Heartmind, The Seat of the Soul, the Embodiment of Spirit.

We are all Stars in the Universe of Creation. Heartmind the spark of Spirit that burns within us all!
In my Heartmind, I have grown tired of Reason. As it always has answers for everything without having any real answers for anything. It only has reasons. Ever since our eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge we have become obsessed with Reason. It’s more like possessed. As we ate the lies that come with knowledge. As one can never stop thinking long enough to actually feel. As we once lived only in truth ignorant of lies. Now we know there’s a difference.
Believing these lies to be truth. Is what has possessed us. So we continue lifetime after lifetime attempting to return to the truth. Our Heartmind.
As I reach the end of this lifetime, I discovered something that feels truthful. As I have been in a Battle with my Reason and found that once Inner Silence is achieved and our reason stops explaining everything. The World Stops. Our description of the world ceases to exist. We begin to SEE.
What I have discovered is true feeling. It’s being Born Again. Everything is energy. As everything has a vibration and that vibration can be felt. When one starts to feel the truth of everything the truth is revealed.
One need only to move into their Heartmind. As feelings have thought. Thoughts never have feelings although it may create them in one’s heart. Thinking feelings is the lie we must overcome to SEE, before one can actually feel. Feelings have thoughts and this is the divine order of the universe. I call it Heartmind.
Science suggests the seat of the soul is in the Mind. Like with most science it’s only a theory. For some unknown reason Science never has any proof, and their story always changes. The proof they claim as proof is that a result is repeatable. If two scientists can do different experiments and get the same result it must be true. They never take into account our Heartmind. Our Spirit knows that nothing in this universe is as it appears to our minds. As everything is energy. As energy it is in constant flux. So in theory how can anything remain constant? Oh, they have their theories, but now nature has thrown them a curve ball. Our could it be our Heartmind? See Feeding the Beast.
The Mindheart of Science
Many of us were taught that the standard atomic weights found in the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements are of a constants of nature. This was common knowledge for more than a century and a half, but not anymore. The atomic weights are changing, they are no longer a constant of nature.
The latest discovery is that most chemical elements exist in nature as isotopic mixtures, many of which are known to vary in composition, this makes it necessary to modify the historical concept of atomic weights as constants of nature. Even though some so-called stable isotopes have not been observed in nature for some elements. Currently 21 in number, it appears more logical to consider that isotopic mixtures represent the normal rather than the exceptional state of an element.
At a Commission’s meeting in 1951, it was recognized that the isotopic-abundance variation of sulfur impacted the internationally accepted value of an atomic weight. In the 1969 report, the Commission acknowledged for the first time that the International Table are no longer, as in earlier times, to be regarded as resulting only from errors in the measurement of the value, but that they arise from natural variations in isotopic composition.
It appears this Commission who ever they are, have an abundance in first times. They have now decided to inform us that the science we were taught is no longer valid. Almost forty-three years after the fact. The atomic weights for ten elements are to be expressed as intervals rather than single values, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Iupac) has announced. The decision marks a move away from the commonly held view of atomic weight as a ‘constant of nature’ towards a more accurate interpretation based on naturally occurring variations in atomic weight.
Although this seems irrelevant to Heartmind it’s not. Science always has some theory about why the change, in this case it’s new even more reliable and precise measurement data is now available. Again not taking in to account the changes in the human condition.
I find it more and more difficult to believe anything that science tells me anymore. As with the case above it could be many years before we get more reliable story. Science is a creation of the mind. They call it logic. Thought. Reason. A discipline. Science is so compartmentalized that they can’t see beyond their own noses. A scientist from one discipline rarely talks with another from another discipline. Case in point. Has any of them connected the behavior of the electron or photon to the fact that when they are observed they change their behavior? It appears to me and I am no specialist that there must be something affecting this behavior. Heartmind maybe?
Let me see if I can make an observation. Humm, when I don’t look at it. It does this, and when I do look at it. It does something different. What could be causing this? More study is needed, therefore I can keep my job a little longer.
I have a theory it’s our Heartmind. We all know we are conscious. Meaning some of us have consciousness. Without consciousness there is no universe. Simply, if you weren’t Consciousness the universe wouldn’t exist for you.

We are Magical in our Dreams. Powerful in our Hearts. We don’t have to chose one or the other. We have them both. Enjoy!
