About Thunderbird

Why are you looking Here?.. If you want to know about me... Read my posts. Human beings are not objects, they have no solidity. They are round luminous balls of energy, boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them. In fact, losing self importance and personal history is a Warriors greatest accomplishment. SEE...............

New Threat from GMOZ

By |2020-04-11T12:27:38-04:00January 31st, 2013|

New Threat from GMOZ. This could just kill us. New Threat from GMOZ. While you talk about it. I just play my flute. New Threat from GMOZ , could just kill us. Dr. Huber wrote a letter to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, informing him of the issues discussed above, as well as another groundbreaking new finding that could spell absolute disaster for [...]

Truth is

By |2020-04-11T12:27:38-04:00January 30th, 2013|

Seven Deadly Sins of GMOZ Truth is The Seven Deadly Sins Of GMOZ Truth is, we can talk the Seven Deadly Sins of GMOZ until we're blue in the face. To what purpose that servers is anybodies guess. We Doowans pray it serves to our survival, because the facts speak for themselves. Rhetoric, lies, truth countering lies, More lies more truth. It [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:27:39-04:00January 29th, 2013|

LOL, You need to Read This LOL Sometimes you just have to LOL. You Have to read this. What amazes this Doowans is what accounts for NEWS now days. I don't mind it gives the writer a chance to LOL. This just made my day, Hopefully it will make yours too! By the way, What the heck is this? German Soldiers Growing [...]

GMOZ, Telling it like it is

By |2020-04-11T12:27:40-04:00January 29th, 2013|

GMOZ, Telling it like it is GMOZ Telling it like it is. We Doowans just love these guys. Talk about GMOZ, telling it like it is. These guys get our two thumbs up. We at DoowansGardenSupplies.com have mentioned in past posts about GMOZ causing Disease (Dis-ease). Well these guys are right on top with this GMOZ, Telling it like it is about [...]

MonSatan Speaks

By |2020-04-11T12:27:40-04:00January 29th, 2013|

MonSatan Speaks. Eat your GMOZ Corn the New Contraceptive and call me in the MorningMonSatan Speaks In all fairness DoowansGardenSupply.com provides an article from Monsatan himself. Monsatan speaks, but really who cares. He tells us what he want us to hear. It's never the truth. That would go against him. A house divided can never stand. However, We wish to share this [...]

Farmer Speaks on GMOZ

By |2020-04-11T12:27:41-04:00January 29th, 2013|

Farmer Speaks on GMOZ The Farmer Speaks on GMOZ.We had to spray more Chemicals on GMOZ Crops. As promised, Farmer Speaks on GMOZ has been posted by DoowansGardenSupply.com This is the Farmers article. These are his words talking about his experience with GMOZ. Mosanto makes claims that they can't even back up with science and we are supposed to believe them.  They [...]

GMOZ and Bees

By |2020-04-11T12:27:41-04:00January 28th, 2013|

GMOZ and Bees GMOZ and Bees They sure are pretty creaturesLook ever hair in place Sometimes one needs to step back from the GMOZ perspective. One can get tunnel vision. GMOZ do that to me. Seeing only darkness. So, that's what this Doowan Did. I'M back with GMOZ and Bees. What Happen when I Stepped Back from GMOZ As I stepped back, [...]

Ah, Bananas

By |2020-04-11T12:27:42-04:00January 28th, 2013|

Ah, Bananas Ah, Bananas Ah, Bananas, Do they have seeds? If they don't have seeds, where did the first banana plant come from? If they do have seeds, where are they? What are bananas, Fruit or Vegetable? The answers may surprise you! Read on. Banana, What's up with that? Bananas are a fruit, right? Many question whether this is true, because bananas [...]

The Great I AM Voice of Creation

By |2020-04-11T12:27:43-04:00January 27th, 2013|

Creating reality with the spoken word. The Great I AM Voice of Creation can be used to Manifest anything one wishes to experience. Words have energy when spoken. They vibrate with an energy frequency and this energy Manifest in Reality. Words like LOVE, Hate, No, Yes, Stop, Become, all have their frequency in energy. When using spoken words one must take into consideration their vibrational effect. Using certain words create certain vibrations that in turn create certain effects. Example: the word "VIBRATE" Can't you just feel it. It Vibrates. Sound has power. Sound has energy. Sounds can create or destroy. Since spoken words are sound they have the sames effect. How does one wish to use the Great I AM Voice of Creation?

New Comet Coming Towards Earth

By |2020-04-11T12:27:44-04:00January 27th, 2013|

New Comet Coming Towards Earth this Year From the Source of Creation, a New Comet Coming Towards Earth We Doowans are writing about this New Comet Coming Towards Earth because it promises to be a life changing event.  In Strange Sounds the writer stated that something might be effecting the Earths core. Well that something most likely is this New Comet Coming [...]


By |2020-04-11T12:27:45-04:00January 25th, 2013|

Urine, The Lost Fountain of Youth? Urine or would that be Your In Writing about Urine is not one of our favorite subjects. We are not in a pissing contest here either. Nor do we wish to piss anybody off. However Urine is pretty Amazing once one gets past the gross belief that Pee Pee is nasty!  Just looking at the word [...]

Strange Sounds

By |2020-04-11T12:27:45-04:00January 24th, 2013|

Strange Sounds heard around the World Mother Earth Making some Strange Sounds Mother Earth Making some Strange Sounds What are all these Strange Sounds being heard all over the world? What could be causing them? Where are they coming from? The writer will attempt to answer these and more! Well this Doowan writer has a Theory! Of course, a theory is just a theory. However when a Theory makes sense than the strange sounds aren't so strange.