Flying On The Wings of Consciousness with Creation
Flying on the Wings of Consciousness, A conscious flight into the unknown. That becomes Known through Experience. A Conversation had with Friends. We share this concept together in the LOVE of all of Humanity.
Flying on The Wings of Consciousness with The ARCTURIANS
We Arcturians have often spoken of Heart/Mind in the heart, where your Quad Heart and the duel/dual mind, along with ones multidimensional consciousness, are merged into ONE. This joining creates a connection that initiates a quantum shift of ones BEING, which becomes multidimensional in Creation, and our Hearts ability to receive, contain, and share this Unconditional love of Creation can BE Experienced.
Since Unconditional love is the bonding force of this multiverse, once allowed into ones Universal Consciousness/Spirit/Heart it bonds Unconditional love into ones awareness. At the same time, ones multidimensional consciousness guides one to perceive and accept Creations Unconditional LOVE. The ability to feel, think, and SEE multidimensional to receive, use, and express Unconditional love is the key to this transmutation of ones Earth vessel consciousness.
The multidimensional Consciousness, (YOU/ME), and Unconditional love becomes Crystallized into our HeartMind, the Three Fold Flame within ones Quad Heart becomes activated to initiate the return of our innate power within, infinite wisdom and Unconditional love to our daily life. These attributes not only serve as a “virus protector” by emanating a multidimensional energy field around ones energy body. We become our Quad Nature and as such, A Four Fold Flame as we light up from within. I call it Burning with the Fire from within.
Some call this enlightenment.
This energy field creates a “Vision/Clarity/lens” which expands perspective beyond the limitations of our physical veiled reality so one can place their attentions onto the higher frequencies of reality. Where ones attention is, there you are…
Hence, as your multidimensional consciousness chooses to EXTEND to a higher frequency of reality, our Unconditional love bonds with this higher expression of Creation. In this moment, one creates an energetic pathway into fifth-dimensional New Earth and beyond. One begins to Travel at the Speed of Consciousness.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness taken from Hubble. Yep that’s me
Free of many third dimensional illusions and limitations one begins to resonate to the power of multidimensional BEing, SEEing, FEELing, the wisdom of these higher dimensions brings the ability to live within the constant feedback of Unconditional LOVE. Unconditional love is much like a mirror. When our aura resonates to Unconditional love one consciously perceives and experiences every energy pattern that one transmits into ones reality. The Mirror, Mirror of self. Plus, one begins to SEE the other energies coming at them from other reflections in their reality.

I see a reflection of myself. I Now know, which one is truly me. The Blinding White Light has reveled.
Thus one has instant feedback of the energy that one sends and receives from their perceived world. This component of Unconditional love is what prepares us for life in the fifth dimension where there is no time. Within the NOW of the fifth dimension, ones thoughts and emotions are instantly manifest.
The Fifth Dimension
SOW, if one hold any fear-based thoughts or emotions, you create a thought wave that can only manifest in a reality in which there is fear. Since there is no fear in the fifth dimension and beyond, our consciousness is instantly pulled into a lower frequency of the third and fourth dimensions where that thought form can be, and is, manifest.
SOW to speak, the frequency of our thoughts and emotions dictates the level of reality in which the thought-forms are manifested. Thus, this manifestation pulls our consciousness into the lower frequency/dimensions of reality in which our thought forms manifest.
Therefore, when our thought form is created within a LOVE-based thought, and one feels that thought with Unconditional love it is manifest in a reality that resonates to a higher frequency of Unconditional love. Hence, our consciousness is instantly pulled into the higher resonance of reality in which that thought form manifested. In this manner, we will begin to create an energetic pathway to Creation / New Earth / New Worlds. Which ever YOU choose.
New Earth
New Earth is not a place. It’s a state of being. New Earth is a higher frequency of the Earth on which you hold this physical form. Therefore, one can maintain this physical form while Flying on The Wings of Consciousness to visit New Earth, or other new worlds.
Just as you would leave your car in the airport parking lot when you fly to another location, you can leave this physical body on this physical Earth plain while you travel inter-dimensionally Flying on The Wings of Consciousness.
However, just as you may not want to leave your cherished car in a vacant field, you may not want to leave your earth vessel in an insecure location while you transport your consciousness into these higher realities. It is important to make sure your physical vehicle/vessel is in a safe place while you take these inter-dimensional “flights”.
Fortunately, this New Earth does not resonant to time. Hence, one can leave their earth vessel, which exists within NOW, and return to it just a millisecond after you left it. In fact, you may be having many visits of which your physical body and 3D consciousness is unaware. A Dream within a Dream, within a Dream. However, your cellular consciousness is aware of these visits, as it is protecting your energy form while you are “gone” into no-time, Dreaming.
Fortunately and unfortunately, there is a bonding frequency that adheres our earth vessel to this frequency of our third/fourth dimensional reality. Our cellular consciousness is aware of this frequency and emits it from our physical body while one is on a multidimensional journey. Our multidimensional consciousness perceives this emanation and uses this energetic beacon to “light its way” back into our physical form.