What makes up consciousness? One might think Awareness. Is a tree aware it’s a tree? Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something. In biological psychology, awareness is defined as a human’s or an animal’s perception and cognitive reaction to a condition or event. What? Why is it only human’s or animals? Don’t plants have awareness? You better believe they do! And Rocks, well one only needs to move a big one to realize the whole time it is thinking. Oh, no you don’t.
Can one be aware without consciousness? I don’t believe so. Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It has been defined as: sentience, awareness, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind. Unless one takes into account Dreams. As Dreams come from the Heartmind of a consciousness. We have conscious while we sleep but we may not be aware.
Can one be conscious without being aware? That’s a gimme. Most people are unaware of their dreaming body or their Spirit for that matter. Through my writing I have attempted to instill an awareness into the reader. To awaken their consciousness to the fact that their consciousness is more than just a flesh and bones physicality. Therefore, their consciousness can become more aware of its self. And in so doing, discover their Heartmind.
Our Spirit has structure. Our Heartmind is part of that structure. Just like our physical bodies have organs. Our Spirit has structures that mirrors our bodies in this reflection of reality. Though our Heartmind we create reality. Not only does our Heartmind have the process of thought. It also has the process of feeling. These two components combined create what we call life. As neither one can really exist without the other. Or can they? Let’s SEE.
One can be brain-dead and still exist. Come to think of it, I worked on a number of people in my medical career that were just like this. No brain activity yet their heart was still beating. We kept them alive for months until they rotted from the inside out. However, in the cardiac cases once their heart stopped the brain soon dies. And their Heartmind leaves the physical body.
In Blood is Blood. It’s discussed when people have received Blood Transfusion or even Heart Transplants they develop strange behaviors, and strange memories. These behaviors have been traced back to the donors. Yep, that’s Heartmind.
Our heart in my understanding is the seat of our Soul/Spirit. It’s where our Spirit resides within us. I know the theory that it resides in the Third Eye or Pineal Gland as it’s called. But the heart can keep on beating even when the brain is dead. For me the Third Eye is the eye my Heartmind uses to see into the Spirit world to view beyond our everyday existence. The Spirit World is our true home. Where we come from. Actually where we are at this very moment. In our Heartmind.
Our Heartmind effects the very elements that make up this reality. Could this be the true reason the atomic weights are changing? Could it be that the Heartminds of humanity are being activated through some divine energy. Thus awaking up the Heartmind in us all changing the reality we reflect. And science only thinks it’s better data they see? Have you by chance noticed, that the more humanity wakes up to reality. The more the authority tries to keep us asleep and confined. I wonder why? Not!
In this book “Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto”. He did some experiments with water as it froze into crystalline form. Using thoughts, feelings and sound to affect the form of the crystals, the result will astound you. He took photographs at the moment of crystallization. And published them in this book. He states, “Have humans beings lived in a ratio of two parts gratitude and one part love? I suspect that the opposite is true.” I believe he over estimated. As the focus of the human race as been drawn away from that which can not be seen. They believe only half of what they see and none of what they hear. Although this sounds wise and logical they have completely forgot about what they feel. And how that effects their reflected reality. Yet, the pictures don’t lie. And apparently neither does water. One need only to ask the question. How does this happen? To discover their Heartmind.
One can only answer the question, How does that Happen?, by stepping into their hearts and discovering their Heartmind. Feeling the answers flow through them as truth. When this happens and it will to each and every one of us at some point. We all have an appointment with power. As we have physical life we also have physical death. There in lies the problem with physicality.
However one can move into their Heartmind and start setting up shop for their next adventure into the unknowable. As we all have to return to our home in Spirit. We can wait for science to catch up and that might take another forty-three years, or we can start feeling our Spirit and discovery what we truly are. As we see from the pictures, words have power. All one has to do is realize that each letter of the word reveals a hidden code for expressing the word. Where does this power comes from? Our Reason has no answer. This is a perfect example how Heartmind works and how it can work for you. Now all one has to do is feel this idea in their heart to find if it feels truthful to them. Using a word like forgiveness to forgive ones self for the separation they experience between their Reason and Feeling. Creating a bridge our consciousness can now cross to find our Spirit. The home of our Heartmind.
