
Earth Changes Messages from Mother Earth

By |2020-04-11T12:28:07-04:00December 10th, 2012|

Earth Changes from a Doowans Point of View Messages from Mother Earth. We have all notices that things are very different in the world around us. Called Earth Changes, Weather Changes, increases in Earth Quakes, Bigger Storms, Flooding, and the list goes on. We all have a lot of questions and can't seem to find the answers. The answers we do find are sometimes [...]

National Drought Worsens

By |2020-04-11T12:28:14-04:00November 29th, 2012|

In one of our Doowans News & Events earlier post we mentioned to you about the National Drought conditions and how it might worsen. We were hoping we were wrong. We weren't. This article reads like a National Disaster in the making. We even went as far as to offer Rain Barrels at our cost.  Folks this is going to it worse before it [...]

Out of Sight Out of Mind?

By |2020-04-11T12:28:40-04:00August 12th, 2012|

A Deer Friend of mine. Out of Sight Out of Mind? I started this glorious day off at 6 am watering my neighbors planters on their back deck overlooking the lake. In my eyes a soothing and blissful task, made all the more joyful by the fact that this had been my parents 'dream home' and participating in its ongoing splendor allows me [...]

What in the Worlds going on?

By |2020-04-11T12:28:43-04:00August 5th, 2012|

What in the World is going on? The world is not what it use to be How can anyone not notice that the world is being effected by something. Bizarre Weather patterns, Birds dropping dead in the air, Fish die offs by the tons, Strange noises in the earth and sky, Earthquakes up 400%, Sinkholes appearing everywhere, fire balls everywhere, the Shrinking [...]

It’s not looking good sorry to say!

By |2020-04-11T12:28:44-04:00July 26th, 2012|

It's not looking good sorry to say! Damn, is this the reality we want? Highlights from Todays Headlines From the The Street It's not looking good sorry to say! It's not looking good sorry to say! NEW YORK (MainStreet) -- If you thought the extreme heat was hitting you where it hurts most by raising your summer AC bill, your personal financial pain is [...]

Drought Conditions in U.S.A.

By |2020-04-11T12:28:47-04:00July 20th, 2012|

Midwest is facing drought conditions almost on the scale of July 1934 dust bowl conditions. July 1934 worst drought in history for U.S.A.2012 Drought conditions at 64% of the July 1934 drought conditions and could get worse. 2012 Drought Conditions at 64% "Unrelenting heat and lack of rain continued the downward spiral of drought conditions" in the Great Plains and Midwest this [...]

What in the government is going ON!!!

By |2020-04-11T12:28:49-04:00June 20th, 2012|

City of Tulsa, Oklahoma, destroys woman's edible landscaping with over 100 varieties of medicinal plants Wednesday, June 20, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) An Oklahoma woman is the latest victim of government terrorism  after City of Tulsa code enforcement officials came to her house and illegally tore up her entire edible garden, which contained over 100 varieties of  medicinal plants. Denise [...]