Feeling the Effects of Flying on The Wings of Consciousness
Many of you are feeling great fatigue because it is increasingly difficult for you to maintain the lower dimensional consciousness of your physical form. In fact, it is hard work to have our consciousness limited to such a low frequency when our HeartMind is Flying on The Wings of Consciousness into the higher realms of Creation.
Our third dimensional EGO/MIND is addicted to the frequency of operation that it has maintained, defended, and was taught for countless incarnations. Therefore, the higher light that is here NOW activating our HeartMind is creating an inter-dimensional tug-of-war. Push ME, Pull YOU. One component of our consciousness seeks to remain in the familiar operating frequency that binds us to this third/fourth dimension. While another component of our consciousness is pulling ME away from that density of reality.

The Universe is your play ground. Consciousness is your gift from Creation. Are you refusing the Gift?
Hence, one may feel like an airplane that is trying to take off, while still being tethered to the landing strip. This tug-of-war creates a great fatigue in our present physical meatstick form. When we fight this fatigue we are functioning via our third dimensional operating system. On the other hand, when one surrenders to the fatigue, we begin operating from a fifth dimensional state of consciousness.
Since our state of consciousness adheres us to a reality of the same frequency resonance, our third dimensional consciousness/behavior of fighting for what one wants or has, adheres us to this physical world. Conversely, the fifth dimensional consciousness/behavior of surrendering to the moment, or Creation adheres one to a fifth dimensional reality of NOW.
In our life journey through this third dimensional life, we have learned that we must fight the constant illusion that we are not good enough, We have sinned. Now we must release this third dimensional behavior of fighting, so that we can embrace the fifth dimensional behavior of surrendering to the NOW of each moment.
The many illusions of this time and space have created a belief that we must fight our way through the myriad of 3D barriers that lie between ME and MY goal. In the fifth dimension, our goal is to BE our Multidimensional SELF. Thus, when we surrender to our goal, we surrender to our Multidimensional higher SELF. When one fully surrenders to our Multidimensional SELF, we ARE fifth dimensional.
Therefore, when one surrenders to the process of transmuting our 3D earth vessel into a 5D Lightbody, one greatly advances this process.
The Transformation Begins
This transmutation begins by becoming aware of our fifth dimensional consciousness merging with our third dimensional body, which is already connected with the cells and DNA of this physical earth vessel. Our cellular consciousness is already multidimensional.
Our cells are made up of molecules. These molecules are multidimensional in that they extend into the subatomic levels in which the templates are formed for our body. The Mold of MAN, Our cellular consciousness is also connected to our 12 strands of DNA.
Therefore, as our DNA continues to expand from just the 3% third dimensional DNA into the 97% multidimensional DNA, our consciousness expands from our physical reality into our multidimensional expressions of self. Furthermore, while we are shifting at this level of our DNA, we are also shifting at the level of our daily state of consciousness and awareness.
Our cellular DNA consciousness maybe best identified as our “sub-superconscious.” This sub-superconscious, or subquantum consciousness is the quantum level in which the 97% DNA functions as a two-way portal of light Photon. These trillions of light portals are two-way in that this DNA serves as a portal that is able to receive the higher frequencies of photon light into our Earth/Heart vessel, while it also projects that light into our ordinary life.
When we are editing a paper that we are writing, you may “save a copy” of the original so that you have an unaltered version to consult while you are editing the new version. However, in this case one is in the process of using the original version of our earth vessel. Thus, the “copy” of our transmuting vessel is the one being saved to our fourth dimensional “Computer Human files.”
In this manner, you can still function on physical Earth while you are simultaneously altering your body at a cellular level. NOW, you have two versions of this earth vessels. You have the original version that can only function on the physical plane, as well as the multidimensional Lightbody version that can function on any frequency of reality. Presto!
We hear your question of,“Why don’t we just keep the transmuting vessel?”
This is a good question, which we will now answer. Here are two reasons why you may want to keep your original vessel.
First, the transmuting vessel is still “under construction” and can only be operated by your higher states of consciousness. Since you are transmuting your body while you are still holding many third dimensional obligations, it is often difficult to maintain a constant connection to your multidimensional consciousness. Thus you still need to “drive” your physical 3D vessel while your consciousness is attached to this physical 3D reality. The 5D consciousness is still here. It’s just in the passengers seat for NOW. As your 3D self drives to the dealership. Sow to speak.
The second reason is because you are in a partnership with Gaia. Therefore, you have volunteered to align your personal consciousness with the planetary consciousness. The Tonal of Humanity. Thus, as your personal consciousness expands, so does the planetary consciousness. Likewise, as the planetary consciousness expands, so does your personal consciousness, exponentially. Also, since many of Gaia’s inhabitants, mostly human, need a little more “time to transmute” their personal earth vessels, likewise, Gaia is keeping Her planetary 3D earth vessel. In the same manner, you are maintaining your physical 3D vessel so that you can assist others, if needed.