Our Heartmind has all the answers we seek. Where our hearts rule our minds and not the other way around. As thoughts are only as good as the thoughts one has. Now feelings that’s another story. As feelings have thoughts of their own. This is where Heartmind begins to shine. Where one comes into the true power of Spirit. Where we discover the true nature of reality. As our Hearts are where the kingdom of heaven is present. Where we commune with our creator in our Garden of Eden. We begin to burn from within with the energy of creation. Shinning a light on the darkness within.
Eating from the Tree of Knowledge gave us our Reason. Thus we have a reason for everything. Creating a separation in our divine being. These reasons we believe as thoughts and believe these thoughts have the truth. When in truth we have only discovered the Reason.
If we were to see our Heartmind as Man and Woman. Man would be the Mind. The mind of Reason. Woman would be the Heart. The Heart of Feelings. We only become complete when we combine the two together in a wholly matrimony. We become man and woman in our Heartmind. Becoming the divine being that we are. This separation has gone on far to long. As a matter of fact it has create a war between the sexes. A war that none of us will be able to win and this will only bring the destruction of mankind. One might even consider it a holy war. But this is a big mistake. As we have misunderstood the word Holy.
As holy doesn’t mean exalted or worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness. Well it does if it’s spelled that way. This could be a typo! Could it be that Holy is actually spelled Wholly? With a wholly different meaning! Completely, entirely, Exclusively, solely. Now that’s what I am talking about! If we apply this mean to the bible we get a wholly different meaning. Imagine that! The power of the word changes in an instant. Even though it sounds the same. The characters give the word its power. And your Heartmind knows the difference.
Reason believes it has all the answers. Yet it is unable to prove any of them. Heart has all the feelings and therefore has nothing to prove. Simply because it has all the answers. When our Spirit puts these two in the proper order, we have Heartmind. We have tried MindHeart and it doesn’t work. Men, simply by placing our Woman first and the Man second we discover the winning combination. Heartmind is the order of the divine. One being, One Heart, One Mind. Coming together. They can only come together in Spirit. One only has to become conscious of their Heartmind. Or remain in half awareness of the being, the you, you are destined to be.

Flying on the Wings of Consciousness. With Creation under our Wings. NOW, that’s Freedom!
I am blessed to have read this. It spoke and charged my Heartmind. The clarity and power is touching. Makes sense how science has kept us in the dark too. Powerful are our thoughts and how they affect our awareness & reality.
The word Wholly is much clearer when understood this way. Seeing the dynamic of woman as heart and man as mind, being part of each of us is clarifying . Love this, Thank you!
You are so welcome my Love. As I couldn’t have done it with you. Don’t blame science they have been kept in the dark as well. You make a Wholly Difference. Thank You for taking the time to share your Heart.
I completely agree with your thoughts on science which is an increasingly partial and grossly fragmented system. Don’t know if you’re familiar with the teachings of the Georges Gurdjieff but many believe he had some of the most concealed secrets of the world which he spent his lifetime searching for amongst various schools and sects in the middle and far East. Nobody really knew where he got his information and teachings from but Rafael Lefort went hunting for their origins. The below quote is from his book ‘The Teachers of Gurdjieff’:
Lefort asks a Sufi Scholar named Pir Daud:
“My I ask then…the purpose of the monastic brotherhoods of the Hindu Kush?”
Pir Daud replies:
“Your question is not only untimely but inaccurate…The existence of certain powerhouses does not change anything of what I’ve said. The people of those centers are concerned with the destiny of the world, but you cannot even begin to comprehend anything of their activities. They are no ordinary men, let alone monks. They know neither rest nor even satisfaction, for they have to make up for the shortcomings of humanity. They are the real people who have experienced Being and Non Being and have long ago entered a stage of evolution when neither state means anything to them”
Perhaps those moving towards heartmind really are holding some kind of global balance within the energies of their consciousness?
Thank You for taking the time to comment. May I add, Right on Brother! Wonderful insights! There are the few that hold the darkness at bay. So humanity can continue their mundane exists. In hopes that a few more can be saved. Thus, finding their Spirit. One by one we will change the Tonal of Humanity and the truth will shine. It’s wonderful to have you on our side in pushing back the darkness. You are a warrior in heart. Know you are loved in your Heartmind.