Table of Contents
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What is the sense of knowing things that are useless? They will not prepare us for our unavoidable encounter with the unknowable, (Death). Personal Power rests on the Knowledge one holds. Therefore a person must go to Knowledge as they would go to war. Wide awake, with fear, respect, and absolute assurance. When these attributes are met, there can be no mistakes. For their actions lose the blundering qualities of the acts of a fool. If by chance, such a person fails, or suffers a defeat, they will have only lost a battle. There can be no Self Important pitiful regrets over that.
Losing Self Importance is man’s greatest challenge. Self Importance weakens one in feeling offended by the Deeds, or misdeeds of their fellow man. In order to follow the path of Knowledge, One has to be very Imaginative.
The trick is in what one emphasizes. Either we make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same. We choose either to be a Doowan Warrior, or to be an ordinary person. A second choice doesn’t exist, not on this earth. We choose only once.
Doowans have Discovered there are three types of Knowledge.
The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable. In these writings we deal with Known and Unknown Knowledge. The Unknowable can only be Witnessed. Hence, Silent Knowledge, (the Unknowable), is nothing but direct contact with intent.
- Category: Animal Medicine
- Turtle Wisdom
- The Great Spirit
- Squirrel Medicine
- Rabbit Medicine
- Crow Medicine
- Spider Medicine
- Raccoon Medicine
- Bat Medicine
- Lizard Medicine
- Hummingbird Medicine
- Dragonfly Medicine
- Frog Medicine
- Skunk Medicine
- Ant Medicine
- Snake Medicine
- Owl Medicine
- Bear Medicine
- Opossum Medicine
- Coyote Medicine
- Deer Medicine
- Vulture Medicine
- Cat Medicine
- Category: Consciousness
- Is the Universe a Giant Hologram?
- The Three Attentions of Human Kind Totality
- Parallel Realities and Dimensional Shifts
- The Holographic Projections of Beliefs
- The Truth will set you Free
- Cause and Effect
- Inner Silence
- Feeding the Beast
- The Meaning of You
- What's in a Name?
- Traveling at the Speed of Consciousness
- One plus One equals One
- Category: Doowan Events
- Category: Doowan News
- What in the government is going ON!!!
- Drought Conditions in U.S.A.
- It's not looking good sorry to say!
- What in the Worlds going on?
- Out of Sight Out of Mind?
- National Drought Worsens
- Earth Changes Messages from Mother Earth
- 2012 The Year of Change
- Mother Earth's New Song
- DNA Strand Found in Humans
- Coffee Grounds
- The Rats Are Deserting
- Sleep Apnea
- The Year without Summer
- The Cost of doing Business, Merchant Service Ripoff
- Good News
- That's the Way the Cookie Crumbles
- Windfall
- CoronaV ~ Biological & Spiritual Warfare ~ This Bugs For YOU!
- Category: Dreaming
- Category: Gardening
- Talkin'dirt and playin'dirty
- Proboscis or Bust
- Are We Tired or did We just get Lazy
- Out of Sight Out of Mind?
- Closeup look at Composting made Easy!
- Heirloom Verses Hybrid Verses GMOZ
- What the Heck is This?
- In the Garden
- Urine
- Ah, Bananas
- Cracked Earth, 2013
- All About Worms
- Seed Money
- Biochar, The Secrets Out
- Gardening with the Moon
- Dome Greenhouses
- Early Seed Start Method
- I just soiled myself !
- Diddling your Squash
- Saving Heirloom Tomato Seeds
- Category: Health & Nutrition
- Category: Humanity
- Is "Love" the Language of the Heart?
- In Discussing Love
- The Language of the Source of Creation
- All That Is
- The Great Deception?
- Doubt
- Be Fruitful, and Multiply
- The AntiChrist
- Letter from The Little Green Man
- A New Beginning
- If I Owned The World
- Out of the Past, We came Walking
- The Root of all Evil
- The Invisible Man
- Blood is Blood
- Tickle your Fancy
- Who I Am Not
- In GOD We Trust
- In the Twinkling of an Eye
- Zombies in the Real World
- Choices
- The Pope's Decree
- Babel
- The Emerald Tablets
- Burning Desire
- Thirty Pieces of Silver
- To Each Their Own
- Category: I AM
- Category: Need a Laugh ?
