A Viscous Circle maybe Viscous, However it’s not a Circle.
We live life in A Viscous Circle. Going in circles, chasing our own tales. This Viscous Circle is ominous until we open ourselves up to creation. Thus pop our Bubble of Perception. That’s when we become the all SEEing/Cing EYE/I . In truth it’s NOT A Viscous Circle at all here, but a Pyramid of Fear, Hope, and Doubt.
Sow, I choose to rename this post, The Power of the Pyramid, or better yet, Popping the Bubble of Perception.
A Viscous Circle, Living in FEAR, HOPE, and DOUBT
At the top of the system pyramid is the all SEEing I of FEAR. Fear is Mankind’s first natural enemy and a formidable one at that. Though I walk through the valley in the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. Fear is the controlling factor of the shadow world in which we perceive. Using ones LOVE of life to sell and buy ones soul. U C when we live in a mirror we SEE evil or good. LIVE mirrors EVIL However, a New World Order is coming and in fact is already here. Not the one you have heard about or maybe thinking of in fear. You SEE they want you to Fear the New World Order because again you give your Power away to something outside of yourself. It doesn’t matter what you Fear as long as you Fear, Something, Anything. In that Fear one looks for Something, Anything to give them Hope that things will get better. If by chance they do. It wasn’t the Hope that change it now was it?
Losing all HOPE, I HOPE you get this
Hope offers nothing but Hope it self. Hope in this, Hope in that. When one Hopes they do nothing but Hope. I call this Hopium. An Irrational and unwarranted optimism in the illusion of HOPE.
Have you had Your Hopium today? Hear, we can break apart the word HOPE to show the intent hidden inside the spell-ing. Yes, words cast spells it’s the magic of this world. To be-lie-ve a word like Hope can give you something other than hope itself. Which of course is an Illusion.
Let’s begin, shall we?
(H) has a parallel structure like two walls standing side by side. Between the walls is a bridge. It’s been said… Don’t burn your Bridges. However, the Phoenix rises from the ashes now doesn’t it? Sow, H becomes the bridge to a parallel perception. Bridging perception between Heaven and Earth. It’s a MATTER of perception. Which one do you choose/prefer to SEE?
(O) of course is the void of Creation itself. It’s deep and dark. In truth it contains both light and dark, Let there BE Light! Where everything that is and ever will be, has and is already created in this Universe. Your here aren’t you? OH, yes you are!

The Spirit of Reflection. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall is that ME in the ALL?
(P) is a mirror of sorts where only the upper right corner contains a reflection, Not even a full siDed reflection at that. However it is on the right upper side, sow it appears good. Leaving out three other reflections to our quad nature of Spirit. Picture a four-leaf clover with three leaves missing. Put Pee in your mouth and try not to spit it out. OK, Pees make you spit.
And (E), well that is consciousness. Could be yours or maybe it’s mine. Pay Attention to the advertising around you and you will soon SEE how your E is being manipulated. Those in the know already know about E. I AM just using words to play a game with your Consciousness. E is the electric part of ME, the intent sow to speak. Where M is the magnetic, the part that attracts and repels Creation in a positive or negative faction. I AM positive or AM I negative? When in truth we are both. As one can SEE when one Hopes they have Doubt.
Doubting in Creation brings Doubt within yourself. Doubt within yourself brings Hope of Something else. That something else brings Fear and we are off again looping in a preprogrammed Illusion of FEAR, HOPE, and DOUBT. Going in A Viscous Circle eating our own tails . Spinning constantly Spinning in the holy trinity of Fear, Hope, and Doubt. As you know, the (Be) in Doubt is silent. In Creation when one is in Doubt. Your (BE) is silenced.
Pop this Bubble of Perception, open up to Creation to be who you truly aRe. The Spirit Breath of Creation. Creation can’t BE Creation without you, SEE/C?
Sow, ROW, ROW, ROW your boat.
What to make a Change?
Here’s a simple equation… I AM “THAT” I AM. Now replace “THAT” with any word in your vocabulary you choose to BE. It’s as simple as THAT. Be-cause in the beginning there was the word. And the word was…?
A Viscous Circle is Fear, Hope, Doubt. Not a circle at all. You’ll SEE for a change.
Replace these three words, FEAR, HOPE, DOUBT with any word in your vocabulary. Try LOVE, TRUST and UNITY, 4 A Change, not in any worldly system, but in Creation itself. Is all one need do. It MATTERS. Creation Be-comes you and ABRACADABRA…!
The New World Order is NOW YOU! OR would you rather BE something else? What word will you be today?
I AM “THAT” I AM. Truth simply MATTERS.
Personally, I could care less which word you choose. Or choose not. Or what you want to BE or not BE. That’s up to you. It’s in LOVE, (The Law of Creation in the Truth of Consciousness), that I share. Thus, I write my BOOK of LIFE, write/rite/right/wright yours today! Or remain in the E-GYPT-IAN BOOK of THE DEAD.
(NOTE: Use the links to read my BOOK of LIFE in any order you feel on your path) , or don’t, who cares?
To BE or not to BE, that is the Question. Only you can answer “THAT”.
POP!… Goes the Weasel.
I AM out of Here! SEE/C YA
Knowledge is Power
Experience is Wisdom
Take your Power Back
Fly on the Wings of Consciousness
You know,… I will change the post title again to… My BOOK of LIFE. WHY? Be-cause I can.
My project is done and turned in early on this Earth/Heart school. On to THE next Knowink in Consciousness.