About Thunderbird

Why are you looking Here?.. If you want to know about me... Read my posts. Human beings are not objects, they have no solidity. They are round luminous balls of energy, boundless. The world of objects and solidity is only a description that was created to help them. In fact, losing self importance and personal history is a Warriors greatest accomplishment. SEE...............

2012 The Year of Change

By |2020-04-11T12:27:58-04:00December 30th, 2012|

2012 The Year of Change. 2012 The Year of Change 2012 The Year of Change What really happened on December 21, 2012 The Year of Change? How come the world didn't change? Wasn't the World suppose to end? Weren't we suppose to Ascend? What Happened? Well where do we start? How about we start with the basics.

GMOZ and You

By |2020-04-11T12:27:59-04:00December 24th, 2012|

GMOZ and You have been the topic on everybody's minds lately! We have brought you the most up to date information we could find. How are we doing so far? When you garden with Heirloom varieties they have been proven safe to consume. As and added bonus you can harvest the seeds from your plants and grow them next year. Creating a never-ending cycle [...]

FDA has Approved GMOZ Salmon

By |2020-04-11T12:28:00-04:00December 22nd, 2012|

The FDA has Approved GMOZ Salmon failing We the People once again. FDA DECISION IS MADE!. What? I didn't hear that. I don't know I can see a thing. I can't confirm nor deny anything! We the People, will likely be eating our first meal from a genetically modified animal—a GMOZ salmon—in about a year. The FDA has declared that salmon engineered [...]

Sleep Anatomy

By |2020-04-11T12:28:02-04:00December 20th, 2012|

Sleep Anatomy and what happens when we Sleep? Some People can just Sleep Any were. I bet his Anatomy is going to hurt when he wakes up Some People can just Sleep Any were. I bet his Anatomy is going to hurt when he wakes up I am a Polysonmographist and have Study Sleep Anatomy for about eights years. I was trained at the Stanford University School of Sleep Medicine and practiced this discipline under the Medical Direction of a Neurologist.

Big Pharma is Drugging our Children

By |2020-04-11T12:28:03-04:00December 17th, 2012|

When Big Pharma is Drugging our children it's time to speak up! Good Medicine? What they can't say! It has been some time since I have posted, I suppose I have waited for that spark of creativity or an undeniable urge to voice an opinion, perhaps an outrage, or joy-filled event that has to be expressed. I often find that if I [...]

The Big Event

By |2020-04-11T12:28:04-04:00December 17th, 2012|

The Big Event. Well December 21, 2012 is just around the corner. Do we need a Big Event to make a Change? If we awake up on December 22, 2012 and we are still alive. Will we just go back to the same old, same old? Will you just wake up to the same old world where nothing has change? If nothing [...]

GMOZ Evil begets GMOZ Evil

By |2020-04-11T12:28:05-04:00December 12th, 2012|

Went GMOZ Evil begets GMOZ Evil We the People lose. After spending millions on their attempt to defeat Prop 37 in California Monsanto needs help. Also known as Monsatan, which we feel is a more appropriate name. They need a bailout from the World Bank in Europe. Using our U.S. tax dollars for this bail out. Will We the People stand for this treasonous [...]

Dr. GMOZ Sells his Soul

By |2020-04-11T12:28:06-04:00December 11th, 2012|

That's right, the Great and Powerful Dr. GMOZ has spoken and sold his Soul to Corporate America. Eat GMOZ there good for you! We wonder what Oprah thinks of him now that Dr. GMOZ Sells his Soul? It just goes to show you how fast these people will turn on you when money gets involved. We have the article from the NaturalNews [...]

The GMOZ White House

By |2020-04-11T12:28:06-04:00December 11th, 2012|

The GMOZ promotion of poisoning goes all the way to the White House. This assault award on organic food goes to the First Lady and her husband. Monsanto and their allies couldn't have asked for a better partner. President Obama has given them everything Monsatan has asked for. Monsatan and their allies couldn't have wished for a better partner. Despite the presidents hints that [...]

Earth Changes Messages from Mother Earth

By |2020-04-11T12:28:07-04:00December 10th, 2012|

Earth Changes from a Doowans Point of View Messages from Mother Earth. We have all notices that things are very different in the world around us. Called Earth Changes, Weather Changes, increases in Earth Quakes, Bigger Storms, Flooding, and the list goes on. We all have a lot of questions and can't seem to find the answers. The answers we do find are sometimes [...]

GMOZ Salmon We are Swimming up Stream

By |2020-04-11T12:28:08-04:00December 7th, 2012|

GMOZ Salmon, we have been sold down river by the FDA, now we have to start Swimming up Stream. Strict FDA review is needed for public health-consumer groups. FDA Review, you have got to be kidding me, they can't even see the forest, because of all those damn trees around them. We can forget about the FDA coming to our rescue. We the people [...]

The Three Attentions of Human Kind Totality

By |2020-05-19T16:37:35-04:00December 6th, 2012|

The Three Attentions of Human Kind will help bring us to our Totality. Advanced Consciousness This is the final installment of The Three Attentions of Human Kind, The Totality of the self. I AM THAT I AM In Totality, as human beings we are more than just flesh and bones. Body, spirit, soul, and mind. We had to take ourselves apart [...]