- At a Loss for Words
- Sometimes you just need a Visual Aid
- It's Hot when you see the Signs
- "I LOVE YOU" Just having Fun and Wondering
- The Right to Remain Silent
- Feel Good Post 101
- New Terrorist Group
- Volcanoes
- New Study Reveals
- One Size fits All
- The Contagious Yawn
- Tickle your Fancy
- Feeling Love
- Category: Out of this World
- New Theory of E=mc2
- Something This Way Comes
- We could have been Killed!
- Strange Sounds
- New Comet Coming Towards Earth
- Photon Belt
- Comets and Hopi Prophecy
- Crop Circles
- Stars, What's up?
- The Kill Shot
- Nibiru, Truth or Dare?
- Letter from The Little Green Man
- A Visitors Perspective
- Comet ISON, Beware
- Extinction Level Event
- Oh No, Another New Comet
- The Root of all Evil
- Caught Between Two Worlds
- Fire in the Sky
- Lies, Lies, and More Lies
- The Moon
- The Source Field
- In the Twinkling of an Eye
- The Big Bang
- Fractal Within A Fractal
- Category: Poisons
- What's next Fluoride in our Drinking Water?
- Big Pharma is Drugging our Children
- Depression?
- Vaccinations, That is the Question?
- We Are What We Eat
- Aspartame isn't Death Sweet
- Pepsi the Next Generation
- Good Medicine?
- Aspartame, How Sweet it Is?
- The Microwave Ovens Effect
- Pick your Poison
- More Beef
- CoronaV ~ Biological & Spiritual Warfare ~ This Bugs For YOU!
- Category: Reality Check
- Come Join the Celebration (Non-GMO Month)
- The Gmo Poisoning of US
- GMO's "The Silencing of the Masses"
- GMO- Give Me Options !!!
- Gmos, Chemtrails and You
- Gmo Armageddon
- GMOs Friends and Foes and You
- The Great and Powerful GMOZ has Spoken
- The Silent GMO Sterilization of the Human Race
- New Insights on GMOZ
- GMOZ Farmer to Farmer
- GMOZ Salmon We are Swimming up Stream
- The GMOZ White House
- Dr. GMOZ Sells his Soul
- GMOZ Evil begets GMOZ Evil
- FDA has Approved GMOZ Salmon
- GMOZ and You
- GMOZ Corn the New Contraceptive
- GMOZ and Bees
- Farmer Speaks on GMOZ
- MonSatan Speaks
- GMOZ, Telling it like it is
- Truth is
- New Threat from GMOZ
- Monsatan's in the News
- Monsanto's Clutching at Straws
- Chemtrails, Nanobots and You
- Monsanto GMOZ News Flash
- Category: The Art of Being Human
- Are We Tired or did We just get Lazy
- A Doowans Point of View
- Mankinds Four Natural Enemies (Part One)
- Mankinds Four Natural Enemies (Part Two)
- The Three Attentions of Human Kind
- The Three Attentions of Human Kind We're Back
- More on the Three Attentions of Human Kind
- The Three Attentions of Human Kind Totality
- The Enemy Within
- Death
- Changing Human Form
- Blind Faith
- Computer Human
- Consciousness
- The Essence of Life
- Words
- The Third Eye
- The Game of Life
- The Power of Intent
- Birthing a New Humanity
- And Then it Hit Me
- Energy Body
- A Battle with Reason
- Lies, Lies, and More Lies
- Missing the Point
- The Mastery of Awareness
- Losing Human Form
- Heartmind
- Spiritual Beings
- A Big Presumption
- The Voice of Knowledge
- The Singularity
- The Spirit of Reflection
- The Warrior's Way
- The Recapitulation
- The Blinding White Light
- A Viscous Circle
- The Balance of Power
- Flying On The Wings of Consciousness
- CoronaV ~ Biological & Spiritual Warfare ~ This Bugs For YOU!
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