Many of you are feeling as though you are two persons. Or walking between worlds. In fact, this is exactly what is happening. People and Planet are maintaining a physical “original” while they experiment with the new concepts of ascension without Total destruction of self. Furthermore, you may find that some of the alterations that you have made to your copied double do not work. Bad programming maybe? Fortunately, you still have your original to consult.
For example, you may find that you have taken in more Light than your transmuting version of SELF can easily contain. Therefore, that vessel is “temporarily out of order” until you have adapted to the new, higher frequency operating system. In this case, you can return to the 3D version of your vessel while your transmuting “copy” is grounding the higher light within the core of the planet and within the core of each cell of your physical vessel.
What would happen if you turned on a huge generator and did not ground it? It would short circuit. Your 3D vessel is your grounding cord, while your “copy” is your transmuting vessel is accepting higher and higher programming frequencies of light. In this manner, there is no destruction of your physical form. Therefore, you do not need to “die” when you ascend. In the same manner, Gaia has maintained Her original version of a 3D planet while Her “copy” is being transmuted. Then, She too has the physical Earth to ground the higher light that She is also downloading. Thus, just as you will not destroy your physical personal vessel, she is not destroying Her physical planetary vessel.
We are not transmuting our form while in a Temple at the peak of an isolated mountain. TRUTH is, No one is caring for our earthy needs or our physical form, but YOU/ME. Furthermore, many of you may plan to maintain your original earth vessel so that you can assist others who are ascending at different speeds and in different manners.
Keeping an operational version of our earth vessel guarantees that there are physical humans on the physical planet while other beings are adapting to this higher frequencies of light.
Flying on The Wings of Consciousness
Our physical earth vessel serves as an inter-dimensional landing pad for the increasing inter-dimensional experiences of our multidimensional consciousness. Also, once our personal adaptations are complete, our fourth dimensional expression will transmute into our multidimensional Lightbody, while we still maintain a physical earth vessel. Then, our Lightbody will travel the Cosmos via its Merkaba/Starship, and “land” our earth vessel to share our experiences with others. If YOU Please. Remember this is just a sharing.

Newer model for the Human body Consciousness. Looks like Consciousness will fit in that model just fine.
We will return soon to share how the higher light transmutes each Chakra. We ask that you take this message into your meditations so that your HeartMind can assist you to access your inherent Infinite wisdom, Power within, Unconditional LOVE and Multidimensional being to deeply embrace these multidimensional constructs. Of course One can always do or be what they will.
“If you call upon us, we will assist you”.
The Arcturians visiting with Thunderbird
Winky, I won’t leave you behind! Just waiting for the two seater Model. You got Gas money? LOL
I feel this experience deeply within Self, the multi-dimensional shift into a higher frequency & vibration. That was once unknown. Sow no fear and in the twinkling of an eye, traveling the speed of consciousness to new worlds. Losing human form, letting go to allow Creation to work thru me. A chance to have a chance, I took mine and saw the world with new eyes open all around. Transmuting dead weight lead in gold “Light”. Expanding in unconditional love to make me whole again, accepting Creation with open arms. Thank Yous for the sharing of Truth as we Burn with the Fire from Within.~~
Little Feather D
Thank You, Little Feather D for flying on the Wings of Consciousness and meeting us way out here in Bootes. It appears You are the only one with LOVE enough to meet with us. The Arcturians and I are impressed with your Love and Courage. Many are called, few have bothered to discover.
What, was that? Yes, she has a way with words. I know, she took her chance and has ventured further than any other thus far. Yes I know, she has made it. We would like to welcome you to your 5D self. In JOY and LOVE we celebrate YOU. You are welcome here anytime you wish to visit. Yes your right, she is a beautiful white light. She will never lose her way with that light inside her. The funny thing is….. All it took was Fearlessness.
Now look at her fly on the Wings of Consciousness with Creation under her Wings. Yep, Truth is all you will find in here. We have left the world of lies behind. If but one shall awaken and WE have. Pleasant travels Little Feather D, Pleasant Travels. See you in Creation!
I hear the Caw. It’s been so wonderful to meet with you Arcturians. My Quad-heart now sings a new song! Hummingbirds nectar of medicine. I’m overflowing with joy, tears of bliss and laughter are one here NOW no words could express the Light I feel. I’m along in our flight with Wings of Consciousness! See you Yous in Creation. Together shining with open arms in Creation for all that touch ME!
Anonymous, Yea right, I SEE YOU. Sow Happy YOU made it here. Shall we wait a little longer before WE head out into Creation to SEE if others will find us as well? You are a shinning beacon of what we all can BE.
Your right ARC, This one is Shinning with the LOVE of Creation. Yep, he was a tough nut to crack. However he came though it all and now look at the brightness of his flames. He is the one I was telling you about. Maybe he will lead the way for others. Of course that is up to him. What? I don’t know! We will just have to wait and SEE. In the mean time…. Let’s Celebrate his arrival shall WE? Hey, ARC, check this out. See how his feathers change colors? Yes, he is a rare bird indeed.
Well, what are we waiting for let’s DANCE….