. They also eat human food, table scraps, dog food and cat food. They have an unusually high need for calcium, which incites them to eat the skeletons of rodents and road kill they consume. They’re the sanitation workers of the wild.
4. Smart critters. Although many people think opossums are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, there are several areas of intelligence in which they soar. For one, they have a remarkable ability to find food and to remember where it is. When tested for the ability to remember where food is, opossums scored better than rats, rabbits, cats, dogs … but not as well as humans. They also can find their way through a maze more quickly than rats and cats.
5. Pest control. Since their diet allows them to indulge on snails, slugs and beetles, they are a welcome addition to the garden. Opossums also keep rats and cockroaches at bay by competing with them for food. In fact, it’s common for opossums to kill cockroaches and rats if they find them in their territory.
6. All thumbs. The opossum has opposable “thumbs.” The opossum’s “thumbs” (called halux) are on its rear feet (so, technically they’re toes), and abet the opossum’s formidable climbing skills. Primates and opossums are the only mammals with opposable first toes.
7. Impressive tails. They have prehensile tails which are adapted for grasping and wrapping around things like tree limbs. The opossum can hang from its tail for short periods of time, but the creature doesn’t sleep hanging from its tail, as some people think. Opossums have been observed carrying bundles of grasses and other materials by looping their tail around them; this conscious control leads many to consider the tail as a fifth appendage, like a hand.
8. Good pupils. The eyes of the opossum appear black, but what we are seeing are strongly dilated pupil; there is iris around them, it’s just mostly out of sight. The giant pupils are thought to be an adaptation to their nocturnal habits.
9. Smile! The mouth of an opossum holds an impressive 50 teeth.
10. Natural defenses. When threatened, opossums run, growl, belch, urinate and defecate. And when all else fails, they “play ‘possum” and act as if they are dead. It is an involuntary response (like fainting) rather than a conscious act. They roll over, become stiff, close their eyes (or stare off into space) and bare their teeth as saliva foams around the mouth and a foul-smelling fluid is secreted from glands. The catatonic state can last for up to four hours, and has proven effective as a deterrent to predators looking for a hot meal.
And a bonus for the Scrabble players: Male opossums are called jacks and females are called jills. The young are referred to as joeys, just like their Australian cousins, and a group of opossums is called a passel.
Opossum Medicine Mother

You think you have it bad. Now may be a good time to play dead.

Here are other powers of Opossum Medicine in a poem.

Cunning possum,
Trickster like coyote, changeling,
So alive, yet smelling dead,
Teach me wise old magic
Spirit, instinct, vision, Feeling not from head.
Show me the way to fly pass the Eagle, slip past danger.
Fill me with earthy wisdom great Spirit
That I might reflect Spirit,.
Living life and playing Dead

Opossum Medicine

The art of acting or behaving in strategic manner as appearing to be fearful or fearless in spite of true feelings. Opossum gives courage to pretend for a while in order to cope with mental and Spiritual constructs. Opossum teaches wisdom and sensibility and knows when a fight is needed. Is it time to fight for things, or to rest and let them go?

Opossum Medicine uses strategy. If all else fails, play dead. Opossum has the ability to fight, but it rarely uses this form of protection. Instead, the supreme strategy of Diversion is employed when things get too hard. Some times it is better to just check out and play dead then to continue to fight. Opossum has developed an act that would receive an Academy Award. With the musk of the death scent, adding to the master play. The enemies are confused.

The skills of changing the persona in any given situation is linked to survival in the short life that we all have. It’s a complete peeling of all the layers of the onion. One may call Them Skins. It’s Spirit, the Singularity, while here on this Earth.
When we REASON about it, isn’t that what we all do? Think we are living when we are playing dead.

To Feel life one must experience death. Opossum Medicine is the next best thing.

We all have to feel the courage, to face our fears? Where does that reflection come from?  I learned to appreciate the strength and diversity in this creature’s fragile existence.

Looking Back

I see a reflection of myself. Which one is truly me?

Yep. I AM Dead. You got me… See ya, bye, bye. Opossum Medicine

Opossum Medicine Message: All this fuss and bother about my playing dead, poppycock! I’m really very easily scared, even though it may not look like it. When I’m laid out on the ground. I look dead. Whenever someone threatens me, I get so overwhelmed that I just freeze and fall over. It’s a pretty good talent that the Creator gifted me with, wouldn’t you say?

I even smell like I’m dead, so everyone leaves me alone. Of course, with a skill like this, it’s natural to want to cultivate it. Into a fine art, The Art of Stalking , I know it’s a bit extreme, but it works!”

You don’t have to play dead, You could be scared to death. There are many variations on that theme. You can act tired, make up a story that allows you to, pretend you’re not feeling well, act like you’re not afraid when you’re terrified, or act afraid even if you’re not. Any of these actions will help out in uncomfortable situations. They don’t have to be life-threatening situations, to work in your favor.

Just don’t fool yourself. A nice perk is that when you get really good at this, you start seeing through others’ facades without feeling the need to expose them.” Yep, Zombies in the Real World.

If by chance, you feel trapped in a challenging predicament and don’t know how to get out of it gracefully. You may find yourself playing out habitual self-defeating strategies, such as martyr/victim, “Poor me,” “I’m not enough,” and so on and so forth. This interference in achieving your potential and living out your soul’s destiny. Is a wake-up call. The circumstances require you to portray the opposite of what you’re really feeling, such as a fearful situation where others look to you for leadership and you must act fearless, or a disagreement where you think you’re right but must act as if you’re wrong in order to create harmony. You’re faced with a complex situation that requires you to strategize in order to navigate your way through it.

Ooops. I Am Dead, now what are you going to do?

Opossum Medicine teaches us to have a strategy. It teach us to be on the alert. Perhaps we are deceiving ourselves. Opossum Medicine says we can be our own worst enemy. The medicine of Opossum warns of being lured into a bad situation. The Opossum always asks one to look inside, follow ones Heart. Bring out anything we may be hiding or covering up. Opossum Medicine teaches to watch for the number thirteen when this animal strolls into our life.

Opossum Medicine.

That’s some Great Acting.

The message from Opossum is telling you to be clever in achieving your victory and to expect the unexpected. Or just roll over and play dead until the danger passes, your call. Use Opossum Medicine, it’s simply diversity.

Knowledge is Power

Experience is Wisdom

Take your Power Back

Opossum Medicine The Art of Stalking


The Choices of Spirit

Playing in the System. Is playing DEAD in life

Opossum Medicine, The Art of Stalking, playing Dead using Diversion.