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Burning Desire

Burning Desire, With the Fire from Within Burning Desire to be free Burning Desire to cling to Nothing. The Dragon Awaits Burning Desire takes on a different perspective when viewed from the Anagogic. Experience becomes Wisdom. The Anagogical is a method of spiritual perspective that brings a deeper meaning to the literal happening. On Sept. 15th. our community experienced a wild-fire that change the life of many people who experienced this event. Costing some people everything they owned. Some might say this is a bad thing and literally it is. However,

By |2020-04-11T12:24:51-04:00October 29th, 2014|

The Blinding White Light

The Blinding White Light. Closing your eyes will not help. Spiritual Beings From the Darkness comes The Blinding White Light The Blinding White Light shines on us all. I had this Spiritual experience on Oct. 10, 2014 Friday night. The energies of this day were life changing and continued through the weekend. I will try to describe it using words, however words fall short in their meaning when it comes to this experience. Simply put, Experience is Wisdom.

By |2020-04-11T12:24:52-04:00October 14th, 2014|

One plus One equals One

One plus One equals One, or is it Two? Two Spirits become as one One plus One equals One M plus E equals ME. Flip the equation and ME becomes WE One plus One equals One. It's been said, One can not solve the problems of this world, with the same thinking that created the problems. Change your mind, to change your reality. I woke up this with this simple truth running through my Dreamtime Spirit.

By |2020-04-11T12:24:53-04:00September 27th, 2014|

The Emerald Tablets

The Emerald Tablets, a Spirits Walk into Infinity The Emerald Tablets Look closely at The Emerald Tablets, One can see a bridge to eternity. All one need do is cross it. In my Spirit walk. I have come upon some information that requires sharing. This maybe the oldest writing ever found on the earth. Made of a substance that is indestructible. The Emerald Tablets antiquity is stupendous, dating back some 36,000 years B.C. known as The Emerald Tables.

By |2020-04-11T12:24:54-04:00May 17th, 2014|

The Recapitulation

The Recapitulation, a Powerful Tool in the Heart of the Warrior. The Recapitulation The Recapitulation is a blast from the past that brings one to the present The Recapitulation used by the practitioner has two transcendental abstract goals of fulfilling a Universal code that demands that awareness be relinquished at the moment of death and the extreme pragmatic goal of acquiring perceptual fluidity. In other words, The Recapitulation

By |2020-04-11T12:24:59-04:00March 15th, 2014|

The Big Bang

The Big Bang, or was that a Pop? The Big Bang The Big Bang. The expansiveness of consciousness. Billions of years ago there was The Big Bang, or so we have been told. Let's pretend that The Big Bang did happen the way it's described. Throwing all those galaxies out on to the canvas of the Universe. Creating this wonderful experience we call life. Now What?

By |2020-04-11T12:25:03-04:00February 10th, 2014|


I Wonder about EGO. If your EGO is not your Amigo. I AM that and so much more. I Wonder about EGO. Who is asking the question? What is the difference between the world of Nature, and the world of Mankind? I feel Nature. Is there a difference between Man and Nature? Is there EGO programming? I Wonder about EGO. The difference [...]

By |2020-04-11T12:25:06-04:00January 27th, 2014|

What’s in a Name?

What's in a Name? Gives one a Key. What's in a Name? I who shall not be Legally Named. What's in a Name? Does ones Spirit have a Legal name? We have been called many names. We answer to a number of them like Honey, Dear, Sweetheart, Dumbshit and the likes. So again I ask you, What's in a Name?

By |2020-04-11T12:25:09-04:00January 20th, 2014|


Life is Choices. Tree of Knowledge, Choices Oh Adam eat this, It's good to eat. It's this or me. In my Spirit travels, I found this wonderful Spiritual being that says exacting what my Spirit feels. In The Spirit of Reflection, Choices is her writing, I wish to share. There are other Essays that I will be sharing as well. As in Spirit I Am speechless. I found this essay to be a good starting point for those wishing to live in Spirit.

By |2020-04-11T12:25:10-04:00January 19th, 2014|

The Spirit of Reflection

In The Spirit of Reflection, one feels the Vastness of Spirit. The Spritt of Reflections The Spirit of Reflection. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. I Am finding it more and more difficult to express The Spirit of Reflection, as I Reflect more and more of my sovereign Spirit in the Mirror of self. I find the literal becomes distasteful and pathetic. The only view The Spirit of Reflection then chooses to experience becomes the Anagogic.

By |2020-04-11T12:25:11-04:00January 18th, 2014|